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“Mr. James, your company’s strength in corporate mergers and acquisitions is among the best. I heard that as long as your company handles acquisitions, it will almost never fail.”

Xia Yu’s flattering words really surprised James Richard. Xia Yu played his cards completely unreasonably, completely different from what he thought!

But without letting James Richard continue to wonder, Xia Yu paused for a few seconds before continuing.

“So this time I came here especially because I wanted to entrust your company to help me acquire some shares!”

After speaking, Xia Yu looked at James Richard with a smile.

Hearing this, James Richard knew what understood Xia Yu wanted to do.

“Mr. Xia, is it the acquisition of shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation?”

Although he had already guessed, James Richard asked solemnly.

“Yes, I want to entrust your company to help me acquire shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation in the hands of companies such as Cummins Inc., Nomura Securities, Daiwa Securities, etc.”

Xia Yu slightly nodded, said affirmatively, and looked towards James Richard with scorching eyes.

James Richard’s heart beats and his spirits rise instantly.

After all, according to the requirements that Xia Yu has already stated, at least a few 100000000 million HKD transactions are involved.

For Goldman Sachs Group Hong Kong Branch Office, such a transaction is already a heavy transaction. According to the normal commission, there is also a profit of 10000000 million. How can James Richard not pay attention?

Customer is god!

Xia Yu throws such a big cake, James Richard’s attitude instantly becomes enthusiastic.

“Mr. Xia, thank you very much for your trust in our company. We have a certain degree of confidence in this business, but I don’t know what detailed requirements you have?”

James Richard asked expectantly.

The fish is hooked!

Xia Yu smiled in her heart.

However, instead of answering his questions as James Richard expected, he made a suddenly realized expression and asked: “Mr. James, I just remembered it. It seems that your company also has a part of Jardine Engineering Corporation. Shares?”

Seeing Xia Yu’s some exaggerated acting skills, and hearing his words, James Richard’s smile gradually diminished and returned to his shrewd look. After a few seconds of looking at each other, he slightly nodded and said: “I remember our company is There are some shares.”

Speaking of this, James Richard stopped talking, waiting for Xia Yu to speak actively.

It’s just that he also began to think about whether to sell shares to Xia Yu.

In fact, after Xia Yu spoke, James Richard knew that what Xia Yu threw in front was a bait and a condition, otherwise he would not stop talking while talking.

Whether the entrusted acquisition of the business can follow, the key depends on whether the shares in their hands are willing to sell to Xia Yu.

If it is sold, then the pie thrown by Xia Yu will naturally belong to them.

If they hold shares and don’t sell them, then this drooling heavy business will slip away from him.

James Richard originally planned to continue holding shares, but obviously now he has to make a choice!

The eyes met with the executives on the left and right sides for a moment. The two executives on the side were slightly nodded to express their attitude. James Richard eyes flashed, and he made a decision in his heart.

Look at the price, as long as the price is right, combined with the subsequent pie, as long as the overall benefit is greater, it can still be sold!

“Mr. James, I want to buy shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation in your company. I don’t know what conditions your company has?”

Xia Yu asked straight into the subject, speaking very blatantly, without covering up.

After speaking, Xia Yu looked at James Richard quietly, waiting for his reply.

James Richard said with an apologetic smile: “Mr. Xia, I can’t do this alone. We need to discuss it, please wait!”

After speaking, James Richard stood up and walked outside, and the other two executives also left.

“Please! Waiting for your good news!”

Xia Yu extend the hand made a gesture of asking, said with a smile.

Then, I saw 3 James Richard leaving the small conference hall.

“Boss, it looks like it should be fine.”

Wang Qi unable to bear said with a smile, who has been silent.

Xia Yu faintly smiled, slightly nodded and said: “If I were them, I would sell!”

Xia Yu and the others were not allowed to wait for a long time. After a while, the door of the small conference hall opened again, and the three James Richard walked in again.

“Mr. Xia, Jardine Engineering Corporation shares can be sold to you.”

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu smiled to express her gratitude, and listened quietly to the next conditions.

“But you also know that the stock price of Jardine Engineering Corporation still has a lot of room to rise, and you can’t let us lose out, so we hope that the price is 110 HKD per share!”

James Richard said calmly, hearing this price, Xia Yu unable to bear narrowed his eyes.

James Richard is really lion’s big mouth!

At 5 o’clock of the week, the closing price of Jardine Engineering Corporation was only 78 HKD per share, and now he actually bid 110 HKD, the premium has reached 41%!

This price is fierce!

Without Xia Yu’s words, Wang Qi knew he was going to be a black face and sing duo with Boss. He said coldly and without hesitation: “Mr. James, the price is too high, we are not taken advantage of!”

James Richard still smiled, without any embarrassment, but shrugged, said in a soft voice: “Mr. Wang, this price is determined after discussion by our company. It is the will of our entire company. In fact, I also want to be cheaper. , But I’m really sorry, you can’t let us lose, right?”

James Richard is not bad at this kind of nonsense ability. He easily pushed away the pressure and wanted to stop Wang Qi and Xia Yu’s bargaining.

But at such a high price, Xia Yu is absolutely impossible to accept.

Therefore, Wang Qi continued to retort: ​​”Mr. James, at this price, we can take the shares of other companies. Presumably Cummins Inc. and Nomura Securities are also willing to sell. We don’t need to buy the shares in your hands. Entrusted acquisition of business is no longer necessary.”

Wang Qi also used a killing move to remind James Richard of the acquisition of business.

The price of 110 HKD per share is really not necessarily able to win the shares in the hands of other companies, but Wang Qi said that James Richard has no way to refute it. Can he prove it?


After a fierce battle, the stock price was finally negotiated, from 110 HKD per share to 95 HKD per share, premium 21.7%.

But to promise this price, Goldman Sachs is also conditional!

Xia Yu will use the bundling regulations, and of course James Richard will use it too!

That is, the shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation in the hands of Goldman Sachs can also be sold to Xia Yu, but Xia Yu must also hand over the entrusted acquisition business to Goldman Sachs and sign an agreement at the same time.

“Mr. James, first of all thank your company for your help, then next, let’s talk about the commissioned acquisition.”

Xia Yu first thanked him, and then mentioned the heavy acquisition business that James Richard was worried about.

“Mr. James, I am willing to entrust your company to purchase shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation for a price of 120 HKD!”

Xia Yu smiled and threw a blockbuster.

James Richard was shocked, and then his face was happy. He never thought that what he had just desperately lowered the price was that he was so generous and offered such a high purchase price!

He is already mentally prepared to continue negotiations with Xia Yu, but now the price of this price completely exceeds his psychological expectations, so there is no need to talk about it!

Fixed purchase price of 120 HKD per share!

It’s completely over 50% premium!

This means that their operational profit margin is 42 HKD!

If the price they acquire is lower, they will sell it to Xia Yu at a price of 120 HKD per share, the higher the profit will be!

Counting the shares in the hands of Cummins Inc., Nomura Securities and Daiwa Securities, the theoretical maximum profit is 270 million HKD.

Of course, this profit limit is based on the situation where Goldman Sachs acquired shares at a price of 78 HKD. If the price of shares purchased by Goldman Sachs from them is higher, the intermediate profit Goldman Sachs will obtain will be lower!

How much profit you can get depends on the skill of Goldman Sachs!

“Mr. Xia, we took this business!”

James Richard said without hesitation, as if he was afraid of Xia Yu going back.

Who knows, when James Richard was smiling, Xia Yu shook his head slightly, and said: “Mr. James, don’t worry, we are also qualified for such a high price!”

James Richard smiled, looked at Xia Yu solemnly and said, “Please tell me!”

Xia Yu still has conditions, but James Richard is more at ease, he is like Xia Yu!

“The purpose of our acquisition of Jardine Engineering Corporation shares is to complete the acquisition and seize control from Jardine Matheson Holdings.”

Xia Yu slowly said, James Richard was nodded with approval.

This is indeed the truth, this point he cannot refute.

“Your company also knows that Jardine Matheson Holdings is now the first major shareholder, with high equity shares and very close to the controlling interest line. If Jardine Matheson Holdings is the first to complete the controlling interest, our acquisition will fail.”

“So this means that we have to complete the controlling interest in Jardine Engineering Corporation before Jardine Matheson Holdings.”

“If our acquisition fails, then the entrusted acquisition agreement will be terminated directly!”

Xia Yu said plainly, but James Richard was seriously nodded and obviously agreed with Xia Yu’s conditions.

He subconsciously believed that this was a condition Xia Yu urged Goldman Sachs to help acquire shares as soon as possible.

But from the bottom of his heart, he also wants to help Xia Yu complete the acquisition as soon as possible.

Because the longer the delay, the acquisition will fail and the agreement will fall through, the stock price will also be higher, and the lower the intermediate profit Goldman Sachs can obtain.

“Mr. Xia, rest assured, we will do our best to help you acquire shares.”

James Richard promised.

“That’s good!”

Xia Yu said with a smile.

After the negotiation, the next step is to start signing the agreement.

Before long, two different agreements were drawn up and signed.

94.62 million HKD bought 2.49% of Jardine Engineering Corporation shares in the hands of Goldman Sachs Group, and went directly to the bank to clear the money.

“Happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

Xia Yu shook hands with James Richard and congratulated each other.

“Mr. James, I will trouble you to worry about it next!”

Xia Yu reminded again.

“Mr. Xia, please rest assured, we will do our best!”

James Richard once again solemnly promised.

“Looking forward to your good news!”

After that, Xia Yu made it easy for James Richard to say goodbye and take Wang Qi to the car and leave.

“Boss, you’re so amazing, turn James Richard around.”

In the car, Wang Qi said admiringly.

“Haha, your cooperation is also very good, did not let them find the weak spot.”

Xia Yu said with a smile.

Xia Yu’s entrusted acquisition agreement was never intended to make it successful from beginning to end. The purpose of this agreement was to lure Goldman Sachs into the bait, let Goldman Sachs spit out the shares he held tightly, and at the same time act as a pawn for him.

Although outsiders always thought that Xia Yu wanted to snatch Jardine Engineering Corporation, Xia Yu did not deceive others and deceived herself into it.

He always kept in mind that he just wanted to snipe a fortune and replace 30% of Jardine Insurance Brokers shares in Jardine Matheson’s hands.

He has received news that the 9 Chinese big shots are strong, and a few have completed the preliminary preparations, and the remaining few will be completed soon.

This means that collective action is about to take place.

At that time, rocked by a major disaster, Jardine Matheson will definitely lose one’s head out of fear.

And Goldman Sachs would never expect that they would have less than two days left. Even with the strength of the Goldman Sachs Group, these two days would be impossible to take down the three securities companies of Cummins Inc. and Japan. Hard bones.

When the time comes Xia Yu, as long as the secret exchange with Keswick Family is completed, the entrusted acquisition agreement with Goldman Sachs will automatically terminate, and the 120 HKD he promised will become moon reflected in the water.

If Goldman Sachs suddenly gets a share of shares, Xia Yu will also fulfill the agreement, answering to use the stock price of 120 HKD to get it, and then sell it to Keswick Family when the time comes?

Goldman Sachs couldn’t sell shares to Keswick Family for 120 HKD. If Xia Yu bid 120 HKD, Keswick Family had to pinch the nose to buy if they didn’t want to lose Jardine Engineering Corporation!

Of course, if Goldman Sachs fails to buy any shares in the end, Xia Yu when the time comes will offer them the hard cost of 5 million HKD, James Richard has nothing to say, but thanks to Xia Yu’s generosity.

After all, in the agreement signed by Xia Yu and Goldman Sachs, there is no mention of not allowing Xia Yu to sell shares to Keswick Family.

This point loophole was completely ignored by James Richard and the others subconsciously. After all, they were completely deceived by Xia Yu, thinking that he really wanted to acquire Jardine Engineering Corporation.

Even if this was not proposed, the 5 million that Xia Yu was going to pay after the failed acquisition was taken from Goldman Sachs. With the addition of this 5 million, it was equivalent to 100 HKD per share to buy Goldman Sachs. Shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation.

If there is no entrusted purchase agreement, Goldman Sachs is definitely unwilling to sell the shares of Jardine Engineering Corporation to Xia Yu at a price of 100 HKD per share.

But now, Goldman Sachs not only sold shares at a stock price of 95 HKD, but also blended into the shares competition of Jardine Engineering Corporation as a third party to make the muddy water even more muddy. Keswick Family was unable to win shares in the hands of three shareholders including Cummins Inc..

It can be said to be helping Xia Yu with work, delaying time for Xia Yu, and preventing Keswick Family from completing the controlling interest.

Looking at it this way, Xia Yu found Goldman Sachs Group, full of routines, one after the other, selling Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs is helping him count the money, and when the time comes, he has to thank him for having it. Human touch!

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