Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 374: [Directly lead to the doubling of the total investment in domestic basic scientific re

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After the news was released, the general project funding fields disclosed by the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation, after scholars in various fields learned about the news, many people immediately turned to the sub-fields they were engaged in that were not on the list of funding lists. This is basically a lack of funds.

Many netizens who eat melon and some young scholars and doctoral students who choose mathematics field found that basic mathematics is not on the list. Many netizens who eat melon directly went to the latest news of the official V of the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation to leave a comment.

"Guan Bojun, there are so many categories after working for a long time, why is there no mathematics? Breakthroughs in mathematics will lead to leap-forward development of physical chemistry, and basic mathematics does not pay attention to you doing a woolen thread?"

"Isn't the mathematics that is the foundation of the basic disciplines not funded?"

"Compared to those experimental sciences that cost hundreds of millions at every turn, what kind of funding do you need to do mathematics?"

"Who said you don't need money? Buy pencils, paper, computers... Walnuts for researchers to replenish their brains, and high-quality wigs... [Erha jpg]"

"Be serious..."

"Mathematics only needs food money, but physics needs bowl money?"

"Mathematical research is relatively inexpensive, and the main costs are labor costs, travel, and conference costs, but mathematical researchers still need funding, especially for young researchers."

"To study number theory, you must use supercomputing, and renting a mainframe with high computing speed is also a big expense..."

"There is almost no need for hardware investment, but raising people, especially cultivating people, costs a lot for postdoctoral fellows, doctors and masters. If young people want to live a more dignified life, first-tier cities need 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, right? Ordinary code farmers? Standards, this investment is far from enough.”

"Research funding does not equal income..."

"In the mathematics department of an undergraduate school, the one-year budget of the entire department is not enough for my current personal (post-doctoral) research fund for one year, which is actually only 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. In the worst case, there are four professors in one office, and associate professors cannot guarantee that everyone will have it. In the office, the school changed the leadership and couldn’t stand it anymore and improved the office conditions. As a result, a group of engineering dogs said, “How can people in the mathematics department have an office... [cover your face] [cover your face] [cover your face]”

"Brother One: I'm sorry, why are you crying so badly?"

"Did I say you don't read the other disclosure documents of the foundation? Generally, project funding is in the areas designated by the foundation. In addition to this, there are free project declarations. There is no rule that logic, mathematics, humanities and social sciences are not subject to For grants, if you feel that the funds are insufficient, you should take the initiative to declare, of course, whether the grant will be approved is another matter.”

"There is a saying, I let the first brother do it all, and I want to ask: Are the others? Are they all dead?"

"After all, they are all smart people, but a 'fool' like the first brother will live for a long time."

"I can guarantee that there must be a large number of people defrauding funds in the name of science. There are many people like this. It depends on how the foundation's audit committee is fighting against these people."


This incident caused an uproar in the academic world within a day. The biggest reason was too much money. Lu Ming said it himself, 37%, 70% of the foundation's funds are used for basic scientific research investment, and will be maintained in the future. normal.

The astronomical figure of 112 billion yuan, what is this concept?

Comparing the structure of national science and technology funding last year, we can see why it caused such a big stir. Last year, the total national science and technology funding was about 1,760.6 billion yuan, of which 1,478.1 billion yuan for experimental development accounted for 84%; 184.9 billion yuan for applied research funds Yuan accounted for 10.5%; basic research funding of 97.5 billion yuan accounted for 5.5%.

It can be seen that the scale of domestic science and technology investment has increased year by year, but the funds allocated to basic research are actually pitiful.

This is not surprising, because the pursuit of short-term, smooth and fast, it is best to invest this year and next year to generate real economic returns. This kind of thing is very willing to spend money, but basic research is impossible to invest in five years, ten years or even decades. Any return, naturally unwilling to vote.

Even more so with capital, Lu Ming is an exception, but he also used his own money to smash it.

I wouldn't say that I want to use Tiansheng Capital's money and LP's money to play it. If you really do this, LPs will definitely object, because you may not be able to see hope for decades. The White Giving series will naturally be opposed, and even after the expiration, they will not hesitate to redeem the funds.

This is the basic plan. Lu Ming will definitely not make the relationship with them stiff. If the basic plan collapses, he will play a hammer. However, it is also a good idea of ​​Shanren. It is almost free to invest in basic scientific research. Applied technology is another matter.

Chips will take 10,000 years to come out!

This sentence Lu Ming is not just talking about, of course, part of Tiansheng Capital's money must flow into the investment in application technology, that is, supporting and investing in the corresponding enterprises, and then there are stories to tell, and the stock price can be topped.

What can be helped is a successful investment. If Adou can’t help it, it is not good to see that the situation is not saved. Then cut a handful of leeks and run away. As long as the LPs see the rise in asset prices, they will naturally not object.

Which is more important between basic science and applied technology has become a common topic on the Internet.

There is no doubt that both are important, and one is indispensable. It is like two legs of a person. Which one is more important? A better analogy is a high-rise building. Is the foundation more important or the body of the building?

Basic science is like the foundation of a building, and applied technology is like a house built on a foundation. Without a foundation, a building cannot be built, or if it is not built solidly, it will collapse.

However, if a building only lays a foundation and does not build the building above, the foundation does not play its due role, and it does not benefit society and mankind.

It can be seen that science and technology are the cornerstones and edifices of the progress of human civilization, and they are equally important.

However, in terms of sequence, it is impossible to build a building without a foundation. The foundation comes first. Therefore, basic science is the first step, and it is the beacon that leads social civilization forward. Under the light of this beacon, we can see the way forward clearly and social development can develop. There is a direction, and from this point of view, the basic sciences are the higher priority sciences.

The more than 100 billion yuan of the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation has directly caused the domestic basic research funding to skyrocket by nearly 115%, more than doubled, and at least the domestic basic scientific research billing investment will more than double in the next year. It's a nail in the coffin.

People in the academic world, especially in the basic science community, are excited to see this news. The Science and People's Livelihood Fund has spent real money to support basic scientific research, how can they not be excited?

In particular, some basic science fields that require huge funds but have almost no output ratio have led to the indefinite shelving of projects and always staying on the plan.


At 17:00 in the afternoon, Lu Ming left the foundation headquarters and went directly to Tiansheng Capital headquarters.

In the president's office, Lu Ming was sitting silently at his desk. He was drafting a memorandum, which was related to the Science and People's Livelihood Fund, and was also a capital operation plan.

Lu Ming also knew that if the foundation could maintain its long-term operation, it could not simply rely on his donation to fund so many fields of basic science. It is true that a thousand billion is a huge sum of money, but it is also a fact that it can be used up in a year.

What about next year? Can't do it for a year? What if I need more money to expand the funding scale in the future?

Therefore, the foundation must have the ability to invest and make Like many university endowment funds, they will invest in high-risk investments such as VC and PE. The LPs under Tiansheng Capital have several university endowment funds. They are all super-long investment return periods and do not require short-term cash returns.

Lu Ming's operation is very simple, making Science and People's Livelihood Foundation a major LP organization under Tiansheng Capital, money is actually a left hand for Lu Ming, because he is the head of these organizations.

However, the name has changed, and the money under the name of the foundation is invested in Tiansheng Capital, the money is still the original money, and the total amount remains unchanged, but the profit generated in the future can also be distributed to the foundation.

This is equivalent to planting a cash cow for the future of the foundation, and the intangible meaning is to stabilize people's hearts. Those who are engaged in basic scientific research are actually worried that the foundation has killed more than 100 billion this year, and next year's funding budget will be cut in half. Not even, the follow-up funding for the research project has no one’s bottom line, and the other side has offended people again.

If the foundation has a cash cow to ensure that the annual expenditure budget has a guaranteed amount, then some scientists who have concerns will no longer have to worry about the future, and they can devote themselves to scientific research.


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