Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 162: [Radical and aggressive investment style (19/73…

The information disclosed in the interim report also announced the investment situation of Tiansheng Capital in the primary market. It invested wildly in more than 20 unlisted companies and became their major shareholder, which surprised the market.

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I didn't expect that Lu Ming would actually buy wildly in the primary market.

For the companies that Tiansheng Capital has invested in, it is even more incomprehensible. At a glance, those investment targets are only cluttered, including architectural coatings, medical equipment, biomedicine, food processing, integrated circuits, chemicals, power equipment, etc. ...

No matter how you look at it, it's an investment that makes decisions with your feet, and it's all about throwing money at it.

Not long after the financial report was released, there were so-called sources in the market who claimed that Tiansheng Capital and Mai Rui Medical had reached an amount of 17.5 billion yuan, 13.5 billion yuan with Ningde Times, and 3.6 billion yuan with Yaomingkang. strategic investment.

The unconfirmed news was also a sensation.

Such a mad smashing of money, some people in the industry once ridiculed Lu Ming as the Sun Zhengyi in China, and the melon-eating stockholders directly gave him the nickname "Kai Ye".

It's too Nimakai, it's really not my own money, just invest it?

With the disclosure of Tiansheng Capital's interim report, the invested companies have also followed up to confirm the news and have a business talk. Both sides have tacitly announced the official announcement one after another.

This made many founders of growing startups envious for a time. Nima also went to the capital market to raise a P, and directly fooled Mr. Lu. Wouldn't the financing be done?

Judging from the information disclosed by the financing company and the content of Tiansheng Capital's interim report, it is indeed the envy of many start-up companies with financial difficulties. Tiansheng Capital is a proper angel investor. It only makes long-term strategic financial investments. Most of the directors who represent the interests of Tiansheng have been sent to the past, and at the same time, they have signed a concerted action agreement with the entrepreneurial team or the company's management team, which shows that Tiansheng Capital has no intention to interfere with the operation and management of the company itself.

In a sense, capital and the management team of a startup are rivals with each other. The founder team needs both the support of capital and the protection of capital, so it is difficult to find a partner who truly trusts each other.

Although Tiansheng Capital has a bad reputation due to the previous "Antian War", it seems that it is not so bad now, and it is not as greedy as imagined.

However, the LPs of Tiansheng Capital were a little bit confused about Lu Ming's operation.

Let’s talk about investing in the industry track. It should be a net investment like Softbank. In this way, the industry invested in is really a future outlet, and it can ensure that the company that stands out is not missed, otherwise it will fall short, and it will be a blood loss. .

But Lu Ming didn't.

Architectural coatings invested in a mountain tree, and made a heavy bet, and other companies in the industry did not invest; domestic semiconductor memory invested a trillion yuan in innovation, and made a heavy bet, and other companies in the industry did not invest; fingerprint chips invested in Huiding Technology, and betting heavily, other companies in the industry are not investing...

In the eyes of the industry, Lu Ming's operation is simply the rhythm of the risk breaking the table. Success is naturally a precise bet, and the rate of return is breaking the table, but if the industry gets up and doesn't look wrong, and the invested company is wrong, it's another matter. A peer company has taken off, and you are not so angry with the rhythm of autism?

These series of questions in the market are also simmering, and they are all waiting for Tiansheng Capital's earnings conference call on Friday. At that time, they must participate in and ask Lu Ming the logic of these investments.

Although no one can understand these companies invested by Tiansheng Capital in the primary market, and the investment community does not agree with Lu Ming's very aggressive investment strategy, he believes that risk management is a big problem, but he can't stand the mid-year report. The outstanding performance of the performance, the assets at the end of the period surged by 100 billion.

Although the skyrocketing asset price is contributed by the sharp rise in stocks, which means a bit of wealth on paper, it is also a real rise in net assets. For example, selling the stocks of some companies you hold can be realized at any time. The difference is that the actual cash is more. and less problems.

Based on this dazzling interim report, investors are very optimistic about the share price of Tiansheng Capital on Tuesday.

On the next day, Tiansheng Holdings’ call auction did not open higher, but opened flat, and there was no big rise that the market expected that day, but the rise was quite disappointing for many small and medium investors.

In the next few trading days, the trend of Tiansheng Holdings, as always, will not be affected by external factors. It will rise by one or two percentage points today, and will fall back by less than one point tomorrow. Rising relay.

Most investors couldn't help but complain about Tiansheng Holdings, but people who complained basically couldn't afford it. The reason why they complained is not without reason, because they also bought related varieties.

Many retail investors think that if they can't afford Tiansheng Holdings, they can't buy securities stocks.

It happened that the first securities ETF of Big A was launched yesterday on Monday. Everyone subscribed for this on-market securities ETF. Buying this is also equivalent to buying Tiansheng Holdings. The constituent stocks of the securities ETF are 100% allocated to Tiansheng Holdings, no doubt.

Many people are optimistic about the newly launched securities ETF. There are many people who buy them, and the risk is small. When buying securities stocks, it may be lonely to buy them.

But to buy ETFs, as long as the sector rises sharply, it will definitely eat meat.

In the current securities sector, it is mainly to see the face of the newly debuted big brother Tiansheng Holdings. Yesterday, such a big positive broke out. People who bought securities ETFs are very happy, and they are 100% sure that they will eat big meat today.

As long as the big brother rises strongly, the other younger brothers must also keep up, and the sector will rise. ETFs also need three or four percentage points of meat, right? Otherwise, how can it be worthy of this explosive mid-year report?

As a result, under such a major benefit, the eldest brother is angry today... Is this what people do?

The comment section below is full of cursing.

If the big brother does not take the lead in the upside, the securities sector will not be able to improve. This requires the real main capital to have the will to promote the market in order to have a high-standard market. The hot money has risen in some securities companies, and it will quickly fall back no matter how it goes up.

Because the hot money is also afraid of being caught, it belongs to the money and goes away. If you want to forcibly guide the funds to start the big market, the real main funds are not known to the Ma Ma who is smashed every minute.

The fact that Tiansheng Holdings can't rise is because the chips are very concentrated, and a lot of Tiantuan-level institutions are gathered in it. These institutions are also extraordinary, and they also have other functions in addition to investing to make money.

In addition to those who do not know the truth, a small number of people have already realized that Tiansheng Holdings cannot easily get out of the situation of big rise, and will only get out of the trend of steady rise and repeat.

However, the main institutions in it have already taken one step and three steps. The current securities company sector is the two-way resonance between the leading Tiansheng Holdings and other securities stocks, and the big brother rises and the younger brother follows.

When the market funds are aware of this, the main institutions will change the way backhand, from two-way resonance to a seesaw effect.

In short When the logic of the market gradually becomes consistent, it is the beginning of the divergence. As for the divergence, it is really the big capital, the main force, and the big institution who have the final say, and can understand There are very few small and medium investors at this point.

At present, the capital game in Tiansheng Holdings is mainly a game between domestic capital and foreign capital.

Since Tiansheng Holdings resumed trading and listing, Beishang funds have started to inflow insanely every day, buying hundreds of millions of dollars every day, at least not lower than the daily net inflow of 50 million.

Today, the net inflow of capital from the north is about 1.3 billion yuan, of which Tiansheng Holdings has accumulated a net inflow of 126 million yuan. It continues to maintain a mad buying posture. If you don’t increase foreign capital, you will buy madly. To do T, foreign thieves are very.

And the main domestic capital inside the countermeasure is to smash the market, and at the same time steadily push Tiansheng's share price to rise, and it has never risen or fallen.

The countermeasure is to steadily push up the stock price to increase the cost of foreign investment, and avoid unprovoked start-up of the market, so Tiansheng Holdings will get out of the current trend of rising and relaying like an old dog.


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