The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

In the dormitory 617 of Liuyuan, five people stood around Yu Qishu's bed.

Yu Qishu was shivering on the bed.

Chen Miaomiao: "Yu Qishu, why did you give us snacks?"

After a while, Yu Qishu said weakly: "Su Qi was afraid that I would be bullied by you, so he bought snacks for me and brought them back for you to eat, saying that you would be grateful and would not bully me."

Five people: "????"

That's it?

You were so arrogant just now that you almost scared us to death, do you know that?

You want us to bully you?

I don't even dare to breathe when I see you like that, okay?

Everyone was speechless.

Chen Shujuan stroked her forehead helplessly and said, "What about watching a movie?"

Yu Qishu twisted his body and said, "Su Qi said that it would be boring if we couldn't pull the Internet cable in the dormitory, so he bought me a data card and asked me to treat you to a movie, so that you wouldn't bully me casually."

"A data card costs 5 yuan for 30 megabytes. How much does it cost to watch a movie? Isn't it expensive to watch a movie?"

"Su Qi said that a movie is 2 or 3G, and it costs at most 400 to 500 yuan."

Yu Qishu deserves to be able to score 625 points. He has a good memory and repeated Su Qi's words in full.

Duan Ping exclaimed in a low voice: "Watching a movie costs 400 to 500 yuan, it's so expensive!"

Yu Qishu carefully straightened his sitting posture and imitated Su Qi's appearance. In order to restore Yu Qishu, he even touched his feet with his hands.

Yu Qishu continued in Su Qi's tone: "Yu Qishu, our family has money, you can spend it without worry, even if you spend one thousand a day, it doesn't matter, as long as you are good, well, this is what Su Qi said."

Looking at Yu Qishu's serious, serious and cute appearance, several people looked at each other and couldn't help but chuckle, and then the whole dormitory laughed.

Yu Qishu looked at them and laughed, a little confused, is what Su Qi said really ridiculous, is it really useless?

Okay, the girls found that Yu Qishu was not a cold and cold iceberg girl, she was just a natural fool who had never had much contact with others and was super socially anxious!

However, they didn't pay attention to the details of Yu Qishu's imitation, but were only interested in what Yu Qishu said.

In order to avoid being bullied, it's okay to spend one thousand a day. This sounded a little incredible and a little shocking to them.

You know, their family conditions are not bad, because they are girls, their families give more, but none of them has a living expense of more than two thousand yuan.

Chen Shujuan was not afraid of Yu Qishu at all at this moment. She sat on Yu Qishu's bed, put her arm around Yu Qishu's arm, and asked with a gossipy face.

"Yu Qishu, you have been saying Su Qi, Su Qi said, tell the sisters honestly, who is Su Qi, is he your boyfriend, is he a rich second generation, and spends so much money on you?"

Not only Chen Shujuan was curious, but the other four were also curious.

After listening to Yu Qishu's words, they subconsciously regarded Su Qi as a rich second generation pursuing Yu Qishu, otherwise how could he be so wasteful.

They looked at Yu Qishu's face again, as if Yu Qishu's face was indeed worthy of men's waste for her.

Yu Qishu waved her hand with her eyelashes slightly moving: "Su Qi is not my boyfriend, we are a pure and ordinary partnership."


Yu Qishu's answer was beyond their expectations, what the hell is a pure and ordinary partnership?

Friends, good friends, more than friends but less than lovers, lovers, you know me well and I know you well, this is the normal relationship between men and women.

Partners, is that something used to describe the relationship between men and women?

"What do you mean by partners?"

"It means that I invest money in Su Qi, and Su Qi starts a business to make money."

As soon as these words came out, the girls looked at each other with hesitation. Seeing Yu Qishu's stupid look, Su Qi couldn't be a liar, right?

Li Xia guessed and asked, "Yu Qishu, is your family rich?"

Yu Qishu thought about it and thought it should be rich. She touched her messenger bag and found that Su Qi had given her one million yuan on her card.

She nodded.

Seeing Yu Qishu nod, Li Xia's face immediately turned cold, and she confirmed her guess.

He whispered to the others, "If I'm right, Su Qi must be a big liar."

Others felt the same way. It seemed that Yu Qishu's family was rich and Su Qi had targeted him. He used the pretext of starting a business to cheat Yu Qishu's money.

If it were someone else, they might not be fooled by such a lame excuse, but everyone looked at the man sitting on the bed.

On the stage, Yu Qishu, who was a little cute, felt that this was at least 80% true, no way around it.

Chen Shujuan was a little angry, angry at that bastard named Su Qi. He cheated a girl as innocent and cute as Yu Qishu. Was he a human being?

Chen Shujuan was originally the oldest in the dormitory, and she was quite chivalrous. She felt that she couldn't watch Yu Qishu being cheated like this.

Yu Qishu whispered, "Su Qi is not a big liar, he is a good man."

It's just that he doesn't like me to say he is a good man, Yu Qishu added in his heart.

Chen Shujuan was even angrier when she heard this. This stupid girl, did her brain grow on her chest?

She was cheated and still helped count the money?

She asked, "Did Su Qi ask you for money before? Did you give it to him?"

Yu Qishu nodded.

"How much did you give?"

Yu Qishu was a little proud now. After all, Yu Shuo praised her as a genius investor, with great courage, good vision, and unparalleled foreseeable returns. She was a genius investor!

Yu Qishu raised her head with her chest puffed out, her eyes sparkling. She felt that she was doing it again: "180,000!"

No one paid attention to Yu Qishu's pride. The girls were shocked by the amount. 180,000?

Li Xia whispered: "This is a huge amount. You can call the police and arrest that liar Su Qi. Put him in jail. It's best to put him in jail for ten or eight years."

Yu Qishu tilted his head. Huh?

Seeing that Li Xia was actually going to call, Yu Qishu hurriedly defended Su Qi: "Su Qi didn't cheat me of money. He gave me dividends."

"Cheat you 180,000, and then give you a few hundred each time, saying it's dividends. After a few months, say it's all lost. I've seen this kind of routine many times." Li Xia sneered.

"No, Su Qi gave me a lot."

"How much?"

Yu Qishu was silent for a while, she didn't know whether to say it or not.

"You were fooled by her, you stupid girl, you still defend him, tell us the truth, how much did Su Qi give you?"

Yu Qishu lowered her head, carefully stretched out a white finger, and her voice was still weak: "One million~"


The dormitory seemed to be quiet for a moment.

Yu Qishu's answer was really beyond all of their expectations, and the cute Yu Qishu didn't look like he would lie.

However, this number was beyond their imagination, and they really couldn't accept it.

What kind of freshman would invest 180,000 in another freshman, and the other freshman actually made money and got a dividend of one million.

Chen Shujuan swallowed her saliva: "Yu Qishu, really?"

Yu Qishu nodded: "Aunt also praised me as a little investment genius."

Although the voice was small, the tone was full of pride. Yu Qishu felt that he was good again and quietly straightened his chest.

"No, I still think it's mysterious. Yu Qishu, you call Su Qi."


"He is afraid that we will bully you. Although your family is rich, it is too wasteful to watch movies. You can't waste money, but you must let him treat you to a meal."

Chen Shujuan didn't say it directly, but wanted to meet Su Qi by eating to see if he is really like what Yu Qishu said.


"What are you talking about? Just tell him, Su Qi, my roommates want you to treat them to a meal, otherwise they will bully your Yu Qishu."

Yu Qishu picked up the phone and called pitifully, but the line was busy.

So the previous scene appeared: "I called Su Qi, but the call didn't go through."

Looking at the pitiful Yu Qishu, the five people couldn't help but laugh, and then immediately restrained themselves.

Chen Shujuan came over and said: "No matter, we have to eat anyway, otherwise, hehe."

As she said that, Chen Shujuan stretched out her hands and made a grabbing motion at Yu Qishu's chest where something was.

The five people nodded. They didn't have to eat this meal, but they were really confused and curious about Su Qi mentioned by Yu Qishu.

Yu Qishu had no choice but to frown and pick up the phone with a tense face and call again.

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