The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Chen Jing is much older than Sun Fei, has been in the entertainment industry for a longer time, and knows more things.

If there is any iron rule or taboo in the entertainment industry, then there is only one!

In the entertainment industry, you must not provoke capital!

Although Chen Jing didn't know what Su Qi's family did, she knew that Su Qi's family must be rich, and the network of rich people is complicated. They can use all kinds of relationships, and you don't know when they will use all kinds of means to ruin your future.

Even their companies, under the instigation of interests, may take the initiative to become the knife in the hands of capital.

Especially Sun Fei did not offend people by accident, but she took the initiative to provoke others because of her greed!

Chen Jing's face was gloomy, and she was angry at Sun Fei's audacity, because if Sun Fei did this, it would definitely not be just Sun Fei who would be in trouble, and she, Chen Jing, would also be involved.

Sun Fei was not stupid, on the contrary, she was a little smart. After she made up her mind, she asked Xiao Hai to stop the car and leave for a while.

After Xiao Hai walked away, Sun Fei said to the angry Chen Jing: "Sister Chen, you said they had no intention of entering the entertainment industry, right?"

Chen Jing nodded with a gloomy face.

Sun Fei continued, "You see, so these two songs are nothing to them. Maybe these two songs were written by Mr. Su to please Miss Yu, and his current goal has been achieved. In addition, these two songs may not even be written by Mr. Su. He may have bought them from someone else."

"What do you want to say?"

"Sister Chen, what I mean is that no matter which one it is, it is unlikely that Mr. Su will register the copyright. I can go back and find someone to slightly adjust the lyrics and music score and register it first."

"Mr. Su doesn't know that we secretly photographed his lyrics and music score. When we release the album, this matter will be a foregone conclusion. Even if he makes trouble for us, we will register first, and he can't beat us."

"What will the company do then? The company will protect us, Sister Chen!" Sun Fei said in a firm tone. Seeing that she pursed her lips and kept silent, Sun Fei was secretly happy. She felt that she was about to convince Chen Jing, so she continued to persuade her.

"Sister Chen, because at that time, the album released will make profits for the company, and I will work hard to make profits for the company as my fame grows. Mr. Su can't beat us. Sister Chen, do you think the company has enough reasons to protect us openly?"

After listening to Sun Fei's words, Chen Jing pondered. According to what Sun Fei said, based on her understanding of the company, the company will indeed protect them, because all this is still for profit.

If the capital gives enough benefits, the company will choose to sacrifice them.

But if they make enough benefits for the company and the company is absolutely just, the company will also choose to help them take the blame.

Among them, it's just a matter of interest game.

Chen Jing thought for a while and said, "But you have a premise here, the premise is that Mr. Su is not registered, what if he is registered?"

After hearing this, Sun Fei said with ease: "It's a gamble."

Chen Jing was stunned.

Sun Fei smiled and said, "Sister Chen, what's there to think about? If you win the bet, you'll make a lot of money. If you lose the bet, what will happen? In my opinion, there are still two options."


"If you lose the bet, the company will negotiate with Mr. Su. If the negotiation result is good, then of course I will go to his door and ask for forgiveness. I have to let him vent his anger."

"But Mr. Su is young and handsome, so I won't suffer any loss. If I'm lucky, I won't suffer any loss if he recruits me. If I'm unlucky, then I can only come back and continue to be my boy killer."

Chen Jing listened to Sun Fei's words and was silent for a long time before saying, "What if the negotiation result is not good?"

The smile on Sun Fei's face faded. She knew that Chen Jing must know what the result of a bad negotiation would be.

But she wanted to say it out of her own mouth, so Sun Fei had to satisfy her. This time, Sun Fei didn't feel as relaxed as before and smiled bitterly.

"It depends on whether his power is strong enough. If his power is strong enough, it is possible that I will be ruined, terminated by the company, banned, and have to pay various liquidated damages and owe huge foreign debts."

Chen Jing listened to Sun Fei's words and stared at her dimly: "You know it all, why do you still want to do it?"

Sun Fei took a deep breath and smiled: "Because the chances of winning are high. In this circle, I don't know how many people have lost their sense of propriety, righteousness, and integrity.

I don't know how many people risk their lives to take a chance, so why should I, Sun Fei, not dare to do that? "

"Go back and find someone to adjust and register, record the album and shoot the MV, your time is very tight."

Chen Jing said, and Sun Fei smiled happily.

Then she hummed softly.

"Burn a little dream"

"Don't be afraid to chase the wind barefoot"

"Just after being brave"

"There will be a clear sky!"

After singing these lines, Sun Fei exclaimed: "This song, the lyrics are really well written, I also want to have a clear sky after this bravery! ”

“And this name, chapter, sister Chen, do you think that after this time, I will open a chapter of my rapid rise, or...”

Chen Jing did not speak again.

At this time, Su Qi, who was freeing crabs in No. 1 Seafood City, did not know that his boss Su had been remembered by someone.

Zhang Wei also had a perfect day today. His kindness was satisfied and he freed a lot of crabs.

Su Qi freed few crabs, mainly because Yu Qishu liked to peel shrimps for him.

However, Yu Qishu did not dare to eat more at noon, fearing that it would affect his condition in the afternoon, so Su Qi found that the least kind and unsympathetic of the three was his partner.

After returning in the afternoon, he recorded the remaining two songs together. Yu Qishu did not sing the Pure Land of Bliss very well. It was not that it was unpleasant, but Yu Qishu's voice was a little soft.

So Su Qi decided to keep the version sung by Yu Qishu for himself to enjoy, and wait to go back to see which of the seven little fairies had a more suitable voice, and then let them sing.

Post-production needs After about three days, Su Qi had no choice but to ask Zhang Wei to give him a copy of the arrangement and accompaniment of Pure Land to bring back for them to dance.

After a simple dinner outside, Su Qi and Yu Qishu returned to the Entrepreneurship Center.

Xu Tong and Lin Yue stood at the door of Office 301. When Xu Tong saw Su Qi and Yu Qishu coming, she didn't dare to look or move.

She saw Qin Sisi's miserable and resentful look when she went back today. At the same time, Han Yao also told her about Qin Sisi when she came. She knew why Qin Sisi was eliminated and why she was selected again.

At this time, she didn't dare to have any extra thoughts. Even if Lin Yue didn't stare at her, she felt that she didn't dare to breathe when standing in front of Su Qi.

Yu Qishu glanced at Xu Tong, took out a red envelope and handed it over.

Xu Tong was frightened, but also a little excited, because Han Yao told her that the boss's red envelope was a full two thousand yuan!

"Thank you, thank you boss lady. "

Yu Qishu was satisfied. She was about to take a nap on the sofa in 301 office, but was caught by Su Qi and taken to 401.

After all, without the protection of her partner, Su Qi really didn't dare to break into the Pansi Cave in 401.

On the way to 401, Su Qi suddenly found a problem, a big problem!

The music accompaniment of the Pure Land of Bliss is available.

But who is going to teach the dance of the Pure Land of Bliss...

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