Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 231: [Main force: Hold steady, let me run first (fifty-five/ninety-three…

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In the new energy vehicle sector, Lu Ming did not pay much attention to the situation in the secondary market. .

The trend of these major indexes reflects the situation of small and medium-cap stocks.

With the help of yesterday's news, the China Securities 1000 Index opened higher today, but after a few minutes of shock at the opening, it suddenly plunged, and it was unstoppable. The China Securities 2000 Index, China Securities 1000 Index and China Securities 500 Index fell. Both exceeded -1.5%, and the National Securities 2000 Index fell by more than 2 percentage points.

Lu Ming switched the window and looked at the rise and fall of individual stocks in the two cities. The number of 3,300 listed companies in the two cities fell by more than 2,600, and the number of stocks rose by more than 700, but the main board and the Shanghai index did not fall much.

Almost all of the more than 700 stocks that have risen are large-cap stocks, that is, blue-chip big **** votes.

Taking Zhongguo Ping An as an example, today it has risen by more than 4 points, and the total market value has reached more than 850 billion. This ticket has been sideways for a year and a half. At the end of April this year, it successfully broke through the platform pressure of 37.76 yuan. All previous hold-up disks.

That's right, from the point of view of the restoration of rights, the high point set in 2015 has also been released. Zhong Guoping has already stepped out of a new record high. Today's stock price should hit 47 yuan. Soaring +35%.

There are not a few blue-chip big-butt votes that have continuously hit record highs. "Beauty with greatness and core assets" is the mainstream of the current market. Institutions, funds, and foreign capital are all fighting for big votes. With three to five hundred big butts, the main board index will not only fail to fall, but also rise.

After seeing these blue-chip big **** tickets out of a record high, small and medium-sized retail investors mostly did not buy them, and some did not dare to buy them, for fear of the pressure of correction.

Most of them are hard-working people who are afraid of heights. Zhongguo Ping An is the most typical example. In mid-to-late April, it bottomed out and rose by 35 points in a month. Many people watched it all the way up and did not dare to buy it.

Li Mingyang watched Lu Ming switch the indexes of several large, medium and small-cap stocks at will, and he couldn't help shaking his head: "The main board index closed in the red, and more than 2,600 small and medium-cap stocks continued to fall. It's too bad. Isn't it good to embrace core assets?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming smiled and said, "Do you think they can make money from small-cap stocks? It's useless, these people are destined to be the leeks of the capital market, because they are both hard-working people who are afraid of highs and lows. Those who are afraid are afraid of rising and falling;

Li Mingyang was dumbfounded, and he was speechless. Most of the small players in the market basically have this mentality.

The first half of 2017 is almost over. This year's market situation, the index has been distorted. 5% of the big blue chips in the market have been rising and have broken through record highs, while 80% of small and medium-cap stocks have continued to fall below record lows.

However, among the many small-cap stocks, some of them are going strong today. They are the constituent stocks of the Tiansheng Small and Medium-Cap 300 Index. The trend of these 300 stocks today is much stronger than that of the blue-chip big **** stocks. There are two More than a dozen tickets have directly increased their daily limit, and other tickets also have very good increases, which are obviously sought after by market funds.

For no other reason, it was stimulated by Tiansheng Capital's announcement of the "3+1" index yesterday afternoon. Because the first brother was optimistic about these 300 stocks, the market copying funds followed suit.

In fact, among these 300 stocks, there are many potential stocks that are lurking. Small-cap stocks basically have Zhuang. These latent stocks are waiting for the market to take advantage of the trend. After flipping the brand, I was lucky enough to be funded.

There is no doubt that the news of being included in the Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300 has attracted the attention of the related stocks at once, and it has the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity. The Zhuang inside also took the opportunity to boost the market, and each and everyone of the daily limit seems to be a naked cardamom girl. The small and medium-sized retail investors who frantically seduced the market with funds in their hands and looked at the market at a loss.

In contrast, the more than 2,000 stocks that were not allocated to the Tiansheng Small and Medium Cap 300 were slumping. Although there were only three or five stocks that fell by the limit, most of the small, medium and small-cap stocks fell more than today. 5 percentage points.

At around 10 o'clock, the National Securities 2000 Index had fallen by -3.16%, and the small and medium-cap stocks as a whole continued to be killed, and there was almost no acceptance on the disk.

But at this time, five minutes later, the situation began to change. The China Securities 2000 Index, the China Securities 1000 Index and other indices representing small and medium-cap stocks stopped falling and rebounded, and the rebound was very strong.

The decline of the National Securities 2000 Index narrowed to -1.88% at around 10:15. Such a rebound is not a fake back pump, at least not a fake back pump within the day.

Seeing this trend, Li Mingyang couldn't help but say: "Guo Jia's main team has paid for the promotion?"

Lu Ming immediately shook his head and said, "Do you think that Guo Jia's team's money came from strong winds? It's impossible to buy these junk small-cap stocks. Guo Jia's team, whose main board is red, has no reason to take action."

Li Mingyang said: "It can't always be hot money. Hot money doesn't have such a powerful force, not to mention that emotions are gathered in the new energy sector, and hot money is all over the place."

When the two of them were talking, the decline of the National Securities 2000 Index had narrowed to -1.49% and was still rushing upward.

Lu Ming looked at the index that continued to rush upwards and said with a smile: "It should be Zhuang who is trying his best to support the market, they have to support the market, and they must stabilize the retail investors inside, otherwise a positive feedback effect will form and trigger the retail investors inside. If a large area cuts meat and flees, there will inevitably be a limit-down trend, and if it goes completely bad, it will not be able to be collected."

In fact, the few mid- and small-cap stocks that fell by the limit today are the result of Zhuang running away. They also know that small and medium-cap stocks are now hopeless for a long But Zhuang in other votes Those who haven't run or haven't run clean yet, so they can only try their best to buck the trend to stabilize the market sentiment. To put it bluntly, it means to stabilize the emotions of retail investors, so that their mentality does not collapse.

The so-called “one yang changes three views”, you only need to pull out a thick and long big yang line, and the retail investors who finally made the difficult decision to cut meat will stop when they see it, and they are afraid that it will start to rise sharply just after cutting.

When the time came to around 10:30, the small and medium-cap stocks began to rebound on a large scale. The National Securities 2000 Index actually closed in the red. Several stocks that had fallen by three or five points not only narrowed their decline, but also closed the board. The limit is up.

Some investors who like to play technical analysis see this situation and feel that the small and medium-cap stocks are about to rebound from oversold!

From the perspective of technical analysis, this is indeed a K-line pattern of ultra-low rebound, but it is only a rebound, and does not fundamentally change the logic of those rebounding stocks.

In fact, it's just that the main force inside is buying time for themselves to run away in order to stabilize people's hearts.


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