The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meeting.

Su Qi stood up and apologized to the leaders present.

Several leaders looked at Su Qi in surprise as he walked to the empty door. The next second, a pair of white and tender hands appeared and held Su Qi's hands. Then, a pretty figure in a black dress appeared.

Several leaders immediately understood what was going on. Oh, it turned out to be Su Qi's girlfriend.

When Yu Qishu approached, several knowledgeable leaders suddenly realized that Su Qi's vision was quite extraordinary, and the girlfriend he found was too good-looking.

Su Qi led Yu Qishu over and introduced him to several leaders: "Dear leaders, this is my partner Yu Qishu."

He introduced several leaders to Yu Qishu again. After greeting, Su Qi did not let Yu Qishu sit on the sofa next to him, but let Yu Qishu sit next to him.

Su Qi's arrangement was to convey to several leaders that Yu Qishu was a real partner of Qike and could make decisions on Qike's affairs, so Yu Qishu could sit at the formal table.

Several leaders also understood Su Qi's subtext instantly, but Yu Hong's initial good impression of Su Qi during the conversation fell again. She now felt that Su Qi was a little bit naughty again, treating the company as a joke and using the company to coax girls.

Yu Qishu didn't understand why Su Qi wanted her to sit here. She just wanted to curl up on the sofa and hide under a blanket...

She was curiously looked at by several leaders, and she was so flustered that she could only sit next to Su Qi with a blank expression, not daring to move.

The thoughts of several leaders were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Yu Qishu. They stopped thinking and spoke at the right time.

Because several leaders were quite old and did not know much about the things of young people, they simply asked about the development plan of Dilidili and the future goals.

Su Qi did not answer in depth, but just talked about it briefly.

Several leaders did not say much, but Yu Hong said: "Su Qi, I want to ask, since you have spent so much effort on the website, why don't you invest in a website with real development prospects, but instead run such a weird website."

Yu Hong's words were a bit ruthless and a bit unpleasant. After hearing this, several other leaders frowned, but did not interrupt her. Instead, they looked at Su Qi, wanting to hear Su Qi's answer.

Su Qi smiled after hearing this. He was not angry. He thought that Yu Hong was old and did not understand young things. He was ready to explain: "Secretary Yu."

Yu Hong interrupted Su Qi and said: "Su Qi, don't call me secretary. Everyone here is a teacher of Qingdao Normal University. Su Qi, you are a student of Qingdao Normal University. Just call me teacher."

After hearing this, Su Qi frowned. It stands to reason that the leader came today to visit, not to inspect. In this way, there is no status deviation, and the two parties are equal.

If Yu Hong asked Su Qi to call her teacher, it should be because she was very kind and friendly, and she was trying to bring the two sides closer with the attitude of an elder. However, Yu Hong's aggressive attitude was obviously not for getting close, so she asked him to call her teacher.

Su Qi tasted the meaning. This was to stand on the high position of status, to show the qualifications of a teacher to point fingers at his own practices and call it guidance.

Su Qi said with some displeasure: "Okay, Secretary Yu, Secretary Yu, first of all, I want to make one point. ACG bullet screen website is a branch of video website. It's just that the cultural circle it belongs to is relatively niche compared to the mainstream, and the audience is younger, but it is also a formal website. For example, this is equivalent to pop music and rock. Although the rock circle is smaller, it is also music, Secretary Yu, don't you think so?"

Listening to Su Qi's answer, still calling him Secretary Yu, Yu Hong's face obviously turned bad: "Su Qi, do you think your website has a future?"

After listening, Su Qi did not tell Yu Hong about the future, because there is no confirmed existence now, and he can't convince others at all.

Su Qi smiled and said, "Secretary Yu, do I need to ask this question? Those technical staff next door are not fake, right? The money I invested is not fake, right? If I am not optimistic about it, why should I spend money on this project? I don't have too much money to burn, right?"

After being blocked by Su Qi, Yu Hong blurted out, "It's hard to say. Every year, many children from rich families take their family's money to start a business, but end up with nothing."

Principal Qiu frowned and listened for a long time, but after hearing this, Principal Qiu couldn't listen anymore.

Su Qi felt that Yu Hong was exaggerating and was ready to come out to smooth things over.

However, Su Qi could not bear it and said in a deep voice: "Secretary Yu, there is one thing I cannot understand. Why do I believe that my website has market prospects and I invest real money in it? In your eyes, I am self-righteous, and you think that my website has no prospects, so you can directly conclude that I am squandering my family's money. Do you think you are self-righteous?"

Yu Hong's face flushed: "Su Qi, you."

Su Qi interrupted Yu Hong directly and said: "Secretary Yu, since I, Su Qi, finished the college entrance examination and started my own business, I have not asked my family for a penny!"

As soon as this sentence came out, not only Yu Hong paused, but several other school leaders also showed surprised faces. Even Liu Hong, who had known Su Qi for a long time, was stunned. He had always thought that Su Qi's big investment in starting a business was supported by his family.

But now, after hearing Su Qi's words, Liu Hong was a little surprised and asked, "Su Qi, where did you get the money to start your business?"

Su Qi pointed to Yu Qishu who was sitting beside him and said, "Yu Qishu was not my partner at that time. She was my investor. When I was in urgent need of start-up funds, I found her. After I proposed my business plan to her, my investor saw the feasibility of my business plan at a glance and was convinced that I would succeed in starting a business. So without saying anything, he signed an investment agreement with me and invested all the New Year's money he had saved for many years in me."

Su Qi's words were sincere and heartfelt. Several leaders were stunned after hearing Su Qi's words, and then turned to look at the little girl sitting there without saying a word.

This little girl is so beautiful, not to mention that she is so business-minded?

But Yu Qishu, who was sitting next to him, became more and more confused as he listened. Was it like this at the beginning?

It seems that it is probably about 80%, which is what Su Qi said, right?

Seeing several people staring at her, Yu Qishu was startled and nodded hurriedly with a stern face.

Yes, yes, that's right.

That's how I believed in Su Qi's entrepreneurship and encouraged him every night.

Liu Hong was shocked after hearing this. If this is true, then the money he invested in Su Qi's entrepreneurial company is...

Liu Hong's voice trembled a little and said, "Su Qi, what you mean is that the money you used to start the company was earned after you graduated from the college entrance examination. So you made 2 million this summer?"

Upon hearing this number, several leaders next to him also reacted instantly and looked at Su Qi in shock.

But seeing Su Qi shook his head, several leaders suddenly felt relieved. Sure enough, he didn't make 2 million. If this is true, a high school student who just graduated made 2 million in a summer vacation. That would be too exaggerated. How did Su Qi get 2 million?

Several people haven't finished thinking yet.

Su Qi shook his head and said calmly: "You have to add a zero, about 20 million. I only took 2 million to start Qike, and I didn't touch the rest."


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