After a while, I went to the mobile business hall to apply for a card.

Su Qi thought about it and saved their numbers.

Yu Qishu was very curious about the new mobile phone, just like getting a new toy. There was only Su Qi in his phone.

So Su Qi became the target of Yu Qishu's harassment. Yu Qishu made 13 calls within 100 meters.

Especially Su Qi's mobile phone was very loud. The ringtone of the mobile phone was set to "Above the Moon" by the salesperson just now. After a while, it came with "I am looking at the moon from a distance", accompanied by the flashing of the marquee.

Su Qi was helpless and turned his head to look at Yu Qishu. Yu Qishu turned his head to the side like a child who had done something wrong.

Seeing Su Qi hanging up his phone, Yu Qishu discovered the use of text messages again.

"Su Qi, Su Qi."

Su Qi looked at the text message and turned back: "What?"

Yu Qishu immediately stopped talking and tilted his head.

Su Qi continued to walk, and after two steps, I was looking into the distance, above the moon~

Su Qi took out his mobile phone.

"Su Qi, I want to eat cotton candy."

Su Qi looked at Yu Qishu, and Yu Qishu's little head had already turned to the side again.

Su Qi bought a cotton candy from the roadside and handed it over. Yu Qishu was full of joy and licked it like a kitten.

Just as he was about to leave, I was looking into the distance, above the moon.

"Su Qi, I'm thirsty."

Su Qi ran to a small shop on the roadside, bought two bottles of water, and handed one over.

"Sending text messages costs money, one cent per piece." Su Qi said helplessly.

Yu Qishu didn't say anything, Su Qi thought she understood, two seconds later, I'm looking far away~

Su Qi looked at the word "oh" in the text message and fell into despair...

With a click, just when Su Qi thought Yu Qishu listened to him and stopped texting and played with the camera instead, he heard, I'm looking far away, above the moon~

Su Qi felt like he was going crazy, opened his phone, and saw the photo of his back...

Su Qi couldn't help it, turned back and rubbed Yu Qishu's hair hard.

"MMS costs 50 cents!!"

Yu Qishu's smooth hair was messy, and her little face said aggrievedly: "I wanted to save it, I clicked the wrong one."

Su Qi's heart was turbulent, oh no, it felt like the cement was cracking.

"Text messages cost money, I'll go to our office later and apply for a QQ for you, and when we're not together in the future, we'll chat on QQ."

Yu Qishu's little head nodded.

The phone finally stopped, and Su Qi felt that he almost suffered from telephone phobia syndrome ten years in advance.

The two of them arrived at the office that Su Qi mentioned, a cozy Internet cafe.

The Internet cafe had old-fashioned computers, the sound of thunder and lightning, smoke, and various smells mixed together, which was a bit unpleasant.

Su Qi led Yu Qishu around the Internet cafe and finally found Xie Xiaodong in the corner, who was fighting bravely on the transport ship.

He went over and patted Xie Xiaodong. Xie Xiaodong turned around and saw Su Qi and immediately shouted: "Hey, Su Qi, come on, come on, this game is so exciting, much more exciting than CS!"

"I'll go get a private room first. Come find me after you finish playing. I'll tell you something."

With Yu Qishu, it's impossible to stay outside. You can only get a private room, even if it's a little more expensive.

After that, Su Qi led Yu Qishu to the front desk to sign up for membership, opened a private room for two, and brought a few bottles of drinks with him.

The conditions in the private room are much better than outside, with better sofas and computers.

Yu Qishu sat inside, Su Qi was outside. Yu Qishu was extremely curious about this place, holding his mobile phone, clicking here and there.

He helped Yu Qishu turn on the computer, applied for a QQ account first, and gave him a nickname - venture capital boss.

When he helped Yu Qishu add his own QQ, he saw that his online name in 2008 was: 滸ィ尒⓵苼.

Su Qi was embarrassed and his scalp was numb. Just as he was about to change it, he saw Yu Qishu's eyes lit up and whispered: "Su Qi, I also want someone like you."

"Be good, venture capital bosses are very good. If you see this kind of person in the future, you will want to strangle yourself to death."

Su Qi ignored Yu Qishu, who was puffing up his cheeks, turned on his computer, logged into QQ, and changed his nickname and personal signature.

Just after changing, Xie Xiaodong left, and then saw Yu Qishu, and was immediately dumbfounded.

"Yu, Yu Qishu, Su, Su Qi, you guys." Xie Xiaodong stuttered. Of course, he knew that Su Qi broke up with Shen Mengnan to curry favor with Yu Qishu, but he didn't expect that Su Qi could really pick the most beautiful girl in No. 1 Middle School.

After a while, Xie Xiaodong accepted the reality and immediately

Said to Yu Qishu: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Yu Qishu was shy, especially since Xie Xiaodong was dressed in a non-mainstream style, with hair covering half of his face. He also had a habit of blowing his hair before speaking. His pants were full of holes, and the iron chain was clanging.

Yu Qishu was afraid and moved closer to Su Qi.

Sister-in-law, your uncle's sister-in-law, Su Qi was furious and slapped Xie Xiaodong: "Don't yell, apologize to sister-in-law, no, apologize to Yu Qishu, this is our investment boss, don't talk nonsense to me."

"What the hell?" Xie Xiaodong, who was slapped, was confused. What investment boss, are you guys playing so unique now?

However, Xie Xiaodong has always listened to Su Qi since he was a child, and after apologizing honestly

Su Qi said to Yu Qishu: "His name is Xie Xiaodong. We are in the same class. You are not familiar with him. However, don't look at him like this. He is a good man. He is my brother."

Yu Qishu nodded gently and said hello.

Xie Xiaodong is Su Qi's brother. They grew up wearing the same pants. Even when they stole watermelons in their hometown, it was Xie Xiaodong who led the dog away...

Xie Xiaodong was also one of Su Qi's regrets before rebirth.

Before rebirth, Xie Xiaodong did not go to school after graduating from the college entrance examination.

When Su Qi graduated and returned to Sanyuan, Xie Xiaodong had already gone south to work in the factory.

He was cheated badly.

I remember one day, Xie Xiaodong called Su Qi excitedly and said that he met a girlfriend there, earned more than 8,000, and was going to return to Sanyuan to get married. He wanted to invite Su Qi to the wedding.

But Su Qi waited for a week and didn't see him come back. A month later, when Su Qi saw Xie Xiaodong coming back.

He was like a walking corpse, one of his eyes was broken, and when he drank, he hugged Su Qi and cried bitterly.

Su Qi only knew what happened then.

Xie Xiaodong and his group of young people were temporary workers in the factory. The boss was cruel and didn't pay them. They had to borrow money from the boss to spend money.

In the end, they couldn't even eat. They couldn't stand it anymore and went on strike.

The boss called 4 cars of people to beat them up. Xie Xiaodong was hit on the head with a car lock and was hospitalized. After the others were frightened, no one dared to testify.

In the end, the boss paid 500 yuan, but he didn't pay all the 500 yuan. He gave 200 yuan and said the rest would be in the salary increase.

When the salary was settled, Xie Xiaodong had 9,000 yuan, and he borrowed 1,000 yuan from the boss for food, so he should have more than 8,000 yuan left, but in the end, he was deducted from here and there.

He was paid 29 yuan.

In this way, his girlfriend left, his eyes were broken, and Xie Xiaodong returned to Sanyuan.

The purpose of his return was to remember that he owed Su Qi a drink, and the two of them got drunk that night.

The next day.

Su Qi picked up his phone, and the first message he saw was: Brother, I don’t owe you a drink, I’m a little tired, see you in the next life...


Looking at Xie Xiaodong standing in front of him now.

Su Qi silently said in his heart: "Brother, I’m here to keep your appointment in the next life."

This time, we will all be rich, very rich.

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