The two of them were so tired that they had to sleep.

Yu Qishu was already sleepy, leaning on the sofa, lying on his side, with two white ice creams on Su Qi's thighs, being gently kneaded by Su Qi.

After a while, he fell asleep.

Looking at Yu Qishu's quiet sleeping posture and peaceful appearance.

Su Qi couldn't help but doubt, can he reassure the little fool so much?

Does he believe that he won't do evil?

It's time for me to tell her the dangers of the world!

Su Qi took off his T-shirt, revealing his strong upper body, and leaned over her body.

He covered Yu Qishu with the T-shirt...

Yu Qishu felt a little warmer and turned around. Su Qi was so angry when he saw this.

Little idiot, you better wear safety pants for me in the future!!!

Su Qi covered himself with the T-shirt and forced himself to turn his head to look at the screen. He needed to divert his attention.

He counted his performance today. From about 11 o'clock to now, he has been coding for more than 14 hours.

He coded almost 140,000 words in total, just up to the part in Chapter 47 where Xiao Yan bullied his cousin.

On average, he coded more than 10,000 words per hour. Su Qi was not very satisfied with this speed, but this was because he was not familiar with it at the beginning. He could only write about 160 words per minute. After getting familiar with this coding mode, Su Qi felt that his speed should be faster.

After sorting it out, Su Qi opened the terminal website and registered a pen name: The keyboard is smoking.

Then, after uploading two chapters, he published his new book "Battle Through the Stars". Seeing that the new book was under review, Su Qi packaged and compressed the remaining manuscripts and sent them to Yu Qishu's QQ mailbox through QQ mailbox.

After doing all this, Su Qi reopened the audio novel, and the crackling sound came again.

Su Qi stayed up all night with great concentration. When he couldn't stand it anymore, Su Qi smoked to keep himself from smoking. He was afraid of choking Yu Qishu, so he went out to smoke.

It was getting brighter outside, and Yu Qishu woke up in a daze. Looking at Su Qi with his bare chest, he blinked his eyes in a daze, and looked cute and silly.

"Su Qi, why don't you wear clothes?" Yu Qishu stepped on Su Qi's thigh with his foot.

Su Qi ignored her and cursed in his heart, "Little idiot, don't play with fire in the early morning."

After moving his butt, Su Qi picked up the clothes that Yu Qishu was covering and put them on.

After checking the time, it was past 8 o'clock. I packaged and compressed the 25 chapters of 50,000 words that I had written in the second half of the night and sent them to my email.

When dividing the chapters, Su Qi felt that Tudou was a bit cunning. At the beginning, each chapter had more than 3,000 words, or even more than 4,000 words, but later it had more than 2,000 words. It was too cunning.

But it doesn't matter. Now I am the cunning one.

After logging on to the website to see that the new book was still under review, Su Qi turned to Yu Qishu and said, "I'll take you back."

Yu Qishu was a little reluctant: "I still want to play."

"If you play again, I'll die. You have to let me sleep for a while. Huang Shiren was not so cruel to Yang Bailao." Su Qi said helplessly.

Yu Qishu then said obediently and got up to walk out with Su Qi.

"Su Qi, why are you walking with your back bent?" Yu Qishu asked curiously.

"I'm getting angry and my waist hurts."


After greeting Xie Xiaodong, Su Qi took Yu Qishu to eat at the breakfast shop in front of the Internet cafe.

"Su Qi, soy milk and fried dough sticks are delicious."


"Su Qi, will you go home to sleep later?"


"Su Qi, go to my house to sleep."

"Yeah?" Su Qi almost choked himself to death with a mouthful of soy milk, and looked at Yu Qishu suspiciously.

"I still have a pony, I'll give it to you." Yu Qishu's eyes were shining: "When you wake up, take me out to play."

Looking at the little silly who suddenly became talkative, looking at the expectant eyes, Su Qi suddenly felt a little pity in his heart.

Little silly, how long have you been lonely...

How long does a person need to be lonely before he meets a guy who accidentally shows kindness to him, and then grabs him desperately like a life-saving straw, unwilling to let go.

Even if I have to sacrifice everything I have for this, I will do it.

Su Qi lowered his head and said in a low voice: "No need, you forgot that you have invested in me."

"Supervising me is your right as an investor."

Listening to what Su Qi said, Yu Qishu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his little hands twisted. Finally, as if he had an epiphany, he pulled out his fragrant and soft feet and stepped on Su Qi's knees.

: "Su Qi, let me give you a touch~"

Poof~ Soy milk flew out of his nose, Su Qi didn't bother to wipe it with a tissue, and rubbed Yu Qishu's head fiercely.

"Don't encourage me when you're not working!"

Yu Qishu said angrily and retracted his little feet.

"Also, remember to wear safety pants when you go out after returning home, and don't lift your feet and stretch them out when you wear a skirt."

Su Qi leaned over and whispered fiercely.

"Su Qi, don't you like to watch?" Yu Qishu asked in a silly way.

"Ahem, I'm not talking about feet, anyway, be good and listen."

"Oh o(* ̄3 ̄)o"

After a messy meal, Su Qi finally coaxed Yu Qishu into a taxi and sent him back to Feicuishanju.

Watching the little fool enter the community, Su Qi rubbed his stuffy head and got in the car to go home.

Just after getting in the car, I was looking at the moon~

Su Qi opened his phone and saw a text message from Yu Qishu.

"Su Qi, you're going to stay out all night today."


When he got home, Su Shuiping and Song Mei had already gone to work. Su Qi escaped. After washing up, he went to bed.

He slept until four o'clock in the afternoon. After getting well and getting ready, Su Qi turned on his phone. Sure enough, there was no accident. Fortunately, he turned off his phone.

The little fool sent himself twenty text messages, almost one every half an hour.

Each text message only had his name, Su Qi, and nothing else.

Su Qi called, and the other side answered immediately after the ring.

"Why did you answer so quickly?" Su Qi asked.

"I've been holding the phone." Yu Qishu's soft voice came from the other side.

"Pack up, I'll take a taxi to pick you up, and we'll continue to stay out all night."

"Yeah." Su Qi could hear that Yu Qishu's voice was a little excited.

After leaving a note for the old couple saying that he was going to play with Xie Xiaodong, Su Qi left the house.

He took a thick coat with him.

Jade Mountain Residence.

He was still dressed the same as yesterday, and still had the pony from yesterday, but his schoolbag had been replaced with a Mickey Mouse backpack.

Seeing Yu Qishu holding the pony up to him, Su Qi smiled and said, "Didn't you say you didn't need it?"

Yu Qishu shook his head, "We agreed when we bought the phone."

Su Qi was stunned, and after thinking for a while, he remembered that he did tell Yu Qishu yesterday that he would make up the investment amount. He didn't expect that the little fool would remember his casual words.

Yu Qishu ran to the trash can with ease, cracked the pony open, collected the money, and threw the broken pony into the trash can.

He ran back briskly, holding the money and handed it to Su Qi. Su Qi thought about it but didn't refuse. He took it and counted it. This time it was less, only 10,500.

Su Qi said: "Yu Qishu, you have invested more than 10,000 yuan. Congratulations, your equity share has increased."

Yu Qishu was very satisfied, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He said crisply: "Su Qi, what is my share now?"

Yu Qishu finally remembered to ask this question. It was not easy. Su Qi was a little relieved: "About 5%."


So little" Yu Qishu was a little unhappy.

"It's not a small amount. You can see that I can sell a kidney for 200,000 yuan. You invested 20,000 yuan in me, and you only own 10% of my kidney. I only have two kidneys, and there are other things. I will give you all 5% at once. You are getting a big bargain." Su Qi argued.

After listening, Yu Qishu calculated it and it seemed that there was no problem.


Yu Qishu, who was excited again, stretched out his scallion-white fingers to point at his smooth chin, thinking with his little head.

"I still have a pony, and I can save up more pony for my birthday in the future. In this way, I can quickly increase my share. At the very least, I can buy Su Qi's two kidneys first, um"

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*.

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