The old man was so angry, but he was still alive.

Yu Shuo was puzzled and looked at Su Qi's screen. When he saw the source of the article, he looked at Su Qi in astonishment.

Su Qi nodded. Yu Shuo looked at Su Qi, who was calm and composed, but her heart was in turmoil.

A big backer!

What Su Qi said was right. It was indeed a big backer, Su Qi. Su Qi actually inspired the Youth League to publish an article for him!

"Cultivate virtue and sharpen ability to keep broad ambitions, and learn from Su Qi to strive for self-improvement".

The title of the Youth League's article directly quoted Su Qi's words in the Youth of the Times, which borrowed the school motto of Qingdao Normal University, and also praised Su Qi as a representative example of self-improvement for young people.

This praise is nothing short of praise!

This evaluation is nothing short of extremely high!

The first part of the article first detailed Su Qi's achievements, and praised him generously. At the same time, the May Fourth Youth version of "Misplaced Time and Space" was also praised by the Youth League as a tribute to the revolutionary ancestors and not forgetting the glorious history.

And the following text even attached the basic tasks of the Youth League.

Classmate Su Qi is a representative of our youth, uniting and leading the majority of young people, self-reliance and hard work, and actively promoting...

Born at the right time, with heavy responsibilities on our shoulders, each of us young people should be as positive as classmate Su Qi. As the inheritors of the Chinese torch, we must ride the wind and waves and forge ahead in the grand background of the new era.

The torch is passed on, and the power does not know the end of the fire.

Young people have dreams, and they should pursue them wantonly!

After reading the whole article, Su Qi could no longer maintain her calm appearance. Her heart was surging and her face was a little red with excitement. This is too much praise, too much praise, boss, you are praising me too much, I really don't deserve it, I don't deserve it, hahaha.

When Yu Shuo saw Su Qi like this, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​joking. He just felt that even if she was replaced in that position, she would be so excited and embarrassed to be praised by the Youth League!

Yu Qishu sat on the sofa with her little face in her hands, looking at Su Qi. Her eyebrows were curved, and her mouth was curved. Her big eyes were full of Su Qi's figure.

Su Qi, he seemed to be glowing...

Su Qi was so excited that he took out his mobile phone with a trembling hand and called Teacher Yu. Teacher Yu had asked if the school would help him speak up. At that time, Su Qi just asked Teacher Yu to wait. Su Qi wanted to wait and see if his backer would end up.

Now his backer has really ended up as he thought, and has stood up for him and sounded the horn for launching a general attack. What is he waiting for? !

"Teacher" Su Qi's voice was also trembling.

"Good job, Su Qi, I saw that you have moved the school motto of Qingdao Normal University to the article of the Youth League. It's amazing. Qingdao Normal University is proud of you."

"Thank you, teacher, and thank you for speaking for me. Qingdao Normal University's statement can be issued now, teacher."

Yu Hong smiled very generously and said happily: "It's not just Qingdao Normal University. Qingdao Normal University is a weak school, and it can't protect you from being bullied. So, your teacher, I contacted more than 30 universities to issue a statement together, thinking that even if there is no Youth League, teachers can't let their students be bullied by others."

Hearing what Teacher Yu said, Su Qi was a little stunned, and felt a wave of touch in his heart. More than 30 universities, Su Qi didn't know how Teacher Yu did it, and how he tried to contact them again and again to help him.

Su Qi felt warm in his heart and his nose was a little sour. He wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say anything. He could only choke and say: "Thank you, thank you teacher."

"Why are you being polite to the teacher? Go and get busy."

Su Qi hung up the phone and exhaled deeply. The sound leakage of Gionee allowed Yu Shuo and Yu Qishu to hear the conversation between Su Qi and Teacher Yu.

Yu Qishu came over and gently held Su Qi's hand, tilted his head and stared at Su Qi's face, and said with a stern face: "Su Qi, do you want to cry? I can cry with you."

Su Qi laughed when he heard it, stretched out his hand and rubbed Yu Qishu's little head lovingly: "You really want to wipe your tears, don't worry, I won't cry, I'm just a little moved by the old lady."

Yu Qishu pouted and said sullenly, unhappy.

After calming down, Su Qi prepared to continue the fight and called Zhang Kangkang: "Contact the school. I will use the school auditorium to hold a press conference tomorrow. I will also reply to the media and invite all media willing to participate!" Zhang Kangkang was shocked. He didn't know how many media had called to interview the boss in the past few days, and the boss refused them all. But he didn't expect that

The boss wants to hold a press conference tomorrow!

Zhang Kangkang was instantly excited, nodded and ran out the door.

It didn't take long for the media who were following the whole thing to be shocked. Su Qi was willing to hold a press conference. For a while, all the media people rushed to tell each other, and major portals and entertainment media immediately chose to send people to Qingdao Normal University without stopping!

Su Qi's army, who were fighting hard on the Internet, suddenly found the article of the Youth League, and they were stunned.

The keyboard thief not only appeared on CCTV 7, but even the Youth League came out to support him?

Damn, the keyboard thief is awesome! (broken voice)

What is this article issued by the Youth League?

This is a battle manifesto! !

The readers were overjoyed. The morale of the three armies was greatly shaken. They stopped looking at ice cream, beautiful legs, and little fairies. Oh, and they couldn't post erotic pictures. We are now the regular army. Gather and prepare for the decisive battle!

One by one, they replaced the erotic pictures with screenshots of the Youth League articles. Wherever there were remnants of the queen's fans, there would be the army of readers to detect, gather, and strangle!

Then, the army of readers found that there seemed to be more and more statements. The one from Qingdao Normal University was the keyboard thief's alma mater, and the one from Qingdao University of Science and Technology was the neighbor of the keyboard thief's alma mater.

Hey, Sichuan Normal University? Why did my alma mater also issue a statement? !

Everyone found that many of their own schools also issued statements in support of the keyboard thief. After counting, there were more than 30 universities across the country!

Some people were unwilling. My dear alma mater, why didn't you issue a statement? No, go home and shout first.

As a result, many schools, after learning the whole story, began to issue statements of support.

At the same time, in a place that no one had paid attention to yet,

Huamin Daily also published an article titled "Power given by the people, why use public tools for private purposes!"

Huamin Daily's spearhead was directly aimed at Ye Laying. The full article first criticized Ye Laying for having no artistic ethics, and then turned over the last interview that Ye Laying said, "I am a judge, I have the final say!"

The masses have the right to express their personal likes and dislikes, but once you have power, you must take fairness and justice as the basic principle!

Judges are given power because the masses believe that you can make fair, just and open selections. How can it be reduced to a tool for personal emotional venting and abuse of power for personal gain? !

No aesthetic point of view? Where is the aesthetic point of view? Whose aesthetic point of view is not possessed? Is it someone's aesthetic point of view that is not possessed?

Putting personal views above the masses, abusing state tools because of personal grudges, and openly declaring it, what kind of style is this?

This is bureaucratic style! This is egocentrism! This is the work of power thinking!

At the end of the whole article, a quote was also given to conclude the tone of the whole article.

It does not violate public order and good customs, is conducive to the construction of spiritual civilization, and is a literary and artistic creation that the people like to see and hear.

If you don’t like it, who do you think you are? !

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