Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 183: [A new high (guaranteed one/two)]

It has to be said that the attribute of "death as soon as you control it, chaos as soon as you release it" seems to have been strengthened in Big A, and the management difficulty factor of Big A is not that big.

No matter what you try, you can get more than 10,000 points in half a year. If you get too tight, you will die for you to see. If you drop to more than 1,000 points, there is no ambiguity.

It is obviously not feasible to go up too fast, and it is risky to go up.

If the capital market is stagnant, everyone will stop playing, and IPO will not be able to promote the financing.

I'm really afraid that you won't come, and I'm afraid that you will mess around. It's not easy.

The capital market is an important trump card for promoting the development of the real economy and promoting consumption to inject vitality into the economy. 20 companies have been listed and raised funds. In the end, only 1 survived, which is also a great success. As for the 19 that died Enterprises, investors who bought their stocks, can only say that the investment is risky, what else can I do?

In addition to financing companies, the capital market is another important means of stimulating consumption. The capital market is a place for wealth redistribution. Never mind those who lose money, those who make money must consume, often retaliatory consumption.

Then there is the non-reduction of the size of the listed company. Those bosses and executives have listed the company, and once the lock-up period has passed, they will sell stocks that are originally worth less than toilet paper.

After you set out a lot of cash, it has to spend!

Ordinary shareholders are reluctant to spend money on consumption, hoping to make more profits with the few principals, so who will make up for this lost consumption? It can only be those senior executives of listed companies that do not reduce their holdings. After they cash out, it is called a willingness to buy luxury cars, luxury houses, luxury goods, travel and vacations, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas.

Wouldn't this part of the missing consumption be made up?

When consumption comes up, the economy will come alive. Where the 100 yuan was originally placed is dead money, but after such a circulation through the capital market, the dead money will come alive immediately.

The 100 yuan was cashed out from the stock market and contributed 100 yuan to the purchase of a luxury car. The 100 yuan flowed into the auto company, then into the auto industry chain spare parts, and into another supervisor's year-end bonus performance commission.

The supervisor went to an informal massage parlor to have a massage, regardless of whether it was a regular massage parlor or not. In short, the 100 yuan flowed into the hands of a massage lady.

This young lady made money and went to the shopping mall to buy a cosmetic product. The 100 yuan contributed to the appreciation of the asset price of the cosmetics store and shopping mall rental fee...

It just kept going.

It can be seen that the 100 yuan was originally dead money in the hands of an ordinary shareholder, but it has survived from the capital market, and has provided 100 yuan of liquidity in various industries through consumption.

What if it was 10 billion? 100 billion? That's amazing!

As for the investor who first offered the 100 yuan, he was put on guard at the big A station, and either waited for the next pick-up man to relieve him, or the meat-cutting man lost out, and the floating loss became a real loss.

But there is no doubt that this ordinary investor has provided 100 yuan of liquidity for the development of the capital market and the real economy. Such an operation that benefits others at the expense of oneself can be regarded as a great thing.

Therefore, the investment was originally a short-term investment, but it turned out to be a medium-term investment, and later became a long-term investment.


Two days later, Wednesday, February 22.

Tiansheng Holdings hit a new high again today. The intraday share price hit a maximum of 9472.34 yuan per share, and the total market value reached 757.7 billion yuan, ranking 7th in the big A, and the market value of the first 6 companies is in the trillion level.

A share price of nearly 10,000 yuan is basically unaffordable for ordinary retail investors. Only the funds of institutions and large households, at least middle-class families, can afford it, and it has to be carefully considered.

However, this does not prevent the popularity and attention of Tiansheng Holdings in the comment area under the major market software. The discussion of this stock among investors has always maintained a high popularity.

"Tiansheng's stock price has reached a new high again, and our dear big A is still playing in the 3000-point range... ah!"

"The upward trend of this ticket is really terrifying. It's going up one step at a time. It's a pity that the price is desperate!"

"Tiansheng Holdings is probably the most profitable stock in Big A, but it has nothing to do with retail investors, it's very annoying!"

"My Nima account is only 150,000 in total, and I can't afford two shares... [laughs and tears]"

"Suddenly I found that although Tiansheng Holdings has never had a daily limit since its listing, except for two daily limits in the first three days, it has risen slowly along the way, and the cumulative increase has more than doubled in less than a year."

"The first 10,000-dollar bull stock in the history of Big A is about to be born, witnessing the moment of miracle! Although it has nothing to do with me!"

"Bull stock? I'm afraid this is not a **** stock!"

"Please, brother, split the stock, let me wait for the retail investors to drink soup, I want value investment!"

"Hehe, believe me, as long as Tiansheng really announces a stock split, this unilateral upward trend will soon reverse into a unilateral downward trend. It is precisely because there are no retail investors that it has risen so well."

"It's so heart-wrenching, it's very real, and it must be admitted that votes with few retail investors tend to rise better."

"At the current stock price of Tiansheng, the price-earnings ratio has exceeded 50 times the PE. Why support such a high price-earnings ratio? The old leader of the brokerage sector, Zhongxin Securities, has a PE of more than 20 times. If the bubble of Tiansheng bursts , the brokerage sector will explode, and then the big A will definitely explode!"

"Anyway, retail investors can't afford it. An account of tens of thousands of yuan has the heart of an account of hundreds of millions. It hurts to be idle."

"The problem is, I Nima bought a securities ETF! If Tiansheng crashes, will the entire brokerage sector still exist? It will be gone, and then I will be gone... [laughs and tears]"

"Securities ETFs are too stretched. They are dragged down by other securities companies, and they have hedged Tiansheng Holdings' gains. Mader is playing a lonely game."

"Take it easy, everyone, the brokerage sector has been sideways for so long, and it is about to change, but I feel it is down. On April 24, Tiansheng Holdings lifted the ban on 18 million shares, and the lifting of the ban was basically the shares placed by private placement institutions. It accounts for 22.5% of the total share capital, and the circulating market has expanded so much, then the selling pressure..."

"Don't panic, there are still two or two months before the ban is lifted, you can still play for a while, don't scare yourself!"


Tiansheng Capital Headquarters, CEO Office.

Lu Ming is browsing the consolidated financial audit report of Tiansheng Capital in 2016 submitted by An Yirou.

As of December 31, 2016, Tiansheng Capital achieved an operating income of 30.886 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.158 billion yuan in total profit, a year-on-year increase of 21.929 billion yuan in net profit, and a year-on-year increase of 20.232 billion yuan in non-net profit, a year-on-year increase of 274.11 yuan. At the end of the period, the total assets were 426.033 billion yuan, and the net assets were 418.528 billion yuan.

The total assets under management of Tiansheng Capital is 1,428.969 billion yuan, of which the company's own assets are 426.033 billion yuan, the private equity management assets are 865.436 billion yuan, and the public fund management assets are 137.5 billion yuan.

The real moneymaker in the past year is undoubtedly overseas income. At present, the total size of overseas assets is 118.9 billion US dollars, or about 816.8 billion yuan excluding exchange rate changes, accounting for about 57% of the total assets.

The two foreign exchange battles last year made a lot of You must know that the current overseas assets are real profits, and the 5 billion US dollars of principal that went overseas has long been returned to China.

In 2016, the overseas income was made crazy by two foreign exchange battles, and this year's overseas income is highly expected by Lu Ming is the super market of Bitcoin. The average price is $762 a piece.

Not surprisingly, in December 2017, the price of Bitcoin will soar to $20,000 in this super market, which means that there will be more than 25 times the profit forecast, and the market value of $5.5 billion will skyrocket to more than 140 billion. Dollar.

Lu Ming has become the biggest dealer behind Bitcoin. It is impossible and unrealistic to sell all of them. But no matter what, even if he can sell a quarter, it will be more than 35 billion US dollars. Full bowl.

The cost price of not more than 800 US dollars is really the floor price in the floor price.


(Ps: In the new week, I need a recommendation ticket. The author's nine livers are about to explode and need to be replaced urgently. I need a monthly ticket recommendation ticket and various tickets to buy livers. Help the author's bacteria~~)

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