Throughout the first month of the new year, in an environment where many star funds were cut in half one by one, the mixed performance of Tiansheng Value Growth made other similar funds feel embarrassed.

Only in the plummeting market can real strength be shown, and those with poor strength will immediately appear.

The overly dazzling results also aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of the peers. Everyone rushed to the waist, but you, Lu Ming, did not fit in with the group and had no emotional intelligence at all.

But Lu Ming didn't care about being jealous or even isolated by his peers, and he didn't want to play with them at all.

The strong are always alone.

Lu Ming could distinguish the primary and secondary contradictions. Being isolated and jealous of his peers was definitely not the primary contradiction, nor could it even be called the secondary contradiction.

The LPs of Tiansheng Capital are really big funds such as social security funds, university endowment funds, family funds, and large trust institutions. This is the real core partner and long-term strategic partner.

Then through the public fund to bring along individual ordinary investors.

What Lu Ming has to do is to follow Buffett's model, transform from myth to belief, and gain a group of fanatical believers through continuous creation of mythical achievements. This name has become the hardest investment logic in the eyes of investors.


Also on the evening of January 4th, shortly after the market closed today, Lu Ming explained the company's affairs to Su Xiaoman, and then took a group of key teams selected from the company to the south to the place where Soros once failed to return. The Pearl of the Orient - Xiangjiang!

I stayed at the local Ritz-Carlton Hotel at around 19:45 that day.

Qi Wei arrived in Xiangjiang early two weeks ago. Tiansheng Capital already had an office in this city, and it had been there three months ago, but Lu Ming did not go, but asked Qi Wei to prepare in Xiangjiang. An independent venue, that is, the commander who secretly completed this currency battle at the hotel Ritz-Carlton.

The trading team brought this time all live in the hotel, and the same floor is all packaged, and most of the rooms are vacant, of course, to avoid idle people waiting to come in and out.

Except for a few key figures, outsiders did not know that Lu Ming had come to Xiangjiang. The specific operation was in a dedicated conference room. Qi Wei had already completed the arrangement in the past few days.

At this moment, Lu Ming is sitting in the living room of the hotel room, focusing on a laptop, paying attention to the current foreign exchange market.

An Yirou entered the room where he lived, and when she saw Lu Ming was in the living room, she came to him, "The temporary trading room in the hotel has been arranged. The final test was conducted today, and everything is correct."

Lu Ming replied with an "um" without raising his head.

While looking at the laptop screen, a white hand suddenly closed it and pushed the laptop aside.

Lu Ming laughed for a while and said, "We can only watch it later."


January 5.

Lu Ming got up and ate a light meal, then left the guest room where he was staying, and came to the trading room on the same floor of the hotel.

The trading team brought this time, including Qi Wei, has a total of 16 people. They have signed a strict non-disclosure agreement before following the BOSS south to Xiangjiang. During the period, all information will not be disclosed to the public for the next five years. Even so, Lu Ming didn't explain the details to them too much.

The team members knew very little, and only judged that the BOSS must have a big vote in the financial market when he came to Hong Kong this time.

When Lu Ming entered the trading room, the team members were already in place in advance, and the temporarily arranged workbench in the hall was already filled with hardware equipment. When Qi Wei saw the boss coming in, he closed them and said, "Mr. Lu, the equipment has been prepared. It is comprehensive and the account is fully ready to trade at any time.”

Lu Ming nodded.

At present, the trading time of the onshore RMB market is from 9:30 to 23:30, while the offshore RMB market has almost 24 hours of uninterrupted trading hours every working day, and it is T+0.

The so-called onshore market is the domestic mainland market, while the offshore market is a market outside the domestic mainland market. The main difference between offshore and onshore is that the latter has stricter controls, while the former is more closely related to the international financial market. closely, but also more vulnerable to fluctuations in international financial markets.

Because of this, the exchange rate speculation in the offshore market is much richer than that in the onshore market, and the central bank rarely intervenes, so the transactions in the market are more continuous and fluctuations will not be limited.

The offshore market has various financial derivatives such as swaps, spot, forward, options, etc., which have relatively high leverage. After the so-called improvement, they can continue to be combined into different combinations. Pushing up leverage, which in turn magnifies returns, is equally risky.

Lu Ming looked around at the team members in the hall and said, "Before you start trading, you must be aware of a problem. I don't do quantitative trading, I don't play hedging trading, I only do unilateral stud operations."

Arrogant speech.

Lu Ming said solemnly: "At the same time, the degree of danger in the offshore foreign exchange market is not comparable to that of a big A. This is the real place where demons dance. The market we are about to enter is a market filled with a large number of top players such as hedge funds," said Lu Ming. The immediate point is the top gang on Wall Street.”

The dozen or so traders present were all young people, none of them over thirty years old, and they all stared at the boss and listened without saying a word.

Lu Ming added: "Of course, what I want to express is to pay attention to your opponents, but don't be afraid of them. If you are in a hurry, you are still the master of chasing up and down, and it is no different from Big A's leeks. Leek is 10,000 times more decisive, and in the next game, compared to our opponents, they are playing away, and we have the home field advantage."

This remark made the team members smile knowingly, and Lu Ming continued: "This time we went south and brought more than 300 billion, that is, 50 billion US dollars of bullets, and it was these so-called top Wall Street players."

BOSS doesn't have too many gorgeous words to decorate it. It can be said that it is a very simple pre-market speech, but everyone listens to a kind of surging emotion.

In everyone's mind, the status of Wall Street in the financial world is self-evident and can be said to be a supreme authority.

But they are what the BOSS does!

Lu Ming didn't talk too much, and directly issued a trading order: "Start buying the dips immediately, and go all out to long the RMB, our best trading window is only the last four trading days of this week, 50 billion US dollars, today, tomorrow and The day after tomorrow, we will each make an extra 10 billion US dollars, and the day after tomorrow, that is, on May 8, the last 20 billion US dollars will be filled. You heard it right, it is such a simple and unpretentious operation.

The foreign exchange market transaction is T+0, which can theoretically be traded countless times, but then the offshore RMB will usher in a rapid depreciation when the international hot money jointly sells it. This day, the cost is evenly distributed to magnify the benefits. This time, it is quite simple to take the **** of the international short-sellers. It is to be more of their opponents.

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The time may be delayed a day or a day These Lu Ming don't care, anyway, the international hot money has already joined forces, and their arrows have to be fired on the string.

The team members in the lobby started trading after receiving the orders from the boss. They were also excited. The boss was still as sturdy as always. The 50 billion US dollars of funds did not do any risk hedging, and it was a risk to directly go long. Exponential explosion.

The BOSS is still the familiar BOSS, the Stud monster as always!

It's really a shuttle, winning the clubhouse Nenmo and losing the rhythm of going to the sea to work.

In the past year or so, especially in the super market and flash crash market last year, these traders have had enough training with Lu Ming, and the single transaction volume of hundreds of millions will not be frantic for them. , From the first few hundred million transactions, one hand would tremble, and now it has been unusually calm.

Lu Ming didn't explain to them too much what the logic of unilaterally longing against the backdrop of the current slump in the offshore renminbi is.


(Ps: Plate 19...)

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