Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 177: 【Google's Fake News (28/73)】

After a while, Wang Ju's hearty laughter came from the phone: "Great, it seems that the offshore market can be directly handed over to you, the central bank does not need to use additional foreign exchange reserves to go out in person, Lu Ming Comrade, the offshore market will be handed over to you, I believe you can complete the task well!"

Lu Ming nodded and replied, "I should do my best!"

Guaranteed liquidity of at least $810, what is the concept?

It means that Tiansheng Capital can buy RMB 565 billion unilaterally by unilaterally buying RMB 565 billion. Basically, the offshore market can be bought, sold short, and bought to the rhythm of depleted liquidity.

The vast majority of offshore RMB funds are gathered in Xiangjiang, where there is about 800 billion yuan of deposits, the market over there is 320 billion yuan, and Singapore has more than 150 billion yuan. The entire offshore market is about 100 billion yuan. It is about 1.5 trillion yuan, and the market size is actually not large.

This time, in response to the international hot money short army, shorting the RMB is basically the same as the response strategy in the last fight, and after the last fight, the interest rate hike against the old and the United States made the dollar appreciate, and then used the return of the dollar to harvest the world's conditions. The road has been touched and clear.

So Yang's mother directly adopted the same strategy as last time. There is no way. The international bears are not convinced and want to send it for the second time, so I will cut it again...

Lu Ming's strategy is almost the same as the last time, only slightly changed and adjusted. Tiansheng Capital, as a mobile force, is buying and robbing RMB in the offshore market, causing short-term depletion of RMB liquidity in the offshore market.

The scale of the entire offshore market in RMB, Lu Ming can guarantee to buy more than 560 billion yuan, cut off more than one-third of the liquidity in the offshore market, and cut it out from the source just like last time. There is no currency available in hand, how to sell short?

Once Lu Ming's scale of 560 billion is gone, all kinds of funds in the market will definitely think that this is the "regular army" of Yang's mother who has been secretly deployed offshore, and will wait for the time to end. In the scene a year ago, Lu Ming brought the rhythm and emotion together, and swept one third of it directly, so why don't everyone rush to grab the RMB first?

Then everyone is robbing the renminbi, and of course it will appreciate.

Lu Ming dares to be so unrestrained in the offshore market, of course, it is inseparable from the layout of Yangma in the onshore market, which is to directly tighten RMB lending and strictly control the large-scale outflow of mainland funds.

In addition to tightening renminbi lending, reverse repurchase is also used to adjust short-term capital flow. This trick is to lock in short-term capital flow and prevent the further expansion of market sell-off panic.

At the same time, it also took advantage of the general trend of appreciation of the US dollar index to make a deleveraging and de-leveraging action to stabilize the RMB exchange rate.

As a result, in the onshore market, through a series of combined punches by Yang's mother, Lu Ming continued to hollow out the butts of the big army in the offshore market. Once, Lu Ming cut them again.


The phone conversation ended after about half an hour, and Lu Ming immediately sent an order to Qi Wei, the person in charge of the implementation, to directly spend 20 billion US dollars in liquidity to buy more RMB to suppress the shock.

At this time, the offshore exchange rate was 6.9527, which was easily penetrated by 6.8 and 6.9 before. The international short-sold and hot money coalition army is like a rainbow, and it has already pointed to the 7 mark.

In the next three days, the onshore market was also a series of combined punches from a number of relevant departments.

Further lightning strikes against underground banks and fake trade, and stricter control over the use of overseas assets and foreign exchange. There are three main points:

The first is to increase the review of foreign exchange purchases, foreign investment, and mergers and acquisitions, and all investments that do not have a real background will not be approved;

The second is to provide a legitimate source of funds for large foreign exchange purchases, and directly cut off the channel for hot money to flow out;

The third is to strictly prohibit the purchase of foreign exchange for overseas securities investment, housing market, purchase of insurance, etc., which basically blocks most of the channels for capital outflow.

It is no exaggeration to say that even Tiansheng Capital wants to buy foreign exchange to go overseas, and it is not easy to get approval.

However, Tiansheng Capital does not need to bring funds from the country to go overseas now. The scale of assets in the offshore market has expanded to the order of hundreds of billions of dollars, and this is all profit. In the vernacular, it is now all about making profits and then reinvesting and rolling in profits.

And there are too many, and Tiansheng Capital can't be approved. Too little billions of dollars or something is no different from scratching the itch.


With this series of combined punches, the renminbi rose in response, rising from around 6.95 to around 6.86 in just two trading days.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This series of combined punches had an outstanding effect and immediate results.

However, Lu Ming is very clear that this is just a warm-up battle, and there is still 48.5 billion US dollars of liquidity in his hand that has not been used, which means that it has just begun.

Many people see that the exchange rate of the RMB has stabilized, and they feel that this is the end. They are not convinced that the international short-term hot money has been taught a lesson again. This kind of thing is for these international speculative capital who only remember what to eat and not to fight. It's also no surprise.

And Yangma did not interfere strongly with the renminbi. The reason is very simple. The renminbi has entered the international stage. In the future, it will go to the center of this stage and have high ambitions. Then the credit of the renminbi is very important. If you don't interfere, try not to interfere.

The foreign exchange market was turbulent, and the big A was a bit miserable after entering December, and it fell directly to 3200 points, which almost fell below the integer mark.

There are too many bad news. Some smart funds have predicted from the recent market conditions that Big A may introduce measures to further de-leverage and deleverage, and the central bank is also tightening the currency.

In this case, everyone turned their attention to Tiansheng Capital, thinking that Lu Ming would stay outside the field with more than 100 billion liquidity in his hands. If he could enter the field, Big A could properly see 3,500 points.

But in the end, let's forget it, this is too unreliable, and it's a bit unrealistic to ask the first brother to carry the sedan chair.

In addition, the voice of the US dollar interest rate hike is still clamoring, like the sword of Damocles hanging on the heads of non-US dollar currencies around the world, bringing uncertainty and panic to all investors.


December 6, morning.

Lu Ming was eating breakfast when he suddenly heard An Yirou, who was sitting beside him, staring at the tablet in his hand and said in surprise: "The exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar has dropped to 7.43? Look, this news has already exploded internationally. It's gone!"

Hearing this, Lu Ming, who was enjoying breakfast, said without raising his head, "Do you believe in breaking 7.43? Impossible news like 'Fikenius' at first glance, do you really think we don't have monetary sovereignty? ?"

Yesterday's RMB exchange rate was still around Today it fell directly below 7 and hit the water level of 7.43?

But this news spreads extremely fast in international news. In this age of Internet information, the transmission of news is a matter of minutes, which has already caused huge panic in the market.

After about ten minutes, An Yirou saw the latest news alert, and couldn't help reading in a circle: "Google came out to clarify, this is due to an oolong caused by abnormal background data, resulting in the spread of wrong information?"

Ten minutes is enough to cause the market to fluctuate violently for a long time.

Lu Ming laughed jokingly and said, "Aren't you ridiculous? For a world-renowned Internet technology giant with strong technical strength and a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, such news is really unbelievable."

Obviously, this is because the opponent deliberately creates panic from public opinion. Multiple factors superimpose to guide the market to follow the trend, thus forming a positive feedback, then following the trend can also evolve into a stampede panic.


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