The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

In the current entertainment industry, I don’t know how many people have mixed feelings about Yu Qishu, a young singer who has just made her debut and whose fame has soared like a rocket.

Some people envy her, some people are jealous of her, and some people want to replace her.

Those who envy her envy her for standing at a height that many people in the entertainment industry can’t even dream of at such a young age.

Those who envy her envy her for having a talented songwriter behind her, who can easily take out 32 songs and make her rise to prominence with unstoppable momentum!

She was also jealous that the person behind her was not only a top songwriter, but also had other identities that could not be ignored.

He was a contemporary youth interviewed by CCTV, and he was the head of two companies, an entertainment company and an Internet company! He also had an extremely deep background!

Those people were extremely jealous, jealous of Yu Qishu to the point of madness, jealous that there was such a person behind her, so that she didn't have to face the dark side of the entertainment industry at all!

She didn't have to go through hardships, she didn't have to roll in the dirty water full of mud, she didn't have to beg and beg with a smile or even give up everything.

She just took everything into her arms calmly and innocently, just like she picked up a beautiful fallen leaf on the ground while walking on the road.

So, those people were jealous with red eyes, jealous why it wasn't her!

Why don't they have such people standing behind them? If that person praises her instead of Yu Qishu, they would grit their teeth and want to replace her, and they would want to become her. When they think of replacing Yu Qishu, the excitement in their hearts is like a volcano about to erupt...

In addition to these people who are daydreaming, there are also many people in the entertainment industry who are disdainful of Yu Qishu.

They disdain her reputation as the queen of Qingshi, and despise what Su Qi said, that Yu Qishu will definitely be the queen, and she is the queen.

Because their thoughts may be the same as Ye Laying's at the beginning.

How many years have I been in the business, how many songs have I sung, how many smiles have I accompanied, how much suffering have I experienced, and how much have I paid to get my current status?

You just sang some songs, without any honor, why do you ride on my head, why do you have the right to be the queen?

These people were full of resentment, anger, and contempt, but even if they were resentful, angry, and contemptuous, they dared not stand up and speak, dared not stand up and question, even if they questioned one sentence.

Because Yu Qishu's terrifying results were there, her 32 songs were still dominating the charts, still sweeping the major music charts, and still firmly occupying the top of the major charts and looking down on everyone.

That posture seemed to be silently declaring that if you are not convinced, unwilling, and unacceptable, you can stand up!

If you want to say that I am not worthy, you can, but at least, you have to come in front of me, right?

Otherwise, how can I hear your words?

Such exaggerated results made them breathless, and they had no confidence to stand up and make comments, because after the comments, others would say, "Where is your song ranked?" They could block all their words in their throats and make them humiliate themselves.

This is one reason they cannot question, but it is not the only reason. The most fundamental reason they dare not stand up and question is the person standing behind Yu Qishu, the boss of Qike Entertainment, Su Qi, who is now notorious in the entertainment industry, and the black-hearted Su who is widely known for his black heart and ruthless hands!

How did that black-hearted Su deal with Xinghan Entertainment and Ye Laying? The result is clearly in front of them.

They are not blind, nor can they be blind, and they dare not be blind. Even if they want to be blind and rush without thinking, their company has also propped up their eyelids.

Let them take a good look at the lessons of Ye Laying and Xinghan Entertainment and remember them in their hearts.

A queen, a queen who has been in the industry for nearly 20 years, just because she can't control her mouth, now her sewing machine is stepping on sparks.

Who are you? Are you better than her? How dare you think of provoking the black-hearted Su of Qike Entertainment? Are you afraid that Ye Laying will be lonely? Do you also want to go in and form a group of iron window tears with her?

Therefore, in the entertainment industry, there are countless brainless people and loudmouths who have been warned by their companies and agents, don’t f*cking seek death, don’t f*cking cause trouble for the company!

This also includes some people sitting in the room. Their attitude towards Yu Qishu is different from that of most people in the entertainment industry.

Not much, but envious, jealous, dissatisfied and disdainful.

"Brother Sheng, have you dealt with Mr. Su from Qike Entertainment? Do you know him?" Another singer in the room asked curiously.

What he was thinking was that Zhang Sheng had worked in Xinghan Entertainment before, and the relationship between Xinghan Entertainment and Qike Entertainment was well known to everyone, but they only knew that Xinghan Entertainment and Ye Laying were killed by Mr. Su from Qike Entertainment.

They didn't know the specific inside story, including the background of the black-hearted Su. They only vaguely knew that Su Qi had a deep background, but didn't know where Su Qi's background came from.

So they wanted to get some indirect information from Zhang Sheng, and wanted to understand from the side whether Zhang Sheng participated in the Good Songs because he wanted to bow his head and show his goodwill to the black-hearted Su, or because the black-hearted Su used his background to pressure Zhang Sheng to come to her girlfriend to support his girlfriend.

Zhang Sheng was an old hand, so he could naturally hear the hidden meaning behind the question, but he also left before Xinghan Entertainment collapsed, and he didn't go to see Niu Youcai and Ye Laying at the end.

In fact, it would be useless even if he met them. At that time, Niu Youcai and Ye Laying didn't dare to speak out, and didn't dare to tell anyone what they knew.

So in the end, Zhang Sheng was just like other people in the entertainment industry. In the end, he only vaguely knew that Su Qi had a background, and didn't know anything else.

He even asked Zhang Heng to clear his confusion, but Zhang Heng's answer was even more outrageous. Zhang Heng said that before the interview, it was a rumor that Su Qi had no background at all. After the interview, the boss might have approved of Su Qi's actions, so there was a scene of standing up for him.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Sheng was confused. That's not right. Didn't President Su swear in the press conference that he had a license and strong connections? Could it be that President Su was just trying to raise funds?

Zhang Sheng finally couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to ask. Anyway, whether Su Qi had a background or not, it had nothing to do with him.

Besides, if President Su really had no background, what would that mean? It would mean that the young President Su had overthrown Ye Laying and Xinghan Entertainment by himself. Isn't that more terrifying? Doesn't that mean President Su is even more capable? He should not be provoked.

Besides, even if President Su really had no background before, after his actions, he cooperated with CCTV and the Youth League spoke for him. Now President Su really has a big mountain behind him.

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