Business dinner, you and I are willing

Compared with Lin Yan, who was attending this business dinner for the first time this year, Xu Zhiguo, who had attended it many times, was already a veteran.

Under the leadership of Xu Zhiguo, the two entered the venue of the business dinner together.

After entering the business dinner venue, it has become the home court of Xu Zhiguo.

“This is just a large buffet restaurant, but it’s just more upscale than the average buffet restaurant.” ”

Of course, not many people are actually paying attention to it. Everyone is holding champagne like a dog.” ”

Either I’m looking for other people to talk business with, or I’m just waiting for those flamboyant little bees to come over.” “Did you

see those girls in cool clothes? They are all 18th-tier starlets, models, etc.” ”

It’s just us, Brother Lin. With such a talented person, I’m afraid you will be very popular tonight.”

Under Xu Zhiguo’s joking, Lin Yan also roughly understood the actual process of this business banquet.

To put it bluntly, tonight’s business dinner is actually a tacit business and transaction venue.

No matter it’s the bosses who look like dogs in suits and ties.

They are still those little bees dressed up in colorful clothes and cool clothes.

Everyone knew in their hearts that what happened tonight was just a transaction.

If you are lucky enough to be spotted by one of the rich bosses, it will be considered a successful landing.

Although Lin Yan was flirtatious, he still had very high requirements for the person he flirted with.

It’s not like anyone just comes up to him and he doesn’t refuse anyone who comes.

Perhaps he saw that Lin Yan had very good taste and looked down upon the rouge fans in the venue.

Xu Zhiguo rolled his eyes and spoke to Lin Yan in a low voice with a lewd smile.

“Young people like Brother Lin have good taste, so it’s normal for them to look down on these rouge fans.” ”

I’m telling you, Brother Lin, there is a third-tier female star among the people here tonight.” ”

She is the one who is called a busybody. You know Yang Naiyi, who is the goddess of the national house.” ”

I heard that many people wanted to have something with her in the past, but Yang Naiyi rejected them all.” “I did

n’t expect that tonight her manager actually took the initiative to come with Yang Naiyi. Attend this business dinner.”

“Didn’t you notice that Yang Naiyi’s various resources have decreased a lot this year?”

Combined with Xu Zhiguo’s description, this matched Lin Yan’s previous speculation about Yang Naiyi.

Yang Naiyi, who often plays the role of a sexy heroine on the big screen, seems to be quite clean in private.

Or maybe it was because of too many rejections that some big guys in the industry became angry and squeezed Yang Naiyi’s resources.

Yang Naiyi, who was quite productive in the past two years, except for the movie shot on the campus of Chongqing University this year.

So far, there seems to be no movie or TV series released, not even commercial endorsements.

Then it can be explained that Yang Naiyi’s manager brought Yang Naiyi to the business dinner tonight.

Unless you leave the entertainment industry completely, it is not easy to continue to hang out in the entertainment industry.

“Brother Lin, if the opportunity comes, you have to seize it.” “There are not many

clean female stars like Yang Naiyi in the entertainment industry now.” ”

Brother, I won’t accompany you later. , there was a little model who just winked at me a lot.”

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After Xu Zhiguo left Lin Yan with a few heartfelt words, he smirked, held the wine glass, and began to look for his goal tonight.

Watching Xu Zhiguo leave, Lin Yan looked at several little bees not far away who gradually smiled at him.

Just as Xu Zhiguo said at the beginning, Lin Yan would definitely not be too lonely tonight.

Compared with the greasy middle-aged old man with a big belly, Lin Yan is handsome, young and wealthy.

It has a fatal attraction for the many colorful bees in the business dinner venue.

“Hello, handsome guy, are you interested in getting to know me?”

“This is my business card. Remember to call me if you need anything.” ”

Mr. Lin, my sisters and I are both your fans. Are you sure you won’t be here tonight?” Would you like to have an in-depth communication with your two fans?”

In just ten minutes, Lin Yan already had more than thirty business cards in his hand.

Some daring ones would deliberately scratch his palm lightly with their nails when putting their business card into his hand.

It’s a pity that his ex-girlfriend Shen Siyu has used this method of temptation on him too many times.

Lin Yan is basically immune to some low-end temptations.

Under the stimulation of dim yellow ambient lights and alcohol, men and women who had made deals would leave the dinner venue from time to time.

After thinking about it, Lin Yan, whose stomach was not full yet, went to the balcony outside.

Lin Yan was eating the buffet on the plate while looking at the night river scenery in the distance.

Just when Lin Yan was eating the last bit of food on the plate, the glass door behind him was pushed open.

A fragrant wind mixed with the strong smell of alcohol entered Lin Yan’s nasal cavity along with the air.

At this business dinner tonight, she couldn’t remember how many glasses of wine she drank.

Taking advantage of going to the bathroom, Yang Naiyi went outside to the balcony to blow in the cold air, trying to keep herself awake.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived, someone had already occupied the balcony.

When she was about to turn around and leave, she felt a sense of familiarity when she looked at the profile of the tall and thin figure on the balcony.

Yang Naiyi felt as if she had seen the person in front of her somewhere.

At this time, Lin Yan had almost filled his stomach, and other people happened to come over.

So Lin Yan took the plate in his hand and prepared to leave the balcony to end tonight’s business dinner.

However, when he turned around and saw someone coming behind him, Lin Yan paused.

The person who came was none other than Yang Naiyi, who was revered by many otakus as the national goddess of otakus.

The main reason is that Yang Naiyi’s hot figure is so recognizable.

Even though the moonlight tonight was shrouded by dark clouds, Lin Yan still recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

When Lin Yan turned around, Yang Naiyi finally understood why she felt familiar to him.

The man in front of me just said a few words and led a large group of students to beat up the head of the crew.

That kind of self-confidence in being able to easily control one’s destiny is something that Yang Naiyi has not forgotten to this day.

Especially when she later learned that Lin Yan was the man behind Spark Technology, Yang Naiyi had other ideas.

Now that you have decided to embark on this road of no return, why not choose someone you like?

Young, rich, and handsome are the most popular comments about Lin Yan from the public.

Yang Naiyi has seen too many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but Lin Yan not only has good looks but also a unique temperament.

This unique temperament that could not be described in detail made Yang Naiyi feel excited for the first time.

“Hello, Mr. Lin, I am Yang Naiyi, may I meet you?”

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