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Jardine Air Cargo Terminals soon released the news and held a press conference to buy time to stabilize the stock price.

And Charles Keswick rushed to home quickly, wanting to report the emergency to the family, and to obtain a fund of buyback shares.

Isn’t the crisis an opportunity this time?

If he can get more financial support from the family, the more shares he buys back, the more beneficial he will be. After all, his strength in Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. is not weak. As long as nothing happens, Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. Sooner or later they will be taken care of under his name.

After Jiuding Securities Ltd. fired the first shot, it immediately attracted the attention of stock market related industries, and sent people to inquire about the news.

HSBC Securities Kowloon Branch, Liu Tianci arranged investment matters in the company, and got the news reported by the employees. After he got the news, he was not at all unexpected, but revealed an inexplicable expression. This profound mystery made the employees confused.

“It finally started. Didn’t expect Jardine Air Cargo Terminals as the first goal, but it is indeed a very good goal…”

Liu Tianci eyes slightly narrowed, secretly thought.

Xia Yu told him the general plan, but not at all, Liu Tianci did not ask too much. He has been wholeheartedly familiar with the situation of Kwong On Bank, and has made every effort to make a comprehensive Kwong On Bank reform and development plan. Pay special attention to these things.

“Manager, should we look for opportunities to start?”

An Investment Manager next to him asked.

“No hurry, let’s wait and see, you send someone to find out the news, and give me feedback as soon as possible!”

Liu Tianci said expressionlessly.

How could he go against Xia Yu? If he doesn’t lose money, he can help Xia Yu. But how to choose depends on the detailed actual situation, whether it’s done or not, the situation is still Be familiar.

Even now he sends someone to investigate the situation. If some problems can be found, he can tell Xia Yu in time to avoid accidents.

As time goes by, more and more people and institutions understood Jiuding Securities Ltd. are suppressing the stock price of Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd..

Frightened by the prestige of Jiuding Securities Ltd., many people didn’t even think and sold the shares directly, and all the shares they sold were secretly absorbed by Xia Yu.

18.6% … 18.8% … 19.1% …

The proportion of shares owned by Xia Yu is rising rapidly.

Every move of Jardine Air Cargo Terminals has been paid attention to from the moment of the stock market war.

After all, the attitude and methods of Jardine Air Cargo Terminals determine their judgment and grasp of this matter, so they can’t help but care!

Soon, the news conference held by Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. spread. The executives of the company attended one after another. President Barton Harriman severely denounced Jiuding Securities Ltd. for maliciously suppressing the stock price and accused “Jiuding Daily” of publishing misleading articles. , The impact is extremely bad, but Jardine Air Cargo Terminals is running well, there is no stock price problem, etc.

A series of actions and words have only one purpose, and that is to stabilize the stock price first.

But how can Xia Yu make them happy?

Xia Yu was also staring at every move of Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd., after receiving the news, Xia Yu sneered and directly ordered to increase the pressure.

With Xia Yu’s order, the force to suppress the stock price directly doubled. The stock price, which had slowed its downward trend due to a press conference held by Jardine Air Cargo Terminals, collapsed again and the downward trend became even more rapid.

The determination of Jiuding Securities is at a glance. Looking at the sharply falling stock price, many stockholders and institutions with a fluke mind either took the initiative or were forced to clear their positions and withdraw.

“Kung Sheung Daily News”, which was following the stock price in real time, asked questions for the first time, and said the latest stock price. Barton Harriman’s face was hot and he hated Jiuding Securities Ltd. in his heart.

This slap was hit too hard, leaving no room at all!

In the end, Barton Harriman, who was annoyed by reporters’ questions, had to end the press conference hastily, and after leaving a harsh word, he speeded up and prepared to fight back.

Jardine Air Cargo Terminals does not have an investment department, so if you want to intervene in the stock market, you must borrow the hands of other financial companies to operate.

Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. will naturally take a certain amount of time to contact a securities or fund management company, and after contacting it, specific cooperation discussions are required, accounts are established, and personnel are arranged to operate funds into the market, etc. These all take time to complete.

Just as Barton Harriman waited anxiously, the stock price of Jardine Air Cargo Terminals fell by 1000 li like the water of the Yellow River.


Unconsciously, the stock price dropped directly by more than 10%, and the decline continues unabated. It seems that I don’t know when it will take off.

“Too ruthless, is Jiuding Securities determined to short sell Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd.? Is it an analysis or some inside information?”

“It should be true. Jiuding Securities Ltd. has never failed, and every time it takes action, it is a big gain. If it is not profitable, it is impossible to attack so blatantly!”

“I watched a good show …”

Whether it is stock exchange or other places, many people discuss spiritedly and are attracted by this battle.


“Boss, the 1.3 million shares of Ming Dengji gold hand, a total of 2.6% of the shares are all acquired, the purchase price per share is 10 HKD, and the cost is 13 million.”

“Boss, the task is complete. The 900,000 shares in Starlight Securities, with a total of 1.8% of the shares, have been acquired. The purchase price per share is 10.25 HKD and the cost is 9.225 million HKD.”

“Boss ……”

Each and everyone good news came, and the equity shares held by Xia Yu’s hand increased rapidly.

Seeing that Xia Yu is so resolutely suppressing the stock price, almost all securities and fund companies think that Xia Yu is short selling shares. In this case, the people of Xia Yu follow the opening price this morning, or the premium purchase, and a lot of investment Institutions have agreed.

Divine Immortal fights, their little arms and legs can’t be mixed up, accidentally they are easy to be beaten, and now they can still get away from the premium, which is pretty good.

They will make such a choice, but there is no way. After all, it is not Internet Age now. There are so many financial institutions in Hong Kong. It is difficult to know the situation of other companies.

Many companies think that Jiuding Securities Ltd. is short selling Jardine Air Cargo Terminals, but in fact, there is simply no short selling. It simply suppresses the stock price and uses information asymmetry to operate quickly and accurately, forcing other institutions to have no time. To find out the situation, I had to quickly liquidate and sell.

“bell bell…”

“Hey… I understood!”

“Boss, there is a force in the bulls who want to grab stocks from us.”

Just after Xia Yu hung up the phone, Ma Kai, the 1st Group Leader responsible for operating Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd., discovered the situation for the first time and reported to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu eyes narrowed. The staff on the phone just reported that a sum of 100 million HKD was credited to the Jardine Air Cargo Terminals account. Then the long strength that suddenly appeared now is Jardine Air Cargo Terminals Ltd..

“How many shares do we have?”

Xia Yu did not answer Ma Kai so quickly, but turned to ask the statistician, who would update the equity shares information anytime and anywhere to ensure that Xia Yu can make correct judgments and decisions based on the situation.

The statistician respectfully reported: “Boss, we already have 14.8 million shares of Jardine Air Cargo Terminals, a total of 29.6%!”

Xia Yu hearing this, showed a smile, even Ma Kai smiled as unable to bear.

A large-scale attack and deterrence forced 5.55 million shares of shares, which increased the equity shares in one’s hands by 11.1%!

The proportion of shares can grow so much in a short period of time, and we still have to thank some institutions for transferring shares, those are the big ones!

This ratio is not far from Jardine Pacific’s 35.85% holding ratio, and Xia Yu is already regarded as the actual second major shareholder.

The time is ripe!

It’s time to start the second process to light up the bayonet!

“According to the plan, stop suppressing the stock price, and immediately rush to raise money, and at the same time, in the name of Galaxy Asset and Jiuding Securities, initiate a takeover bid to Jardine Air Cargo Terminals!”

Xia Yu looked serious and ordered decisively.


Ma Kai responded loudly, and then walked away quickly.

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