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“It’s time to ship!”

Looking at the string of data on the trading board, Xia Yu had a long calculation in his mind, lightly said.

Song Yang, who was beside Hou Yu, beamed with joy, and quickly said, “Boss, shall I inform them?”

“Notify them, come to my house tonight.”

Xia Yu slightly nodded instructed.

Although the New York Trading Commission is investigating Galaxy Asset, Xia Yu is not inactive.

The New York Trading Commission is also burdened by huge public opinion pressure and internal pressure. The term money can be used everywhere.

For more than ten consecutive days, the New York Trading Commission and the United States Trading Commission have not grasped the handle of Galaxy Asset. How can we withstand the pressure and affect the operation of Galaxy Asset during normal working hours?

Therefore, the New York Trading Commission and the United States Trading Commission had to secretly search for clues frantically and keep an eye on the Galaxy Asset account at the stock exchange.

As for those anonymous accounts, although they are controlled by Galaxy Asset, they can now be bought and sold directly by machines and remotely controlled. There is no need for offline transaction contracts. How can they be caught so easily?

As for the transaction terminal that wants to find Galaxy Asset along with the data, it is simply wishful thinking that Xia Yu’s computer capabilities will definitely sway a lot of experts in this era, even more how computers are not popular now, and there are very few people who understand computers in the financial industry. Few, where is it so easy to be outstanding.

Because of this, although many institutions across Wall Street speculate that the mysterious spot giant in the market is Galaxy Asset or its associates, they cannot find strong evidence.

In the evening, Xia Yu asked everyone to start shipping according to the plan.

After all, he just cleared the inventory of major mining companies and bought more production capacity for the next month. Now that it is over half of the time, it is time to start shipping.

Otherwise, after a month, the volume of goods supplied to the market by major mining companies will increase significantly, and prices will inevitably fluctuate.

Instead of passively accepting, it is better to start in advance and transfer the spot to other financial institutions.

The ultimate goal of financial institutions is to make money. They accept the spot at a high price. If they don’t continue to raise the price, what more money will they make?

Xia Yu transferred part of the spot contract, which seemed to have made a little less money, but he pulled a large number of financial institutions onto the ship, which helped him to smoothly sell the unsold contracts. In fact, he still made money, and also made money. More stable!

Early the next morning, Xue He and the others’ team began to look for the next home they had already targeted, including financial institutions and manufacturing companies that desperately needed copper and aluminum.

And Galaxy Asset was not idle, Song Yang commanded the trader to start selling futures contracts.

There is the Xia Yu oversee trading room, which can intervene in the scheduling in time, control the rhythm strongly, and minimize the impact of the sold contract on the market.

Under normal circumstances, Xia Yu did not intervene, but let Song Yang command. This opportunity to sharpen his subordinates is rare, and he will naturally not underutilize it.

Buyers are like a cloud. Galaxy Asset is often bought by a trader from an institution that keeps a close eye on the market as soon as it hangs out a futures contract, at most one second.

At this price, there are many conservative long-selling agencies who want to take it as soon as they see it. Therefore, there are always selling orders. Now Galaxy Asset has placed selling orders one after another, not at all attracting attention.


Nowadays, in New York, there is no more people were alarmed than the Philip Brother company, followed by the Solomon Brother company, and no more brothers of misfortune than this.

Philip brother company, large conference room.

An emergency board meeting is now being held.

Tendler Wells is not only the CEO, but also the Board-Chairman.

Sitting at the top of the oval conference table, he got up to bow and apologize to all the board members sitting there, saying, “I’m really sorry, because my management mistakes caused the company to have this huge crisis.”

Whoever presents the board member not at all gives him a step. After all, the company is in such a situation and it is their money that is lost. No matter what the reason, the loss is so serious that they are in a good mood.

Especially Kester Philip, the representative of the Philip family fund, is even more like a dead old man, his face shrugged off, stinking to death.

He said in a hard tone with implied anger: “Wells, it’s too late to say this. I want to know how serious the company’s crisis is!”

“Yes, time is urgent, let’s get down to business.”

“Now every second, the prices of advanced copper futures and aluminum futures go up a little bit. We don’t have time to waste.”


All the board members present all said, all urging Tendler Wells to get to the point.

Tendler Wells combines the positions of CEO and Board-Chairman in one body. He has a strong degree of strength control of the company. He has been covering the lid and trying to solve it by his own ability. Therefore, he faced repeated inquiries from other board members. Cope with it.

There was also an emergency Board of Directors before, but the main content was to let the major board members work hard. The situation was not as bad as it is now, so the company’s investment situation was not described in detail, and the major board members were not clear. The truth is normal.

Tendler Wells has a thick-skinned face. Although embarrassed, his face does not show the slightest.

He took a deep breath, brewed for a while, and said in a heavy tone: “Dear board members, our situation is already terrible. The company has reached the brink of bankruptcy. The external estimates are very accurate. According to the current situation, the company will lose at least 1 billion USD!”

Seeing the number of 1 billion USD in the newspapers and hearing it from Tendler Wells, the mood is completely different. There is no fluke in everyone’s hearts.

The conference room suddenly became a commotion.

Tenderer Wells continued expressionless as he did not find out: “The company’s stock price has fallen to 7.74 USD per share, which is a drop of more than 27.87% compared to the recent peak of 72.2 USD. The company’s current market value is 11.61100000000 30.1200 million USD. , Evaporating 1 million USD than Peak.”

“And because of the influence of public opinion, investors have lost confidence in our company. Now investors waiting to get their funds lined up to Tongniu. I have ordered people to delay as much as possible, but everyone knows that investors have the right. We won’t be able to hold back the funds for long!”

“Now that the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, if the prices of advanced copper futures and aluminum futures continue to rise, our ultimate end is to file for bankruptcy and liquidation!”

As soon as this remark came out, the board members present here finally became unable to bear, and they all exploded.

Kester Phillips determinedly said: “The company must never go bankrupt!”

The Philip family fund has accumulated 27.8% of equity shares of Philip’s brother company, which was worth ten 160 million USD when the company’s stock price was normal a month ago.

It’s just that the company’s market value has shrunk, and their equity shares are worth more than 300000000 million USD according to the current stock price.

Although the loss was heavy, it was still worth somehow? Anyhow, there is comfort!

If Philip’s brother company goes bankrupt, their shares will be worthless.

Not only that, once the assets are liquidated after bankruptcy, after the investor has retrieved the funds, if the capital is used to repay the debt, then the excess debt needs to be borne by the shareholder.

As the company’s first major shareholder, the Philip Family Fund will bear the largest debt.

If a debt of 7 million USD is still owed after the liquidation, the Philip family fund will need to assume a debt of 800 million USD, which is enough to wipe out the Philip family.

The Philip family was originally based on the Philip brother company’s rise. It can be said that the equity shares of the Philip brother company are the Philip family’s greatest wealth. Although many assets have been diversified through dividends over the years, the number is not too large. After all, not all investments. All were successful.

Excluding the equity shares of Philip’s brother company, the Philip family does not have many assets.

If Philip’s brother company is going to go bankrupt, Kester Philip will definitely lose the equity shares before going bankrupt, even if it is free!

He knew very well that most of the capital of the Philip Brother Company comes from investors and banks. The company’s own net assets are definitely not 1 billion USD. Since Tendler Wells will definitely lose more than 1 billion USD, then as long as the company goes bankrupt, the assets Negative is affirmative.

Rather than carrying debts to drag the Philip family into the water, it is better to find a fool to send out the equity shares.

I am afraid when the time comes.

“Yes, the company cannot go bankrupt!”

The board member stationed by Bear Stearns also resolutely said.

Bear Stearns is the investment bank of Jews. It cooperates very closely with Philip Brother Company. When the latter uses leverage, it often finds Bear Stearns Company. Now Bear Stearns Company has borrowed at least 1 billion USD to Philip Brother Company.

If Philip’s Brother Company goes bankrupt, the investment of Bear Stearns Company will fail, and I am afraid that even the borrowings will not be fully recovered.

“The company can never go bankrupt, nor can it go bankrupt!”


The board members stationed by other banks all spoke out, and their attitude was surprisingly consistent, that is, not allowing the Philip Brother Company to go bankrupt for exactly the same reason.

Seeing everyone’s reaction, the corners of Tendler Wells’s mouth, who was sitting above him, disappeared. He was waiting for this moment!

“This is the situation now. If the company does not want to go bankrupt, it must obtain sufficient funds, but unfortunately, our company can’t borrow money, and no bank will lend us money.”

Speaking of banks, Tendler Wells looked towards the board members assigned by the banks.

But at this time, these board members all pretended to be deaf and dumb, making it clear that they didn’t want to sink anymore.

Of course, there is still a way to go, that is, all shareholders pay money and inject capital into the company again to increase the company’s total net assets.

As long as the company is not insolvent when the time comes, it will naturally not go bankrupt.

But this method, Tendler Wells knows absolutely impossible, because no shareholder would be willing to inject capital in this situation, even himself, even if his share ratio is only 3%. Point 2, he also Reluctant to inject capital in.

Even he himself has no confidence, he certainly doesn’t mention it, and other board members naturally also selectively ignore it.

For a while, the conference room became quiet, and the atmosphere became dull and weird.

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