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The reopening of the 7-Eleven Convenience Store was extremely successful.

Xia Yu went to 3 stores in Yau Tsim Mong District, each of which is full of customers. As long as there is an area where 7-Eleven Convenience Store is located, the surrounding convenience stores basically have no business. This shows that 7-Eleven Convenience Store is very helpful to citizens Great attraction.

After the next day statistics, Fu Kai excitedly reported the results to Xia Yu.

Opened on the first day, 30 stores, the highest turnover reached 8.310000 HKD, the lowest one also reached 58,000 HKD, each of which reached the minimum planned turnover.

And the cumulative total turnover of 30 stores reached 2020,000 HKD, and the average turnover of each store reached 6.7310000 HKD. The results are extremely brilliant!

Of course, although the revenue is high, there is almost no profit.

No way, a 7% discount on the first day will squeeze out all the profits, and the company can keep at a loss.

This is still relying on the cost advantage of 7-11 retail companies, not only the purchase cost is much lower, but also because the stores are bought directly, so in addition to water and electricity, there is no need to consider the cost of store rental, and you can wait for the store to appreciate.

If it is another convenience store, if you actually sell it at a 7% discount, you will definitely lose your pants!

Seeing the brilliant results, Xia Yu certainly did not hesitate to praise him. While praising Fu Kai, she also encouraged him to continue to work hard. Finally, Fu Kai left the office with high morale and continued to plunge into Xia Yu’s great cause.


Tokyo 1000, 2-5-10, Yooda District, Shueisha Headquarters, President Office.

“What did you say?” Comic Guests” are normally sold in all bookstores?”

Aiga Ichiro was frowned, with a hint of anger in his words, and asked when he looked at the bowing subordinate in front of him.

“President, this is indeed the case!”

Subordinates bowed their heads replied.

To confirm again, while Aiga Ichiro was annoyed, he was also very puzzled. They used Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group to coerce major bookstores not to sell “Comic Guests”. At that time, all bookstores agreed. Now how come they go back on one’s word?

And no bookstore has notified them!

There is definitely a problem here!

Aiga Ichiro felt a little uneasy, he took a deep breath to calm down, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

“Hey, Ishikawa-kun, I’m Shueisha’s Aiga Ichiro…”


In the President’s office of Kinokuniya Bookstore Headquarters, President Ishikawa Takuto, in his 50s, answered the phone. Although the while speaking posture was a little low, his expression was indifferent.

“Mr. Xianghe, I can’t help it. Our company has added a new shareholder, and the number of equity shares is very large, directly enter the Board of Directors, and this board member is from Hong Kong, and his request is to cancel the right” Comic Guests “Board of Directors has agreed to the ban, and I have to be responsible for Board of Directors.”


When I heard Aiga Ichiro hung up the phone anxiously, Ishikawa Takuto laughed mockingly and hung up the call. In fact, Ishikawa Takuto also had great opinions about the Hitotsubashi Group, but because of his face and strength, Ishikawa Takuto not at all show it.

Thinking of the new shareholder, Ishikawa Takuto’s expression became serious, and his heart became even more annoyed with Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group.

Kinokuniya Bookstore was founded by his grandfather and successfully listed in his hands. Although the bookstore’s strength has grown stronger, the equity shares in the hands of their Ishikawa family have also been continuously diluted, until now only 28.9% of the equity shares.

Originally, the equity shares structure of Kinokuniya Bookstore was very stable, and the stock price has been rising steadily. Who knew there was an accident three days ago!

The stock price of Kinokuniya Bookstore began to fluctuate, and some institutions were buying shares in large quantities on the market, and they were coming aggressively.

At that time, Ishikawa Takuto held a board meeting anxiously and sent people to investigate the situation.

Who knows that the situation hasn’t been figured out yet, a message was voluntarily passed to their company. A company from Hong Kong named Jiuding Publishers Co. acquired 10% equity shares from the market. With equity shares, it will enter the Board of Directors. .

Although at first some not knowing what to do, since it is a foregone conclusion, Ishikawa Takuto has to accept this fact and welcome new friends to join.

But secretly, he did his best to investigate the details of Jiuding Publishers Co..

But I didn’t know if I didn’t check it, and I was shocked when I checked it. When the information was placed in front of Ishikawa Takuto, he was shocked, but also aroused anxiety.

The information collected must have been exposed on the surface, and this alone made Ishikawa Takuto realize the strong background of the new board member.

Whether it is the brother company of Jiuding Newspapers Co., the Jiuding Publishers Co., the group company Jiuding Cultural Media Group, or the even more prestigious 9 Ding Financial Group, Ishikawa Takuto is shocked.

Especially for 9 Ding Financial Group, Ishikawa Takuto was even more horrified. After seeing Jiuding Securities Ltd.’s deeds, he was very afraid that his family’s Kinokuniya Bookstore would also be spotted.

Fortunately, when he was frightened, Gavin Peter talked to him once, saying that it was only to broaden the distribution system of Jiuding Publishers Co. and had no intention of acquiring the Kinokuniya Bookstore. This dispelled most of Ishikawa Takuto’s concerns.

But he still had some concerns, so he immediately agreed to Gavin Peter’s proposal to unblock the “Comic Guests”.

Originally, he was forced to agree to Hitotsubashi Group and Otowa Group, otherwise he would have a scar on his mind and he would not make profits. Although the profit of selling “Comic Guests” is not much, but even if a little, it’s still better than nothing, he also Will not dislike it.

Now with Gavin Peter’s request, Ishikawa Takuto has also stepped down. Just like just now, Aiga Ichiro asked on behalf of the Hitotsubashi Group, and he was able to say bluntly that even if I was angry, I could not help him.

even more how Ishikawa Takuto himself is unhappy, if it weren’t for the Hitotsubashi Group, Kinokuniya would not have an uncle at the Kinokuniya Bookstore, which made his life very frightening now.



In Shueisha President’s office, Aiga Ichiro finished the fourth call and got a perfunctory answer again. He hung up the call heavily and yelled.

Then, he immediately sent people to inquire about the new shareholders of Kinokuniya Bookstore and Junkudo Bookstore.

When I learned that the new shareholder was called Jiuding Publishers Co., Aiga Ichiro’s complexion was extremely ugly, as disgusting as eating a fly.

I didn’t expect to be a helper invited by Jiuding Anime & Manga Co., and he directly used the money to become a shareholder of two top chain bookstores.

2 The top chain bookstores turned back. Their strategy of extinction was cut a big hole in an instant. Then they got the news too late, which caused other bookstores to lift the ban, and no one notified them.

Only when the new issue of “Comic Guests” was put on sale today, the subordinates learned of the situation and reported it to him.

Now that there are two anti-bones, Kinokuniya Bookstore and Junkudo Bookstore, Aiga Ichiro knows that it is impossible to contain “Comic Guests” from the sales terminal. The best way now is for them to use similar styles. The manga encircled “Comic Guests” face to face.

It’s just that it is difficult to determine what the outcome will be.

“Let’s explain this to others first!”

Thinking of this, Aiga Ichiro made two calls first, and then went out.


The same is Tokyo 1000 Yoda District.

At the location of Jiuding Anime & Manga Co. Japan Branch Office, Ma Tengdong smiled and shook hands with a Japanese.

“Happy cooperation!”

“Kun Sakurai can rest assured that our company will complete the dailyization of “Dragon Ball” as soon as possible and hand it over to your TV for screening.”

Ma Tengdong assuredly said.

PS: The Thomas train has departed, hurry up and take other people’s luggage, take other people’s wives, buy tickets and get on the train!

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