After two days of review, seven high-quality girls were selected from the numerous female applicants in the university town.

It cannot be ignored that Yu Qishu occupied an absolute dominant position in the entire selection process. Her opinions played a crucial and decisive role. Her performance deserves everyone's affirmation and has an indelible positive impact, laying a solid foundation for the future development of Qike Dilidili.

After all, in the selection process, Yu Qishu dared to choose what Su Qi dared to choose, and Yu Qishu dared to choose what Su Qi did not dare to choose. She spoke her mind and made a decision!

It can be said that the seven selected girls are all the disciples of Yu Qishu's boss lady.

Qingyi Dance Department practice room.

Xu Tong, who made many mistakes during training, accidentally twisted her foot. Although it was not serious, Xu Tong took the opportunity to walk to the sidelines and sat there in a daze.

Since the selection was over, Xu Tong has been a little dazed and absent-minded. She knew that she did not perform well in the selection and might not pass the selection, but she had not received the notice yet, so she still had a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Looking at Han Yao and Qin Sisi who were training in the field, Xu Tong thought silently that no one had received the notice, which meant that no one had passed, which was also good.

However, the next second, a mobile phone rang on the sidelines. When all the people training in the field heard this sound, no matter what they were doing, they seemed to have received some stress signal and turned their heads to look at the ringing mobile phone.

At this time, Xu Tong realized that everyone, like her, seemed to be training seriously, but in fact, they were also anxiously waiting for Qi Ke's selection notice.

"Han Yao, it's your text message."

Someone shouted nearby. Han Yao, who had been training calmly, was a little nervous at this moment. She couldn't help but run to the sidelines in panic, followed by several curious students.

When she saw the news, Han Yao couldn't control herself. She was excited and happy. She was selected.

"Wow! Han Yao was selected!"

"Congratulations, Han Yao, you got 10,000 yuan!"

"Take my dinner, take my dinner!"

A round of cheers rang out. Listening to the excitement nearby, Xu Tong was a little dazed again, feeling a sense of unreality.

"Han Yao was ranked first among them when they went to the selection, so she was the first to get the news. The next one is me, but if I don't pass, will Qi Ke send me a notice?"

What Xu Tong was worried about did not happen. Su Qi did not break his promise. He was not one of those black-hearted companies that said they would wait for the notice and wait until they died.

For the sake of Qi Ke's reputation and the future dance contest, Su Qi not only arranged for Zhang Kangkang to lead the team to send notices one by one, but also specially requested a speech template.

"Xu Tong, Xu Tong, your text message has also arrived! Come on, check it out!"

Xu Tong heard someone calling her in her ear. When she came back to her senses and heard the person's call clearly, Xu Tong was startled and immediately grabbed the phone next to her!

After just one look, Xu Tong's heart sank, and she felt very bitter.

"Xu Tong: Hello, first of all, I regret to inform you that you failed the selection. Secondly, failure does not prove that you are not excellent. On the contrary, due to the small number of judges and the heavy subjective factors of the judges, this selection is not an objective choice."

"Finally, Qike Dilidili will hold a home dancer competition in the near future. The online competition will be judged by everyone, and you can win a million-dollar prize. The details of the competition will be sent to your mobile phone in the future. Please pay attention and look forward to your participation."

Seeing the middle, Xu Tong, who originally failed, felt a little calmer. The words that Su Qi specifically asked to add to the text message were very effective.

Seeing this, Xu Tong silently told herself that yes, she did not pass because she did not perform well this time, and the subjective attitude of the judges led to her failure. It was not that she, Xu Tong, was really not good enough.

Xu Tong continued to read and saw the last part. Xu Tong's body trembled with excitement. There was no bitterness in her eyes. She felt a fire burning in her heart with her fighting spirit rekindled.

At the same time, Qin Sisi also received the news of passing.

Qin Sisi shouted excitedly: "I passed, I passed too!"

Others heard it and looked at Qin Sisi who was so happy that she could hardly contain herself. They congratulated her casually, but compared with the congratulations to Han Yao, the congratulations to her, Qin Sisi, were a little more insincere.


Although Tong was no longer disappointed at this moment, she felt a little sad when she saw Qin Sisi passed.

Finally, more and more people began to receive notifications of failure. Like Xu Tong, they were very sad when they first received the news, but they were slightly relieved when they saw the comforting words in the middle, and finally saw the home dancer competition.

Like Xu Tong, they were rekindled with fighting spirit. They were excited to make a comeback. Even though they didn't know any specific competition information now, they couldn't wait just by reading the text messages.

Home dance competition, a million-dollar prize!

After this selection, Su Qi did establish the credibility of Qi Ke to a certain extent. Just like now, none of the girls present doubted the authenticity of the million-dollar prize, which was completely different from the previous selection by Su Qi.

You know, many people were skeptical at that time, and many people asked teachers or students of Qingdao Normal University.

But now, Su Qi didn't release anything, just sent a text message, and none of the girls present doubted it. This is the benefit of Su Qi gradually building a good reputation for Qi Ke.

At the same time, the sentence in the text message, online competition, public selection, hit the hearts of these girls who failed.

How could they feel that they were not as good as others for the failure? There are other reasons. Didn't you see that Qi Ke sent a text message to admit that it was the subjective factor of the judges.

Therefore, they are full of confidence in this public selection and think that this is their best chance to prove themselves.

Han Yao and Qin Sisi were changing clothes. Seeing this, Xu Tong asked: "Are you going?"

Han Yao didn't speak, Qin Sisi showed off with her mobile phone: "Qike sent a notice to us who passed again, asking us to gather as soon as possible, saying that they want to negotiate the contract and join Qi Ke."

"Contract? Join?"

Xu Tong and other girls were stunned. Didn't the selected ones say that they only danced once? Why did they sign a contract and join?

"Yeah, I don't know what the contract with Qi Ke is like. If the treatment is not good, I won't sign it."

Qin Sisi looked at the doubtful eyes of the crowd and unconsciously became quiet, saying tealy.

Xu Tong was immediately stimulated by this. Looking at Qin Sisi's smug and arrogant appearance, he cursed her in his heart, "You are a horse fork worm!"

Looking at your coquettish look, I don't know what Qi Ke likes about you.

Xu Tong didn't know that Qin Sisi was chosen by the boss lady of Qi Ke just because of this horse fork worm.

Even the boss of Qi Ke didn't dare to say anything.

The girls next to him ignored Qin Sisi, but pleaded with Han Yao: "Han Yao, when you go, can you help us ask if Qi Ke can let us sign a contract if we win the home dancer competition?"

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