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Dick Keswick couldn’t help but be angry. He was like an erupting volcano at this time, full of anger and wanton venting, and his whole person was going crazy.

heaven knows the discomfort and resentment in his heart.

In the past few days, he doesn’t eat well and sleeps well every day, and he doesn’t know how much hair he grabbed.

The news broke that Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok were acquiring the equity shares of Hongkong Land Holdings, which had already put a lot of pressure on him, and the emergence of Luohill Father and Son Co., Ltd. surprised him.

Before he calmed down, he learned that other Chinese shareholders also begin to stir, and the background of Guangming Fund didn’t touch clearly. He has a big head.

This is that’s all. Today, Jiuding Securities came directly to the door and wanted to buy the equity shares in his hands. It shocked him even more. In the end, he suppressed the panic in his heart and temporarily dealt with the people of Jiuding Securities.

He didn’t expect that when he was exhausted physically and mentally, he heard these news one after another, and he was shocked to faint.

The short-time evil wolves jumped out, but he had no strength to fight back and could only watch Hongkong Land Holdings being slaughtered.

The source of this situation is the betrayal of the three members of the family Bolton Keswick!

Before convening a meeting overnight, Claude Keswick and Rodney Keswick promised not to sell their equity shares.

But only a few days later, without telling him and Phil Keswick, they sold all their equity shares to the enemy.

Dick Keswick How can he not be angry? How can you not hate it?

It’s just that it has happened, no matter how angry it is, it cannot be undone.

Therefore, in the face of Dick Keswick, who had hair stands up in anger, the 3 people of Claude Keswick looked coldly, allowing them to vent their emotions.

The indifferent attitude of the three people caused Dick Keswick to punch the cotton, and finally roared and laughed, and collapsed weakly on the chair.

Even so, Dick Keswick stared at the three people of Claude Keswick, and muttered “Why do you do this?”

In the end, Rodney Keswick, who was still not cruel enough, couldn’t bear it, and secretly sighed out loudly and persuaded: “Dick, we have to do this too. We can’t hold these assets. It’s useless to insist.”

“Look at it now, Chinese is clearly united. Even if the equity shares in Crowder and I don’t sell, the Bright Fund and Chinese can fight against us by uniting.”

“Even the Rothschild Family intervened, do you think we can stop it?”

“Offend the Rothschild Family, we can’t even go back to United Kingdom!”

Sure enough, upon hearing the Rothschild Family, Dick Keswick’s lips trembled and asked, “The Bright Fund belongs to the Rothschild Family?”

Rodney Keswick looked towards Claude Keswick and saw the latter slowly said: “No, it’s Xia Yu. I sold the equity shares in my hand to Xia Yu. Now it shows that it is Bright Fund. It is already obvious .”

When these words came out, Dick Keswick shook his whole body and stared at Claude Keswick. It took a long time before he said to himself with a sorrowful smile: “It turns out that he is behind the scenes. You are afraid that he is also normal. I’m not afraid of him…”

“But we are a family, you can’t hide it from me and Phil, you are betrayal, this is betrayal, do you understand?”


First, talking to himself, talking about Dick Keswick suddenly violent, slapped on the table, angrily roared at the three people, his round eyes were bloodshot.

“Especially you, Bolton, if it weren’t for you, it wouldn’t be so bad!”

Facing Dick Keswick’s anger, Bolton Keswick could no longer remain silent. He said with a cold face, “Dick, you still blame me? If you blame it, blame us for our different positions. You have your ideas. I With my choice, why should I stay in Hong Kong and accompany you to die?”

“Say, what right do you have to influence my choice?”

With that, Bolton Keswick stared at Dick Keswick’s bloodshot eyes without showing any weakness.


At this moment, a sigh sounded, but it was Phil Keswick who remained silent.

Everyone looked over involuntarily.

I saw Phil Keswick pulled the side Dick Keswick back into the chair and sat down, comforted: “Dick, now things have happened, and it’s useless to pursue the previous things. You calm down and think about how to solve it now. The situation.”

“How can we solve it now? The Bright Fund belongs to Xia Yu. He is in the same group as Yue-Kong Pao and Henry Fok. Now Hongkong Land Holdings is under their control. Maybe they will oust me tomorrow.”

Dick Keswick said emotionally.


Hearing Dick Keswick’s complaint, Phil Keswick frowned and shouted loudly.

“Now the situation is obvious. Xia Yu and those Chinese are eyeing us again. Our family’s largest Hongkong Land Holdings is about to be taken away, and the family’s other foundations cannot be held. Now we have no choice. The best way Just return to United Kingdom.”

“This time it’s Hongkong Land Holdings, next time it’s Jardine Engineering Corporation, next time it’s Jardine Matheson Holdings, it’s Maxim Group. We can’t stop this group of evil wolves. Bolton has decided to leave Hong Kong. The equity shares of other companies we are holding will definitely be sold again. We have no choice.”

“Boton is right. No one has the right to interfere with other people’s choices. Let’s go back to United Kingdom.”

“Anyway, no matter what you choose, I have decided to go back to my hometown!”

Dick Keswick was silent for a long time before he let out a long sigh, and said in a dry voice: “You are right, go back, or go back…”

Hearing what he said, the atmosphere at the scene eased a lot. Dick Keswick said, “Then who are you going to sell your equity shares to? Didn’t Jiuding Securities come here today?”


“I won’t sell to Jiuding Securities. If it weren’t for that person, Jardine Matheson would still be the largest consortium in the Far East. He is the enemy of our Keswick Family. I want the equity shares in my hands. Impossible!”

“Anyway, I decided to leave. I’m not afraid of him. Didn’t the Rothschild Family intervene? I sold the equity shares to the Rothschild Family and let the Rothschild Family take care of him!”

Dick Keswick said with a look of hatred in his eyes.

Bolton Keswick complexion changed and reminded: “Dick, don’t involve us. The influence of the Bright Fund in the United Kingdom is not small and it will be offend him. If he has greater influence in the United Kingdom in the future, We will still face big troubles!”

Dick Keswick complexion slightly changed, but the hatred in his heart couldn’t be eliminated. He didn’t intend to compromise, and he insisted on saying: “It has nothing to do with you. I will solve my own affairs.”

After speaking, Dick Keswick left the field angrily, leaving 4 people looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Then Phil, what are you going to do? Who do you sell the equity shares to?”

Bolton Keswick looked towards Phil Keswick and asked concerned.

Phil Keswick faint smiled and looked at Bolton Keswick, and said, “My? Just wait! See who bids higher!”

“Now, I’m going to find a way out for myself, huh…”

After speaking, Phil Keswick also shook his head and left.

The meeting within the family broke up again.

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