The next morning, Su Qi's alarm rang again.

But today, these rebellious sons did not rebel again. They put on their military training uniforms one by one. The 15-day military training was about to begin.

Su Qi took out a stack of thick sanitary napkins and handed them over: "Children, don't say that your father doesn't love you. Here, use it."

"Fuck, Lao Su, what are you doing with this thing?"

They don't know anything, and they have to worry about everything for their adoptive father. They also rebel from time to time. What a bunch of evildoers.

Su Qi said, "Stick it to the soles of your shoes as insoles."

Everyone was skeptical: "Then why don't you use it as insoles?"

Su Qi was too lazy to pay attention to them. Su Qi asked Teacher Yang Shuxiang for leave. He really didn't have time for the 15 days of military training. When he sent Yu Qishu back to the dormitory yesterday, Su Qi asked Yu Qishu if he wanted to take leave together.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qishu actually wanted to try it. Su Qi knew that this little idiot was still trying to avoid him. He really didn't understand what he did to her.

Su Qi didn't say much, but just took her to the supermarket to buy her some super thick sanitary napkins and told her to use them as insoles during military training.

Although the little idiot was willing to suffer, Su Qi still felt sorry for his food.

"Old Su, why don't you change your clothes?" Zhao Lei asked while sticking the sanitary napkin.

Zhao Lei, the rich second generation, was not stupid. He didn't believe that Su Qi bought this thing specifically to play a prank, so he took the initiative to stick it on.

Su Qi sighed: "Alas, I am different from you. I have the burden of life, I have to make money, I wish I could enjoy the beautiful summer time with you."

After saying that, Su Qi turned and went out, leaving behind the voices of bitches behind him.

Bringing breakfast, he ate all the way to 301 and finished it.

Turn on the computer and Su Qi started typing.

On the playground, the members of the student union arrived first, set up emergency points, provided water and emergency medicines, etc., and when the instructors arrived, they would also assist the instructors in military training.

Yu Qishu sat with his roommates honestly. He knew that Su Qi was not there today, but he looked at the square formation of Class 1 from time to time.

This hurt the boys in both classes, and they all asked who Su Qi was.

Then, the rebellious sons gave up. They had clearly agreed to belittle Su Qi, but they were a group of cowards, and no one dared to really curse him, which disappointed Zhang Meng, who was waiting to record with his mobile phone.

They only mentioned that Su Qi was dumped because of a mobile phone before the college entrance examination. This was what Su Qi said himself. They just said it truthfully without belittling him. Of course, they would not definitely praise Su Qi.

Who made Su Qi a class enemy in the eyes of the 322 evildoers?

However, this incident also made the pure love soldiers of the first and second squads feel that Su Qi was just a licker except for being handsome, and had no other advantages.

Yu Qishu and Su Qi were together like flowers stuck in cow dung, and they all stood up for Yu Qishu.

"Cow dung? It's a pity they said it out loud." Liu Yimin was disdainful after hearing it, and then asked Yu Qishu: "What do you think? Don't go and live with your Su Qi, but come here to bask in the sun?"

"The gift is not ready yet." Yu Qishu thought about it and wanted to surprise Su Qi, so he didn't buy a bow tie yesterday, and he would buy a bow tie tonight.

As soon as the officer arrived, he stood at attention.

The officers were invited by the school from the army, and they were particularly strict. In addition, the students from the surrounding colleges who were assisting in the military training also turned into accomplices in an instant.

If you don't stand well, the instructor will kick you.

It's really brutal.

The boys in Class 2 were unlucky because they had Yu Qishu.

Yu Qishu's beauty couldn't be concealed even in camouflage uniforms. She stood in a military posture with an expressionless face, and she was cold and cool, which was very eye-catching.

And the group of students naturally ran to the side of Class 2 under the pretext of assisting in the military training.

In order to highlight that they were not looking at girls but were indeed assisting in the military training, they stared at the pure love warriors in Class 2.

They made the pure love warriors in Class 2 feel like they were dying.

Liu Yongcai was also on the playground at this time, looking at where the students from a class of students were gathered, and out of curiosity, he also walked over to find out, and then he couldn't move his feet.

"Damn, these student union lackeys are too cruel. I just scratched my butt and they were dragged out."

During the break, Zhou Chenglong cursed.

"Don't say it. Class 2 is worse than us. We only have two or three people watching them. My goodness, there are more than ten people watching them. The men are basically watched by others."

"They deserve it. By the way, we have to follow

Lao Su, please tell me. I see a student union leader has been here all the time, and other student union members are all bowing to him. Don't let that bastard fall for that bastard's family. "

"Don't call him a bastard all the time, okay? I can't tell which one it is?"

"What's the use of falling for him? Didn't you see how Yu Qishu treated Lao Su? Just tell Lao Su when you go back tonight."

The military training ended at noon, and the girls of 617 sighed and fanned themselves with their hats, and went to the restaurant.

"Qishu, do you want to eat with us?"

"Su Qi hasn't eaten yet, I want to buy him food and eat with him." Yu Qishu said.

"Okay, then, go and be your caring wife, we won't care about you. ”

In 301 of Entrepreneurship Center, Su Qi, who was typing, heard a knock on the door.

He raised his head and called out "Come in", and Senior Sister Lin Yue came in with two boys, both wearing plaid shirts and jeans.

This outfit made Su Qi have a very good impression of them. If they were a little bald, Su Qi would think it was even better.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm a little late." Lin Yue spoke as coldly as always.

Su Qi waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Senior Sister Lin, please introduce me to the two seniors."

The names of the two seniors, Jiang Datong and He Yu, are both computer majors from Qingdao University of Science and Technology.

After the introduction, Su Qi said to the two, "Seniors, the interview is actually a joke, I know nothing about computer programming. "

The two were stunned after hearing Su Qi's words. They felt that it was a bit unreliable. They looked at Lin Yue and waited for Lin Yue to explain.

Lin Yue did not speak, so Su Qi continued.

"So let's be more open. I put forward my requirements for building the website and the time requirements. You need to tell me whether my requirements can be met on time, how much money and how many people are needed to meet them on time?"

The two nodded silently.

Su Qi closed the website, opened afun, and turned the notebook to the three people opposite.

"This is the website I am going to build. I just add a little bit of things on this basis. Let's take a look at it first. "

Lin Yue didn't know Su Qi's specific website from Professor Liu. Looking at the simple AFUN, Lin Yue tried to operate it.

Lin Yue suddenly felt angry. Such a website, such a simple website, she could make it completely by herself, but the freshman opposite was aggressive and looked down on this and that.

They also asked her to recruit people from Qingdao University of Science and Technology. Isn't this a joke?!

Jiang Datong and He Yu also looked unhappy. Fortunately, the good quality of programmers prevented them from speaking foul language.

Su Qi also saw the unhappiness of the three people, but did not explain more.

Waiting for the three people to basically understand the website model of AFUN.

Su Qi spoke calmly: "Then seniors, you have finished reading it. The website we are going to make is similar to this one. Then I need to propose the little things I want to add. "

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