The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Hello, what's up, senior?" Su Qi answered Song Ke's call for the second time.

"Mr. Su, nothing else, I just want to say hello to you in advance, Liu Yan's external relations department director has passed." Song Ke walked to the stairs outside the classroom and said to Su Qi with a smile on his face.

Su Qi did not comment: "Okay, senior Song, I understand, is there anything else?"

Song Ke was stunned, is there anything else, I came to you to tell you the good news that I have made a contribution, what else should I do?

Su Qi had a blank expression on his face, and felt that he needed to point him: "Why don't you talk to me about the sponsorship of the External Liaison Association?"

Song Ke was immediately delighted: "Yes, yes, yes, President Su, I really have to trouble you with this matter. I wonder how much sponsorship we can provide?"

Su Qi sighed and pretended to be embarrassed: "I do have money, but is 100,000 enough?"

Song Ke took a breath of cold air when he heard it. 100,000? !

He was shocked by Su Qi's generosity.

You should know that the cost of holding a welcome party in the previous few years of the school was no more than 10,000 yuan, and Su Qi asked for 100,000 yuan. Song Ke was immediately filled with ecstasy.

With this 100,000 yuan sponsorship fee, why go to the school auditorium? Go directly to the big playground truss stage background, add all the par lights and spotlights, and the sound and band are all ready. If it is really done this way, it will be a great honor in front of the school leaders!

Song Ke couldn't help being excited, and felt that his behavior of abandoning the dark and joining the light was extremely correct.

President Su, you are really my dear President Su, so awesome, I, Song Ke, will go through fire and water for you in the future.

But before he could finish his excitement, Su Qi spoke again: "But..."

Upon hearing the word "but", Song Ke's heart skipped a beat and he immediately became anxious. He didn't even listen to Su Qi's words and said directly: "President Su, but what?"

Su Qi took out a cigarette, knocked it on the table, then lit the cigarette and spoke slowly: "But I am worried about one thing, which is the account."

Song Ke smiled and said: "President Su, don't worry, I will never waste a penny of your sponsorship, and I will definitely hold this welcome party perfectly."

Hearing Song Ke's words, Su Qi frowned. Alas, this college student is really not good without being beaten by society. He can't even hear such an obvious hint from himself.

Tsk, it's still convenient to communicate with Professor Liu. We are all smart people. We don't need to speak very directly, and things will be done.

But for the college students who had not left the campus, Su Qi shook his head and had to remind Song Ke again.

"Senior Song, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you are wasteful. What I mean is that you should know the situation of the student union before. There must be problems in the accounts. However, although I am rich, I don't want my money to be used to plug holes. Senior Song, you don't like to take the blame for others, right?"

The accounts are not clear, plug holes, and take the blame for others?

Song Ke listened to Su Qi's words, and suddenly a light bulb went off in his head.

There are problems with the accounts, when are the accounts problematic?

Plug holes, when are the holes plugged?

Take the blame, who should take the blame for?

Hao Liqiang, Liu Kai!

Two names suddenly appeared in Song Ke's mind.

Then he suddenly realized what Su Qi said, what was the hidden meaning!

Did Su Qi want him to check his two accounts?

This is to find out the problems of the two of them. It is not enough for President Su to overthrow them. He also wants to make them bear the accusation of corruption, drive them out of school, and make them unable to get graduation certificates and degree certificates. President Su is, this is to destroy them!

At this time, Song Ke felt cold all over his body. In the hot summer noon in September, his hair stood up!

President Su, you are so cruel!

Song Ke felt a little dry in his throat. Everyone, including him, Song Ke, thought that Su Qi had overthrown Hao Liqiang from the position of president of the school student union, and the matter was over.

But who would have thought that President Su had no intention of stopping, but instead used more fierce means, directly throwing out 100,000 yuan to force him to check the accounts!

Song Ke swallowed dryly.

He was the vice president of the school student union before, so he naturally knew the secrets between Hao Liqiang and Liu Kai. Not only did he, Song Ke, know it, but many people in the school student union knew it, but they did not dare to say anything because of Hao Liqiang's previous power.

Now, Mr. Su has given him the task of beating the fallen dog. Should he beat him or not?

Without hesitating for three seconds, Song Ke gritted his teeth and made up his mind!

Beat him! Why not?

What else would Hao Liqiang and Liu Kai have to thank him for?

If he doesn't beat Mr. Su, he won't change

Do you want someone to fight?

Since Hao Liqiang and Liu Kai have the same ending, why not fight by yourself!

After the fight, not only will you have a closer relationship with President Su, but you will also get a real sponsorship fee of 100,000 yuan.

Finally, Song Ke made up his mind and said, "President Su, I understand. I will never let the money you sponsored go wrong. I will check the student union's account right now. If there is a problem, I will report it to the school Youth League Committee."

"Well, please trouble Senior Song."

After saying that, Song Ke turned around and walked towards the meeting room, but he didn't notice that his back of the T-shirt was soaked with sweat.

Seeing Song Ke walk in expressionlessly, the noisy sound in the room quieted down.

Sitting back in his seat, Song Ke said, "Then let's proceed to the second item of the meeting. I suggest that we check the previous accounts of the school student union."

"Check the accounts?"

Everyone was puzzled. What accounts should they check?

Liu Yongcai felt something was wrong. He shuddered after a moment of hesitation and stared at Song Ke.

"I just received a call from General Manager Su. General Manager Su will sponsor 100,000 for this year's National Day New Year's Eve Party!"

As soon as the number of 100,000 came out, the whole conference room was noisy again. 100,000!

Everyone was smiling. General Manager Su was so generous. Now the National Day New Year's Eve Party was settled. It would definitely be a beautiful event.

But while they were happy, they looked at Song Ke with envy and jealousy. Why did General Manager Su support this guy so much? It was over. With General Manager Su spending 100,000 to support him, his position would be secure.

Song Ke knocked on the table without paying attention to everyone's thoughts: "Since President Su is so generous, our student union must also show an attitude. We have no choice but to use a sincere attitude to tell President Su that we will not let him down and will not waste his money. Therefore, before accepting President Su's sponsorship, I suggest that you check the accounts of the school student union first."

After Song Ke made up his mind to help Su Qi check the accounts, he went all out and took the blame on himself. It was not Su Qi who wanted to check the accounts, but our student union wanted to check the accounts to show sincerity.

All the consequences caused by the check have nothing to do with President Su.

President Su doesn't know anything. President Su is not a ruthless person who kills everyone.

Everyone present finally realized why Song Ke wanted to check the accounts. They fell silent and were speechless. They felt a sense of fear for Su Qi behind Song Ke...

Liu Yongcai's hands trembled, and he murmured in his heart: "Just because Hao Liqiang and Liu Kai said that you, Mr. Su, will not graduate in a minute, do you intend to let them experience it for real? They are just pretending."

Liu Yongcai was extremely grateful at this moment. Fortunately, he didn't say a word at noon. If he had followed Hao Liqiang and Liu Kai to pretend at that time.

Then the three of them would not graduate...

"Do you want to check or not? Everyone raise your hands to vote."

Except Song Ke, no one present at this moment had a calm expression.

They kept reminding themselves in their hearts not to provoke Mr. Su in the future. Mr. Su really holds grudges and is really cruel.

The key is that he kills without getting blood on his hands, someone else takes the blame, and he doesn't have to bear any bad reputation, which makes them admire him to the extreme.

He has money, means, and is ruthless enough.

You are a freshman, Mr. Su, who the hell did you learn this from?

He just used a borrowed knife to kill someone at noon, and then in the afternoon he cut off the firewood and rooted it out?

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