Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 372: [Big A is not chaotic, Brother 1 has the final say! 】

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“A good question, an interesting question, we may only get knowledge that has no realizable value when we solve the puzzle, but when a series of problems are solved, there is no guarantee that one of the interesting problems will be solved. In order to give birth to great inventions and lead human changes, just like the Wright Brothers who were interested in observing the flight of eagles, without these people's first steps from 0 to 1, how could we usher in the prosperity of human aerospace in the future?"

"Regarding the people's livelihood and targeted poverty alleviation, targeted poverty alleviation does not mean that the poor are precisely found and given money directly to them. Our foundation does not engage in the traditional charitable game. This is a 'technique'. Simply giving is not charity, it is to introduce a correct concept of survival to the poor, and it is more awareness. What we seek is 'Tao'.

"What do you mean? That is to say, the money from our foundation is used for environmental governance to give people who live on the soil and water a clear sky and fresh air; for example, a poor mountain village is blocked by traffic and we help them build a road out. ; Another example is used for major pathological prevention..."

Having said this, Lu Ming paused for a moment and then continued: "We believe that the main purpose of institutions that invest heavily in research and development of treatments such as cancer and AIDS is to make money. Of course, I am not saying that I am against this approach, it is understandable. , but I also want to say that with such a large investment, he will definitely make money in the end, so it will inevitably create scarcity and expensive drugs, and basically miss the poor people."

"We found that there are many institutions that invest in the research and development of therapeutic drugs, and they are willing to spend money, because this thing makes money, and if it succeeds, it will make huge profits, but the investment in preventing major pathological patients is very small. It is very simple. Major pathological prevention is a loss-making business. , you are not sick, how can my pharmaceutical company make money?"

"So, our foundation is doing these things in the people's livelihood and targeted poverty alleviation. Don't think that the targeted poverty alleviation we are talking about is the precise distribution of money, it will only make us more greedy and not solve the fundamental problem. "


At about 12:00 in the morning, the celebration meeting finally came to an end, and Lu Ming's speech on the foundation's vision during the meeting has been fermented on the entire Internet, causing huge discussions in the society and a huge sensational effect.

People in academia can't sit still, and universities can't sit still when they see the news, and they all start to learn more about the Science and People's Livelihood Fund, especially the project funding declaration.

There is no doubt that there are not only people or institutions who really need help, but also those who come to make money and take Lu Ming as a big bait, and there are probably more of the latter.

The capital market is also very sensational now.

At 13:00 in the afternoon, the midday session of the big A began. The technology sector, which was originally regarded as the culprit of the slump in recent days, continued to "riot" in the afternoon, especially the chip semiconductor sector, which continued to rise in the afternoon.

Previously, it was the small-cap stocks in the sector with a market value of several billions that drove up the second board in a straight line, and most of them were not very good.

In the afternoon, the large-cap stocks in the sector began to move, and the sector continued to rise.

Especially the related companies that Tiansheng Capital has invested in, such as Huiding Technology, Sanhuan Group, Ziguang Guowei, Changdian Technology, Shilanwei and other chip stocks with a market value of more than 10 billion yuan, closed their boards successively in the afternoon.

At 14:07, the major market software has successively pushed the news:

[The chip semiconductor sector hit the daily limit in the afternoon, and 22 stocks such as trillion billion innovation, Beifang Huachuang, and Weir shares closed the daily limit]

The skyrocketing rise in the semiconductor sector directly drove the broader market to red in the afternoon, and the Shanghai Composite Index walked out of a long lower shadow K-line pattern of "going into the bottom".

"The bull pen, the market has been brought red by technology!"

"Is the first brother so mighty?"

"The thighs are all broken, watching them go all the way to the daily limit, it's really a dog!!"

"Fuck, my Hengrui Medicine has plummeted, the first brother is so pitiful!"

"what's going on?"

"I've accepted this Nima too. Is the market's funds so unassertive?"

"Big A is in a mess, the first brother has the final say... [manually funny]"


The current domestic securities market is a time of chaos.

The technology stocks that everyone thought were going to plummet actually rose sharply, and they rose continuously. Instead, the pharmaceutical sector slumped inexplicably at this time. Hengrui, the leading pharmaceutical stock, dived at the opening of the afternoon, and fell more than 7 points.

Scared a lot of retail investors to cut their meat, this is all caused by barrage and comments. During the noon break, there were remarks that the first brother would invest in the prevention of major pathologies, and the prevention of severe diseases such as cancer will be supported by the Science and People's Livelihood Fund. Focus on investment fields, so it is bad for Hengrui Medicine.

Too many people in the market believe in Lu Ming, and some people even regard it as the truth.

No, the main force took a fancy to this point and used it to create panic and kill panic. At about 2:30 in the afternoon, Hengrui Medicine took it back, and the investors who had cut their meat and handed over their chips were dumbfounded!

After realizing it, he slapped his thigh straight and cursed himself Shabi.

I thought to myself that the first brother is not a god, how can an incurable disease like cancer be so easy? How can market demand drop because of this? Even if the last brother can achieve great success in major pathological prevention, it will not be effective in a few years, and the long-term trend will not be affected at all.

The logic of Hengrui Medicine has not changed dramatically because of this. Why?

But it's useless after the reaction. The bottom is cut but the stock price has recovered and turned red. It's either not or not, and I'm very angry.

And by half an hour in the afternoon, the chip and semiconductor sectors that collectively lifted the daily price limit were also differentiated. The miscellaneous hairs in the first batch of plates were fried in the afternoon, 22 stocks with the daily limit, and 8 were fried, without exception. It's all fluff in the plate.

Today, all the chasing boards are dead, and the comment area is full of scolding.

On the contrary, trillion-dollar innovation, Ziguang Guowei, and other large-scale tickets of more than 40 billion were also firmly sealed in the, without exception, are chip stocks heavily held by Tiansheng Capital.

In fact, investors also know that these tickets are held by Tiansheng Capital, but they do not dare to chase them. For example, the stock price of Zhaoyi Innovation has risen by more than 2 times from the bottom of 64 yuan in August last year to 220 yuan in the middle. A period of trading suspension just avoided the sharp fall, and after the resumption of trading, the market rebounded in March, and the resumption of trading continued to rise.

Most of the retail investors are afraid of heights, and the stock price of more than 200 yuan is too expensive. It costs more than 20,000 to buy a lot, but it is rising, and it has reached a new record high today.

At the same time, after the celebration meeting, Lu Ming also took advantage of his free time to take a look at today's market situation.

Now that the market has closed, today's disk situation, the broader market today ended the continuous decline and closed in the red because of the take-off of the technology sector.

Looking at the fall of the technology sector at the end of the trading day, Lu Ming was a little dumbfounded, knowing that he was consumed by the hot money in the market again, and he used his influence to cut a handful of leeks.


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