Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 203: [Lu Ming's influence (guaranteed 1/2)]

"The U.S. stock market is the largest capital market in the world. We like such a large and open market, and we may make some major deployments in the next few years." Lu Ming at the shareholders' meeting answered an institutional analyst on Tiansheng Capital's investment in U.S. stocks question, the answer is rather formulaic.

During the question-and-answer session of the shareholders' meeting, directors of several major companies such as Lu Ming and Ge Feng took turns to answer questions from all shareholders, including some media.

Most shareholders are still more concerned about the domestic capital market. The current focus of Tiansheng Capital is also in the domestic capital market. The overseas investment situation did not reveal too many details at the shareholders' meeting, so it did not want to waste the opportunity to ask questions.

Judging from the information that has been published, the outside world only knows that Tiansheng Capital has relatively large investments overseas, but they do not know the specific investment direction, and even do not know the specific number of overseas assets.

The financial statements of Tiansheng Capital only announced a total number, that is, Tiansheng Capital’s own assets exceeded 500 billion yuan, and the assets managed by LPs have reached more than 1.3 trillion yuan. The total adds up to 2 trillion yuan. went.


The last questioner was Lao Yang of Price Investment: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Ge, good afternoon, thank you for inviting me to participate in this meeting. I am a loyal small shareholder of Tiansheng and I firmly believe that Tiansheng can be successful in the future. Going out of the bullish trend. Mr. Lu, your wise speech will give us more examples and let us understand your valuable investment ideas. My question is, does small and medium-sized innovation really have no future? The market has given up on small and medium-sized stocks Is it? Is it possible for Tiansheng to invest in small and medium-cap stocks in the future?"

This question was raised, and many investors watching the live broadcast with small and medium-sized caps in their hands immediately became interested, because most of them heard the story of the agency's "small but beautiful, high growth" the year before. After entering, there are accidents everywhere now, and they are trapped in the small and medium-sized caps, and there are many people who are cut in half.

Lao Yang's price investment style is to just stick to the faucet, but asking such a question is also a kind of reverse thinking.

Ge Feng and other company directors silently said in their hearts: The layout has been laid out long ago, and Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300 is frantically stealing chickens to buy bottoms, but how can this be said on this occasion, the positions are not enough .

This question was handed over to Lu Ming to answer. After drinking a few sips of mineral water to moisten his throat, he moved the conference microphone to him and said in an orderly manner:

"A healthy market will inevitably need the existence of small and medium-sized companies. I don't think it is possible or impossible to say that small and medium-sized companies are abandoned, but the market thinks that the valuation of small and medium-sized companies is too high, and it is now in a trend of killing valuations, but we believe that after the stock market crash After a year and a half of digestion, the pessimism in the market has basically been calmed down, and the market sentiment has begun to stabilize. If investors can choose good companies and value stocks with low valuations from the bear market, there is still room for imagination in the future."

"We are fully optimizing our investment portfolio model. Are there any small and mid-cap stocks that can stand out and grow into a leader with a market value of 100 billion? Yes, there is no doubt that the vast majority of the big bull stocks have also They are all small and medium-cap stocks, and we will also search for treasures in the small and medium-sized caps, hoping to find ten times or twenty times the big bull stocks in the future, of course, I can’t say more specifically.”

"But one fact is undeniable, that is, all the capital in the world is accumulated in real high-quality companies, leading companies, and core assets, including Buffett, Peter Lynch, and others. The final fate of 95% of the companies in the market is to be eliminated, the logic is not difficult to understand, it is impossible for all companies to become leading companies.”

"There are only three or five of the 100 companies that can truly stand out and become evergreens in the market, or even only 1 company. If the company you choose is not a high-quality company with core assets, the final probability is the fate of elimination. It is so cruel, including the U.S. stock market, the only companies in the early 100s that can maintain the upward trend of the U.S. stock market for decades, and the major capital markets around the world are roughly the same."

"And Tiansheng Capital's philosophy is to find real treasures that have not yet shined from a market where more than 95% of them are garbage, find a high-quality leading company that can walk out of the 30-year-old trend, and then hold it and stick to it. ."

This answer from Lu Ming made Lao Yang very excited, "Thank you!"

Unexpectedly, the boss is also optimistic about the high-quality leader, core assets, and the boss thinks of it together. Naturally, he is very excited, and he is more determined that his trading system is right.

That is to insist on being a good company, be a leader, be a real core asset, and die on the leader.

Lu Ming must be great to be beautiful. No matter from which point of view, he must be like this. His Tiansheng Shang 50 and Tiansheng Shen 100 are both blue-chip big **** tickets. Now it has begun to trend, and the trend is rising. It wouldn't be so easy to pinch off.

The foreign capital has brought the rhythm up and is still working hard to bring the rhythm, even at the cost of carrying a sedan chair for Lu Ming. It is impossible for Lu Ming to distribute chips at this position. to foreign capital and other institutions.

Today is Friday, and while Tiansheng Capital is holding its annual general meeting, Big A is still in the trading stage.

As Lu Ming trumpeted at the meeting that "big is beautiful and core assets" also led to the rise of some blue-chip stocks, and as he expressed his views on small and medium-cap stocks at the general meeting of shareholders.

The big A, small and medium boards originally fell slightly, but when he said this in the afternoon, he immediately accelerated the decline.

Lu Ming said at the shareholders' meeting that more than 90% of the companies will face the fate of being eliminated in the future. This argument can frighten the investors in the small and medium-sized companies. He has insufficient confidence in the targets held in his hands. As soon as the argument comes out, it is tantamount to making another knife.


It has once again proved that a large number of investors in the domestic capital market, especially small and medium investors, are irrational.

Originally, there were only 10 stocks in the market that fell by the limit. This accelerated sharp decline in the late afternoon directly pushed out 5 more limit-down votes. These 15 stocks with the limit-down limit were all medium and small-cap stocks without exception.

This is the case in the comment area under the major targets of the small and medium-sized board.

"Brothers, run quickly, the main force is smashed!"

"It's gone, run a hammer."

"If you have time to cancel your account, it's basically meaningless."

"Run, it's about to hit the limit."

"what happened?"

"I don't know if I'm in a stock market crash."

"It feels like the whole world is going up, and the few I bought are going down and down..."


At the close of today, more than 2,300 stocks fell in the two cities. The market is full of greenery, and the top losers are basically small and medium-cap stocks.

Although Lu Ming's remarks at the shareholders' meeting today have a driving effect, it is not a matter of a day or two for small and medium-sized enterprises to fall. The CSI 1000 Index and the China Securities 2000 Index, which represent small and medium-sized stocks, have been in the index since the end of last year. Go down the relay trend.

Even if there is a rebound, it is still a weak rebound, the downward trend has not reversed, and it will continue to search for the bottom after the pumping.

Lu Ming said today that these did not deceive the domestic peasants. If they are willing to give up speculation in junk stocks, give up getting rich quickly, and give up making hot money tickets, it is impossible to lose money by honestly defending their core assets.

You must know that the price of Wuliangye's core assets is still less than 45 yuan per share. Even if you don't know how to do T, you can start now. Even if there is a big bear market next year, the price of core assets will also be reduced. Cut in half, nothing will be moved during the period, and the core assets in hand will not fall below the cost price and hurt the principal.

If you know how to avoid risks, you will only earn more if you lock in profits, you will be able to endure loneliness, and eventually you will be able to maintain prosperity.

However, this afternoon, small and mid-cap stocks accelerated their decline, which is a good thing for the Tiansheng Small and Medium-cap 300 Index, which is building positions, because these positions are also affected by the sell-off in market sentiment. Tiansheng Capital is happily picking up bargains chips.


(Ps: Update suddenly late at night, the welfare of the night watchman is not there~~)

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