Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 164: [The art of the chip is the ultimate compliment to capital…

As time went on, the conference call entered the question-and-answer session, and the first Dongcai Securities analyst who lined up to ask questions: "I want to ask questions about the company's layout in the field of cloud computing, whether the company has missed out on entering the market now. We also invested in a start-up company 'Dimension C Cloud'. We found that this team is a college student who has just graduated. Is cloud computing a bit rash?"

Lu Ming: "Cloud computing is an important investment track for the company. Tiansheng is late. I was born late, and Tiansheng will be late but not absent."

The conference call participants of the branch in various places couldn't help laughing when they heard this. This is really a flaw. Tiansheng Capital has only been established for more than a year. Lu Ming is only 24 years old. He can be regarded as a genius boy in the financial world. The kind that came out of nowhere.

Lu Ming continued: "Cloud computing is a big field. In the future 5G communication era, the service boundary of cloud computing will be further expanded, and it will also comprehensively promote the application of big data and artificial intelligence technologies, and upgrade from the industrial structure. From the perspective of the general background, cloud computing will fully penetrate into the field of traditional industries, further promote the transformation of the Internet into reality, and empower the development of traditional industries. How can Tiansheng be absent? If you are born late, you can only step up efforts to catch up. The cloud was the first cloud computing investment but definitely not the last."

"Furthermore, the company has just been established, and it is not well-known, but it is small and beautiful, specialized and skilled, and it is the king of the subdivision field. The company's research has found the advantages of the team, its research efficiency is high, and the decision-making chain is short. , the team has profound insights into the emerging consumption of the Internet, this 20 million is worth investing, and it is also worth trial and error."


The second investor who asked the question was a retail investor: "Good afternoon, Mr. Lu, what I want to know is about Tiansheng Fund, the latest closed fund released by the subordinate fund company, Tiansheng flexibly allocates the fund managers of Group D, I It was found that Manager Zhang’s performance ranking before joining Tiansheng Fund was low, the fund under management was struggling at the liquidation line, the scale of the fund under management was also small, and he stepped on thunder…”

Many institutional analysts and other retail investors who attended the meeting burst into laughter in the real world outside the Internet, and a good financial report meeting suddenly became joyful.

This wave of point killings is a bit ruthless. Manager Zhang is at the rhythm of being publicly executed. Looking back at the minutes of the conference call, it is estimated that everyone will be angry, and he never expected to become famous in this way.

After a while, Lu Ming couldn't help laughing: "There is no doubt that Manager Zhang is an excellent fund manager. He sticks to his philosophy and long-termism. He will only be late but never absent when returning to value. After experiencing ghosts and ghosts, and bathing in the baptism of wind and rain, he understands better. Stable and far-reaching. Have you subscribed for this fund? Don’t panic, there is a brother here, just sleep at ease.”

When a group of institutional analysts at the meeting heard Lu Ming's confident and somewhat unrestrained response, they rolled their eyes and slandered wildly, expressing their admiration for his language whitewashing.

The performance before joining the job is not good, and the loss of investors' money is stunned by him saying that he adheres to the concept, long-termism, value return, and what else has gone through ghosts and ghosts, bathing in wind and rain baptism is nonsense, saying that the black history of stepping on thunder So fresh and refined is also a must.

In fact, institutional investors are also a little puzzled. There are not no fund managers with excellent performance in China, and Tiansheng Capital is not without money. Why should such a fund manager with a dark historical background of stepping on thunder be invited to manage a plate to achieve Closed funds with more than 2 billion yuan?

If it weren't for Tiansheng's flexible configuration with the "first brother" as an investment consultant as the ballast, not many investors would buy it, and it would be even less likely that the oversubscription would be quickly oversubscribed.


The third investor who asked the question was an analyst from a major LP institution from Tiansheng Capital: "The company has invested heavily in the semiconductor industry in the primary market, including Will shares, Huiding Technology, and Trillion Innovation. Do you have a specific outlook for Tiansheng Capital?"

Lu Ming said with a sarcastic tone: "There is a rumor circulating in the market that a company that wants to do chip research and development can drive the stock price to take off, but Gerry Electric said that it will do chip stock price, but the stock price plummeted, because others just said it was not true. I want to do it, but Sister Dong really wants to do chips."

This remark once again attracted laughter from the participants.

Lu Ming said in an orderly manner: "This is a joke circulating on the Internet, but it sounds helpless and even a little sad, I can clearly say that Tiansheng Capital will use real money to make heavy bets in the field of domestic integrated circuits. On the one hand, it is true that there are too many people in this industry. Investors often lose their money, but there is always someone to do personnel. Do you have family and country feelings? There must be. Tiansheng Capital has so many financial resources to pursue. While profits are responsible for LPs, they must also have a higher vision of the landscape.”

"The domestic replacement of the integrated circuit industry is inevitable. What will you do if the West pinch your neck in the future? Integrate into the international division of labor in the international semiconductor industry chain? If the country wants to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, it must seek breakthroughs in high-tech and high value-added industries. Then You have to share the cake with Western capital. I don’t think they will give you much, but at most they will give you a little bit of scum. Do you want to upgrade? You must upgrade and transform, which will inevitably lead to conflicts of interest, so I can’t rule it out. Shut off the supply."

"Therefore, there must be domestic substitution, and we must take the road of domestic semiconductors. There are too many people who don't do human work. What Tiansheng Capital has to do is to find out the group of people and the group of companies that are doing business in the industry, and then give them to them. With the support of strong financial capital, people and companies who want to do business cannot fail to raise funds in the capital market. Chips, the art of this inch is the ultimate compliment to capital.”

Speaking of which, Lu Ming paused for a moment, took a sip from the water glass, and continued: "Of course, Tiansheng represents the management, and I am also responsible for the LP. It is my duty to bring excellent profits to the LP, then this Is the field profitable? Of course it is!”

"On the automotive side of the application processor or ADAS, there are many demands for CPU, GPU, including ISP, and the other track is wearable devices. The three functions of TWS, watch, and AR are combined, and the volume will be very large in the future. One side needs an ultra-low power consumption track, and the other is the cloud, which Tiansheng is investing in, and there is no boundary on the cloud side.”

"CSI sensor Tiansheng is optimistic about Will shares. The market demand is here, and the benchmark is there. No matter how the short-term demand fluctuates, it has risen sharply year-on-year. There is a gap with the largest single UCE of consumer electronics manufacturers. The main expenditures of SMC and Samsung are in advanced manufacturing processes. Mass production of ordinary manufacturing processes is not so easy. It will take three to five years to achieve high-volume output. Will has time to catch up, and Tiansheng will also provide strong financing in terms of financing. support."

"Capital is profit-seeking. Undoubtedly, capacity expansion also flows to SPC, SENSOR, DRIVER, and then BCD. These are high gross profit margins, the Matthew effect in the design industry, and resources are tilted toward big manufacturers. Long-term and stable sustainable growth can be achieved. In the future, Weir shares have advantages in the mainland, and Tiansheng's financing support can further expand its cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

"Including the trillion-dollar innovation of NOR-, there are still many categories of long-term plans, NOR, NAND, DRAM, MCU and fingerprint recognition. According to Tiansheng's research, the company's founder was already a senior engineer in 2004, and resigned to establish A semiconductor company named Giga-Device is the predecessor of Trillion Innovation.”

"The company's development is also quite bumpy, and it cannot get the expected market return in the early stage. Even if the technology is advanced, it can only compromise with the market. In order to survive, it has to open up a new track and start making NOR-chips ten years ago. At that time, this kind of small-capacity flash memory was already matured by some foreign giants. GigaDevice was not competitive, and the market size was limited. In 2008, GigaDevice developed the first 8M-bit flash memory in China. NOR-chip, breaking the monopoly of foreign technology.”

"But before the NOR chip was able to show its power in the market, the mobile Internet era came, and the mobile phone era changed. Jobs redefines the smartphone. With the advent of a new era, feature phones are rapidly declining. The size of the market continued to shrink, and even slumped for a while.”

"But for Zhaoyi Innovation, it is not a blessing to know that it is not a blessing. The shrinking of the market does not mean that there is no market. The exit of the NOR production giant has given other small and medium-sized manufacturers a lot of room for development, and Zhaoyi Innovation is one of them. With more than ten years of development, the company has leveraged and made good use of its strengths, and I am optimistic that the company’s team has the ability to expand more possibilities for itself on the original narrow runway.”

In the end, the major institutional investors who participated in the conference call felt both reassured and uneasy after hearing Lu Ming's remarks.

I am relieved because everyone heard that Lu Ming obviously has in-depth research and participation in the domestic integrated circuit business, but I am worried that everyone finds that Lu Ming really wants to play with chips.

This story is really hard to tell. If the story is not told well, it can easily turn into an Lu Ming is telling the story now, but he has not revealed it in full. Sheng Capital's financing will still choose IPO listing this year, because it is really short of money, and high-tech is burning money.

And this company develops according to the normal trajectory of Lu Ming's last life, and its stock price can also create a high growth of 40 times in 4 years (after the restoration of rights). Tiansheng Capital has invested 300 million yuan, which will bring hundreds of dollars after the next four years of selling. The return on investment of 100 million yuan is a basic operation, and it is more if you count a few big trends.

There are also Will shares whose stock price has increased by more than 30 times in 4 years, including Huiding Technology’s stock price of 15 times the return on investment in 4 years. Although Huiding’s ticket is pulled back, Tiansheng Capital must be With a lot of profits, it was withdrawn early.

Of course, Lu Ming intends to contribute to boosting the domestic replacement of the integrated circuit business, but the premise is that Tiansheng also makes money, and a good company that can really stand out will hold it for a long time. As for Huiding, only do it. Its upward trend is dead, and Lu Ming, who is the capital, will not hesitate to abandon it.


(Ps: The donkey of the production team... Forget it, let's not talk nonsense, one word, vote!)

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