The two of them were very nervous.

"Su Qi, are you nervous?"

Yu Qishu, who was sitting in the back of the car holding Su Qi's hand, asked softly after seeing that Su Qi's hand was shaking.

Su Qi shook his head and said, "I'm not nervous, I'm excited."

Yu Qishu looked at Su Qi with some doubts. Su Qi said, "It was Zhang Kangkang who called just now. One by one, venture capital institutions have smelled the smell and sent it to the door."

Su Qi breathed a sigh of relief. After Dilidili became famous in the past few days, and after Su Qi held a press conference, venture capital institutions finally began to appear.

And this time, the venture capital institutions were not the small Karami who came to Su Qi's door before the press conference and were ready to take millions or tens of millions for angel investment.

It is not an angel investment like Chen Rui who invested 5 million in the seed round of Dizhan in his previous life, but a real capital giant.

To be honest, Su Qi now doesn't care about the little money they invested in angel investment. Su Qi has this money himself, and Su Qi has spent a lot of money on Dizhan to make Dizhan to its current scale. Dilidili is no longer in the seed round of the startup stage!

Su Qi's financing this time is directly aimed at the rapid development of Dizhan. In terms of the investment stage, Su Qi himself is the founder of Dizhan + angel investor in the seed round. Now Dizhan's financing is aimed at the A round!

Therefore, after Su Qi made some basic data public and briefly explained the advantages of Dizhan, the angel investors really withdrew.

And the real venture capital bosses in Su Qi's target came later. Xinghua Capital, Capital Today, Softbank, MDG, BDB and many other venture capital institutions that are optimistic about Dilidili began to come one after another.

After watching Su Qi's press conference and briefly investigating Dilidili, these investment institutions could no longer sit still and became impatient.

With licenses, users, and a young but powerful leader, they have a clear plan for the development of the website. They have even started to cooperate with CCTV to participate in talent shows!

This is definitely the most dazzling one in the video website track! There is definitely a promising future!

What's more, as Su Qi said at the press conference, Dilidili walks on two legs. Unlike all other video websites that rely only on investment institutions, Su Qi, the leader of Didi, can rely on his own talents to get a steady stream of capital injection!

What else is there to consider?

One word - investment!

Moreover, the valuations given by these venture capital institutions are not low. In the A round of financing of Dilidili, a valuation of 300 million was given!

Don't think it's exaggerated. The Internet is like this. It doesn't mean that the money raised in the early stage will be less. This is relative. For example, Youku's angel round of financing was 3 million US dollars, which is more than four times the angel round of Didi Station in the previous life.

And the poisonous ant in the future, how much did it raise in the A round in 2015? 1.85 billion US dollars! The A round of financing alone is higher than the market value of many listed companies!

Take Dilidili in the future as an example. The angel round of Didi Station in the future was 5 million, and the A round was more than 24 million, which is US dollars! How much has it doubled? Then in the B round, it directly reached more than 75 million US dollars, and the time between the A and B rounds was only six months. It's so exaggerated!

Therefore, now that Suqi's Dilidili is developing faster than the Dilidili in the previous life, with an earlier license, wider connections, better growth planning, and a clearer exit path, Suqi's Dilidili's A round valuation has directly reached 300 million!

How did they estimate the value of Dilidili? There is a saying in the investment community that newcomers stay up late to calculate, and old guns open their mouths. They pat their heads before investing and pat their thighs after investing!

In this way, Su Qi's Dilidili is the kind that is worth their patting their heads to make decisions. After understanding Su Qi and Dilidili, Mr. Ding, the president of BDB's China region, even said directly when he came to invest that Su Qi is worth 100 million, the license relationship is worth 100 million, and the users are worth 100 million! Three hundred million in total, no problem!

The end of these venture capital institutions with huge funds has to be said to make Su Qi very excited. Looking at Yu Qishu next to him, Su Qi clenched Yu Qishu's little hand into a fist, and then stretched out three fingers and said: "Yu Qishu, do you know that now our Dilidili valuation has been given by them to 300 million!"

Yu Qishu's eyes widened slightly when he heard this, and his lips became oh-shaped. This is the first time Su Qi has seen the little silly girl show a shocked expression because of money.

Su Qi was a little amused and couldn't help but

He pinched her face and said, "Little fool, you own 20%. If our Dilidili is sold, you should have 60 million. I can't call you a little rich woman anymore. You are a big rich woman."

Yu Qishu blinked after hearing this, then her face tightened, and she asked nervously, "Su Qi, will you sell it?"

Su Qi knew what Yu Qishu was thinking, and said with a smile, "No!"

Yu Qishu smiled with narrowed eyes after hearing this.

"Who would sell it for only 300 million? It should be at least 500 million!" Su Qi touched his chin and teased her immediately.

Huh? !

Yu Qishu, who was just happy, was caught off guard by Su Qi's words, as if struck by lightning, and her whole face was full of astonishment.

Su Qi laughed loudly, and laughed twice. He suddenly found that the astonishment on Yu Qishu's face turned into frustration, and then her eyes turned red, and water began to accumulate in her eyes.

Su Qi immediately regretted it. Oh my god, I was such a jerk. I messed up.

Su Qi could understand Yu Qishu's feelings. Starting a business and building a company was really like a child she had raised. When she heard that Su Qi was going to sell her and Su Qi's child, the little idiot couldn't stand it.

Su Qi was anxious and hurriedly held Yu Qishu's little face and said, "I won't sell Dilidili. I definitely won't sell it. Ang~"

Looking at Yu Qishu's crystal clear tears rolling down one by one, Su Qi's heart was clenched. He felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to slap himself and call him a cheap mouth!

Su Qi regretted it and continued to explain, "Yu Qishu, this is not a sale. This is just financing. I will do a good job of the equity structure and handle the AB shares. The two of us will always control Dilidili."

Yu Qishu pursed his lips and twitched in grievance without saying a word. Su Qi could see that the little idiot was really sad.

Su Qi continued to explain: "Dilidili needs financing to grow and develop. You can think of financing as our children going to school. There are just more teachers, but the children are still ours."

Hearing this, Yu Qishu leaned into Su Qi's arms, still sobbing. Su Qi wanted to cry but had no tears. What should he do?

Uncle Li, who was driving, twitched his mouth. His boss could value the company at 300 million at this age, which was amazing. But when he saw him getting angry with Yu Qishu, he felt that he was really childish.

Look, now it's good. You made the boss's wife cry. What can you do? You made the boss's wife cry. Why are you so dumbfounded that you can't even comfort her?

Uncle Li sighed. At the critical moment, this family still depends on him, Uncle Li. Uncle Li shook his head and turned on the music.

"Kiss my baby"

"La la... la la la."

"La la la... la la..."

"Kiss my baby..."

Su Qi was stunned when he heard the music and looked up at Uncle Li. Uncle Li was concentrating on driving and was indifferent, as if the music was not played by him.

Yu Qishu in his arms buried his head even lower after hearing the music, and his body trembled. Su Qi felt that the little fool was crying even harder.

There was no other way. Su Qi gritted his teeth and gently opened Yu Qishu's little head. Looking at the cheek with tears, Su Qi made up his mind, lowered his head, and kissed him.

Well, the little fool's tears are salty...

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