Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 185: [The opening of the enchantress detonated the purchase frenzy (32/73…

Tiansheng Capital's current asset management scale is only more than 200 billion US dollars, which is of course an astronomical figure. Any institution of the order of 100 billion US dollars means that it has a huge industry and social influence.

But Lu Ming's pursuit obviously doesn't stop there. This satisfies that the situation is small, surpassing BlackRock Group and pushing Tiansheng Capital to the world's largest asset management institution is the goal.

Between US$200 billion and US$5.1 trillion, Tiansheng Capital's current asset management scale is less than 4% of BlackRock's. The gap is indeed huge.

However, Lu Ming is confident. He stepped on BlackRock in the last life to make it second, and he is more confident in this life. Isn't surpassing BlackRock the basic operation of KPI performance?

Although Tiansheng Capital's current asset management volume is less than 4% of BlackRock Group's, it depends on the development time of the two. Tiansheng Capital was established less than two years ago, and BlackRock Group has been close to 30 years.

As long as this momentum is maintained, it is not an unattainable goal for Tiansheng Capital to surpass BlackRock in ten years.


But it said that after the release of the 2016 consolidated annual report, the star-level public offering fund under Tiansheng Fund, namely Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed, also issued a new announcement.

That is, the fund will officially open for redemption from the next trading day after the announcement, and investors can buy Tiansheng Yaoji again.

Christians can click to subscribe.

The news spread quickly in the Christian community as if it had grown wings. Before that, the popularity of the comment area under Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund was not as high as it was when it was crazy. , and comments from all walks of life who came to envy in the car.

But the popularity soared today, and Christians couldn't sit still.

"Brothers, Tiansheng Yaoji has finally opened the door to pick up guests, rushing duck!!!"

"Master's youth is back!"

"Can I finally buy it? If I don't open the door, I will be blinded by Big A..."

"Sell a house and a car for a loan, I want to buy it!"

"The income curve of Yaoji in the past two years is simply picturesque. Intuitively, it seems to be a jagged line from the lower left corner to the upper right corner."

"The most annoying thing is that according to the income curve since its establishment, you can't believe that the two comparison income lines of similar funds and the CSI 300 year-on-year can not be found? It has become a straight line below the zero axis, on the floor, while the enchantress It has broken through the atmosphere!"

"The net worth of the enchantress was fixed at 5.0093 yuan on December 31, 2016. Last year, the scale of the annual income fund was so large that it could create such a high income. It was really a mess."

"Don't ask, just ask the first brother forever!"

"The first brother is as fierce as a tiger. Who said that the first brother can't bet at a price? The youth of the Lord is back!"

"Is there any brother who bought and held it on March 16, 2015? Since the establishment of Tiansheng Yaoji, the rate of return has been +6208%, 62 times. Has the brother been full? The accumulated 62 times in more than two years? , the terrifying compound interest effect!"

"Count me in. I bought 30,000 yuan on the day of resumption and it has become 1.89 million."

"Count me in too. On the day of resumption, I bought 750,000 direct sales, and now it's 47.25 million. Thanks to my first brother for letting me achieve financial freedom!"

"66666, I kneel to the boss, how can the boss hold it? Especially Li Mingyang's naive manipulation, how could he resist that part and not leave?"

"Uh, the company was involved in a lawsuit not long after I bought it. My wife also filed for divorce at this time, and the funds were frozen. Otherwise, I would have sold it at that time. Thinking of remarrying again... Hehe, he left me when I was in the most difficult time, and now that labor and capital are prosperous, I want to eat shit!"

"Boss, this wave of operations must be 6666, probably this is fate... luck can't stop it."

"Brother and wife must have regrets."

"The gigantic truth lies. Those who made a lot of money either forgot their accounts, hung up, or were frozen because of lawsuits and disputes. Too Nima is real."

"Understood, Stud uninstalls the account immediately!"

"Scared me, I thought you were going to jump off the building when you're stud... Very awkward!"



The current scale of Tiansheng Value Growth Mix has reached 85.9 billion. Although the subscription channel has been closed, the scale has been expanding. The reason is of course the result of the continuous accumulation of income and no dividends. Without redemption, the plate naturally keeps rising over time.

The scale of Tiansheng Fund's management totals more than 137 billion yuan. This fund alone accounts for more than half of the scale of Tiansheng Fund. It has to be said that Tiansheng Enchantress is indeed enough. The plate of more than 80 billion has also become a domestic market. The largest of all public funds of its kind.

The reason why it was opened at this time is because Lu Ming felt that the time was right. The five closed-end funds issued earlier, "Tiansheng Flexible Allocation", now outperform Tiansheng Value Growth Mix, and their reputation has also emerged.

Because of the small size of these five closed-end funds and Lu Ming as a consultant, the fund manager attaches great importance to them, and it is reasonable to outperform Tiansheng Value Growth Mix in stages.

The most important thing is that the excellent performance of the five closed funds has opened up a new situation for Tiansheng Fund. In the future, when new fund types are issued, there will be no Christians voting with their feet and sending out soul torture: Why don't I directly subscribe to Tiansheng Enchantress ?


Tuesday, February 28.

This morning, just after Lu Ming came to the company, Li Mingyang rushed to his office in a hurry, "Mr. Lu, Christians are crazy!"

Lu Ming curiously asked subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

Li Mingyang said: "Tiansheng Value Growth Mix just opened for subscription yesterday. How much did Jimin subscribe for in one day? 32 billion, my god! The size of the fund market has suddenly expanded to 117.9 billion!"

Old Li was stunned and very excited. The first domestic public fund with a single fund's fund scale reaching the 100 billion level was born yesterday!

Lu Ming was also quite surprised.

The Christian Democrats staged a retaliatory subscription frenzy yesterday, with a cumulative income of +6208% in more than two years, and a return on investment exceeding 62 times in two years. Previously, they had been closed and did not accept new subscription funds. Now they are open for subscription again. Can it be robbed...

Thinking of that magical rate of return, it seems no surprise that a retaliatory purchase frenzy is triggered.

Lu Ming thought about it, and after a while he instructed: "Let the Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund Management Department revise the indicators as soon as possible, and the subscription limit will start today. The subscription limit for each investment account in a single trading day is RMB 800. If the funds have not yet been confirmed, only 800 yuan will be confirmed, and all more funds will be returned to investors."

If you really want to limit the subscription, just take the madness of the majority of Christians I may have done it to you to a scale of 200 billion this week. The red-eyed investors have turned fund investment into The demon stocks came to fry.

Brother Yi can't stand it either, so much money is very hot in his hands, and holding cash will inevitably affect the net worth income curve.

62 times earnings in two years and two months does have a fatal allure.

Lu Ming is not worried that the size of this fund will expand to 200 billion, but it is not such a savage expansion method. It is normal to grow steadily. This savage expansion will cause the head siphon effect. People are interested.

The main reason is that Lu Ming realized that it is easy to be ganked like this. Your fund is playing a clear card. If you want to engage with you, you will give them a chance to gank. Irrational subscription will cause irrational. redemption.

At that time, the market fell sharply due to being overshadowed by others. These irrational Christians will redeem themselves when they see that they lose money and worry about losing too much. Well, a vicious positive feedback is formed, and irrational funds are caused by the decline in net worth. The redemption ebb, so they had to be forced to sell the stock to realize the redemption of funds, and the large-scale sell-off caused the market to fall further...


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