Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 366: [Poor and extravagant eight thousand brothers]

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Wednesday, April 18.

But he said that at this moment, Brother 8000, he is still lucky. After all, luck is all about Brother 8000's strength.

The insider operation that was questioned before became a hot topic in the circle, but it didn't last long, and it was overshadowed by the two major events of Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund's stock exchange and yesterday's sanctions against Zhongxing.

And Brother 8000's attention has also been successfully reduced, no one is discussing his affairs, not to mention that there is nothing wrong with coming out to clarify, this matter is basically over.

No matter how envious and jealous, that can only be the case.

Brother 8000 has not been idle these days. After 12 times leveraged capital, Stud Tiansheng Holdings has made more than 1.3 billion in blood, he has already disposed of all debts and interest on Monday this week, and all debts are repaid after one cent. The money and foreign debts are gone, and his current net worth has reached 1.33 billion.

Since yesterday, Brother 8000 has directly fast-forwarded to the extravagant life of a drunkard.

Brother Cheng, an old acquaintance who knew how to play houses, quickly helped him build a super-luxurious single-family villa big HOUSE in one day. He just moved in yesterday, and the efficiency depends on the speed of payment.

Brother Cheng changed his words and didn't call him Gangzi, so he was about to call him Young Master Ye. There's no other way, the situation is not the same. Brother 8000 is now a proper big local tyrant, and his worth is five years of Brother Cheng's. Times, the most important thing is that 80% of Brother Cheng's worth is fixed assets. It is impossible for him to spend thousands of dollars in cash flow in one day, and it must be turned around.

The 8000 brother is different, 1.3 billion is the net cash flow, the kind that is taken out in minutes.


It was already 8:00 in the morning. In the bedroom on the second floor of the villa, Brother 8000 who woke up lay on the bed for a while, then rolled over, stretched his waist and yawned, "Xiao Na?"

"Good morning master, I'm here!"

The electronically synthesized voice of an intelligent voice assistant responded to Brother 8000, which is the voice of Cortana, an intelligent voice assistant owned by Microsoft.

Brother 8000 said immediately: "Open the curtains, and what time is it now?"

"Okay!" Cortana responded: "It's 8:28 in the morning, the current temperature in Tianqin Bay is 23.76 degrees Celsius, and the weather is cloudy and sunny."

While Cortana was talking, the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the bedroom automatically opened to both sides, and the sunlight from outside reflected into the bedroom through the window, and the whole room was suddenly bright.

Brother 8000’s single-family luxury villa, Dahaosi, is located in Tianqin Bay, on the Qitouling Peninsula on the east Gold Coast of Pengcheng. The 48 villas here are hidden deep in the mountains of Dameisha. The value is more than 100 million yuan.

Half a month ago, Brother 8000 never thought of living in Tianqin Bay, but now he owns one of them, which is very exciting.

"Xiao Na?" Brother 8000 lit a cigarette.

Cortana: "I'm here!"

Brother 8000 poured out a puff of smoke and said, "Give Young Master Ye me a dazzling, dazzling and irritating music!"

Cortana: "A piece of Brother Mars' "24K-Magic" is here, it's dazzling, dazzling, and coquettish!"

As soon as the voice fell, the music started. The rhythm of this melody was full of irritability and unrestrainedness. Brother 8000 said that he liked it very much and was very satisfied. PP twitched and walked towards the balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows with irritable steps.

The MV of this song is a great fit for the current 8000 brother. The only fly in the ointment now is that there is no sister paper. It only settled in yesterday. This 8000 brother is not in a hurry, and the sister paper must be arranged.

Fragrant car beauty big house, everything is indispensable, all are arranged.

At this moment, Brother 8000, who walked all the way to the balcony with arrogant steps, held the railing with both hands, and then looked into the distance, overlooking the white sand and fine waves of the big and small seas. The vast Dapeng seascape.

Tianqin Bay is 130 meters above sea level and has a 270-degree panoramic sea view of the peninsula. The natural mountain and sea landscape can be said to be breath-taking, and the sea is full of rivers. In terms of geographical location and mountain and sea resources, it is still unmatched in Pengcheng and even the southern coast. By.

The happiness of the rich, Brother 8000 has not only imagined it, but has already experienced it now. This is not what I am experiencing. The cool batch cannot be described, at least the second batch.

Brother 8000 immediately turned around and leaned against the railing, looked around the luxury villa left and right, and said to himself, "Tsk tsk tsk... vulgar, as vulgar as a nouveau riche... Hey, labor and capital are nouveau riche, they are lay people. , vulgarly thorough, cool and enjoyable!"

After a while, Brother 8000 turned around again, lowered his head and glanced downstairs. Below the second floor is the outdoor swimming pool of the villa.

He suddenly remembered a scene from a movie by Xing Ye, just to live as wonderfully as a movie. Brother 8000 thought of it and did it. When he jumped from the second floor, he jumped into the outdoor swimming pool below. .

After a while, Brother 8000 stuck his head out of the pool, and the word "cool" jumped out of his mouth.

After paddling in the swimming pool for a few minutes, Brother 8000, Chi Guoguo, went ashore and entered the room on the first floor, leaving his nightgown floating on the water and a cigarette **** floating. Brother 8000 ignored it. Someone will come regularly. deal with.

At about nine o'clock, Brother 8000 had a simple breakfast, and then took a bottle of happy water. Well, I can't finish the book just because I am rich.

He came to the computer desk and sat down, opened the market software, and the market is about to open today. There are currently 130 million funds left in his securities account. Whole warehouse reverse repurchase, this money he intends to make Tiansheng Holdings with Lao Yang.

At present, the ticket of Tiansheng Holdings is in the adjustment stage. Lao Yang said that he will wait patiently for the adjustment to end and then work hard. Even if there is a decline during the period, he will not easily sell the ticket by short-selling.

Brother 8000 is not stupid, even though he is a man of color and courage, especially after experiencing such a sour life, he doesn't want Huang Liang to have a dream, so the 900 million is going to be done with a veteran like Lao Yang. Long-term investment is equivalent to a bottom line, to ensure that the class transition achieved by fighting for one's life and death will not fall again.

Now that he is worth 10 figures, Brother 8000's mentality is much more stable, because he also knows that he can quickly accumulate such a huge wealth by becoming rich overnight. .

1 billion, even if you earn 20% a year, it is a huge sum of 200 The other 300 million is used for consumption, mainly spent on this luxurious villa and planning to configure other hardware. Cars and yachts must be arranged. Subtract these large expenditures, and the remaining 100 million can be considered as extravagant and extravagant spending. Don't throw it in the stock market, don't go to the next casino city, but the consumption really can't be spent for several years. !

As for the 130 million in the 8000 brother's trumpet, this money is because he intends to play in the big A. Whether he can make money with this 130 million is just a matter of fate. Now the 8000 brother doesn't care at all, because there are 9 main accounts. The core assets of 100 million are in the bottom line. Even if the 130 million is all lost to Big A, there will be no psychological fluctuations with the current stable mentality of 8000 brothers.

Don't expect the trumpet to make money, it's really just for fun, just play it as a game.

The mood is completely different.

The time just passed 9:25, and today's call auction ended. Brother 8000 didn't look at the market at all, and just swept the list from top to bottom.

"Which one is better..."


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