The more you watch, the more you will be in trouble.

It is everyone's nature to like watching the excitement, to have fun, and to watch people quarrel.

So when they saw that video, I don't know how many people came to Dilidili with their friends, waiting for Ye Laying's response and waiting for Su Qi's songs to be released...

Even major entertainment newspapers and magazines sent people to wait on Dilidili to get the first-hand gossip information.

I don't even know how many singers in the entertainment industry are staying up late to watch the excitement. It's so interesting for a queen to be sprayed as a waste by a rookie. No matter who wins or loses, they are too happy to hear it.

Su Qi didn't let everyone wait too long, and released four songs in a row.

People who were squatting on the Dilidili website also opened the first song as soon as possible. At the same time, the number of people online exceeded thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands...

The old man of the Yu family, who was exhausted, also opened Su Qi's video. After listening to the song sung by his granddaughter quietly, the old man nodded. This song is good. His granddaughter sang very well. Well, his grandson-in-law is also talented. Inexplicably, Mr. Yu wanted to find someone to call again...

Just looking at the time, Mr. Yu sighed, feeling a little depressed. It was really uncomfortable to have children at home but not be able to show off.

Mr. Yu, who was very uncomfortable, looked at the title and was suddenly stunned. He seemed to have some guesses about his grandson-in-law's behavior. Then, the old man slapped his thigh heavily, as if he had done something wrong with good intentions.

However, Mr. Yu didn't feel upset for long, and clicked on the second video...

Sun Fei also didn't sleep. She sat in front of the notebook, watching the video and listening to the song. She had finished listening to four songs and was a little dazed.

In one day, Su Qi actually released four songs!

And the quality of these four songs is no less than the two songs he copied, and even better!

Sun Fei suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it... More and more barrages began to appear on the video in front of her.

"Wow, these four songs are so good, I want to cry."

"I don't believe that someone who can release four excellent songs a day is plagiarizing. It should be Sun Fei who plagiarized!"

"Sister Qingshi is too miserable. Not only was she plagiarized, but she was also scolded. So miserable."

"Where are Sun Fei's fans? Why don't they come out to scold?"

"Thirty-two songs, if all thirty-two songs are of this quality, I admit that Sister Qingshi is the queen!"

"Yes, there are still twenty-eight songs. I have already followed Dacaizi and am waiting for him to release other songs."

"I really want to see Ye Laying's expression when she hears these four songs."

Unconsciously, public opinion has begun to quietly reverse. After these four songs came out, everyone watched the video of Su Qi angrily criticizing Ye Laying and began to believe that Xinghan Entertainment plagiarized Su Qi and began to sympathize with Su Qi and Yu Qishu.

The next day, an entertainment reporter published a report about yesterday's grand occasion. Some even ran to Ye Laying to ask her opinion.

Ye Laying looked unhappy. She already knew that Su Qi had used his connections to put pressure on the company and that the company had been rejected by Su Qi when they negotiated with him.

She guessed that she had scolded the wrong person because the company was willing to negotiate.

But as a nationally renowned queen of the music scene, Ye Laying was used to being arrogant and domineering. She regarded this as her true nature, so even if she was wrong, Ye Laying would not admit her mistake.

What a joke. I, a queen, need to apologize to an unknown person whose name I don't even know?

I, Ye Laying, don't want to save face? So what if I used connections? I, Ye Laying, have not been in the industry for so many years for nothing!

So Ye Laying spoke to the entertainment reporters on the spot: "What do I think? Has the court ruled? Has the plagiarism case been settled? If it hasn't been settled, what do you want me to say?"

The entertainment reporters present had their eyes shining and were ready to go back to write articles, but Ye Laying did not choose to keep silent. Instead, she spoke again. This time, she chose to add fuel to the fire in her character of not fearing power.

"You don't know, some people relied on their strong background to put pressure on our Xinghan Entertainment and me, Ye Laying, yesterday, and wanted us to bow our heads and apologize. I tell you, no way!"

"I, Ye Laying, have been straight since I was a child. I walk straight and stand upright. I don't care about my background. I say what I want. I am just like this. Go back and tell some people, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have a background. I, Ye Laying, don't care about your shitty background!"

These entertainment reporters present

The audience was instantly shocked. Some people have powerful backgrounds and put pressure on him? !

This is big news! Absolutely big news!

In less than an hour, Ye Laying's words had appeared on the news websites of Sohu, Xinlang, and Penguin!

Then they were spread everywhere, overwhelming, pointing directly at Su Qi as the person with a strong background in Ye Laying's mouth.

Yu Shuo, who was in the Lianyin recording studio, saw this news and his face suddenly turned black.

I didn't expect Ye Laying to be so crazy. She was a little angry and wanted to ask her father again how he did things?

But after Su Qi saw Yu Shuo's expression, he asked with some concern: "Aunt Yu, what's wrong?"

Yu Shuo did not hide it and showed Su Qi the news on his mobile phone.

Su Qi took a look, and then Su Qi almost jumped up with excitement. Yes, not angry, but excited!

Seeing Su Qi's excitement, Yu Shuo was a little puzzled.

Su Qi suppressed his excitement and asked, "Aunt Yu, tell me the truth, did you find Grandpa Yu?"

Yu Shuo was stunned for a moment, not knowing how Su Qi knew it, but since Su Qi knew it, she did not hide it and told the story, but only hid the beginning. Now she has become an elder again, how can the younger generation know her stupid appearance.

After listening to Yu Shuo's words, Su Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, Grandpa Yu did not do what you said, Aunt Yu, otherwise it would be bad."

Yu Shuo was stunned and said, "Why?"

"Because Aunt Yu, if you let Grandpa Yu take action directly, Xinghan Entertainment will be scared to kneel down and surrender directly. After they kneel down and surrender, we can't continue to do it."

"But it's different now. First, Grandpa Yu gave a casual order, and the people below did it, but they didn't do it well. Do you think those people who did it will hate Ye Laying for exposing this matter?"

"At the same time, they will not act rashly again If they do this again, it will turn out to be what Ye Laying said, and it will eventually involve Grandpa Yu, and it will become us abusing our power for personal gain and oppressing others. Therefore, they will not do it again, and naturally it will not affect my plan. "

Yu Shuo was still a little confused: "Your plan?"

Su Qi nodded: "Originally, I was worried that I couldn't win everyone's sympathy through my own efforts and put myself in an absolute disadvantageous position. Now, Ye Laying took the initiative to help me. This is digging her own grave!"

Seeing that Aunt Yu didn't understand, Su Qi continued.

"Aunt Yu, I have no background, you know that, I am just a child from an ordinary dual-income family, and I have come to where I am now with my own hands."

"So, I want to tell everyone who is paying attention to this matter, I, Su Qi, have no background, and Xinghan Entertainment, which is rich and powerful, shamelessly plagiarized me and oppressed me. Ye Laying, a queen of the music world, scolded Yu Qishu without any reason. I used 32 songs to prove myself, but she not only did not admit her mistakes, but also fabricated lies to deceive the public and continued to confuse right and wrong."

"Aunt Yu, do you think I will be sympathized with in the end? Haha, by then, I will give it back to Ye Laying. Laying prepared a generous gift. Although it was usually suppressed and no one paid attention to it, it is different now. How many people are paying attention to this matter? In this hot spot of national attention, all her bad deeds are exposed. What do you think Ye Laying will do? "

After hearing this, Yu Shuo looked at Su Qi in astonishment. Su Qi nodded: "Originally, my plan was to come here and completely ruin her reputation and deprive her of the title of queen, but now it is different. Not only will her reputation be ruined, but she will also be ruined. Who let her do this?"


"Because I really have a deep background, Aunt Yu." Su Qi smiled happily.

"Those who work for Grandpa Yu dare not involve Grandpa Yu, for fear of being accused of oppression by power, so now they dare not act rashly, but after I take the lead and destroy Ye Laying's reputation, do you think they will take action? And what is their subsequent action?"

"That is not oppression by power."

Su Qi sneered coldly: "It is a just judgment!"

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