Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 381: [Brother 1 put 2 black swans, and the market is frying again! 】

"If I were the founder of Xiaohuangche, all I have to do now is to cash out and leave. If there is no hope, I will withdraw quickly. If I don't get bigger and stronger, at least I can get a lot of cash. More than one billion yuan is not a problem, I won't play with you , you few capital to toss."

A person of such weight as Lu Ming makes such an evaluation of the little yellow car, which is definitely not good news for the little yellow car.

The founder of Xiaohuangche is also a post-90s generation, and he and Lu Ming are also of the same generation. They are both new generations born in 1991. Today's nominal worth has reached 7 billion, and it took three years from a debt of 6 million to today's this. Worth, it can be regarded as a shining star rising rapidly among the new generation of business elites.

There is no doubt that the founder of Xiaohuangche surpassed 99% of his peers in the world and is a hugely successful young man, but again, it depends on who he is compared with.

Although he and Lu Ming are of the same age, the gap between the two is not an order of magnitude, nor is their influence an order of magnitude. Lu Ming's words and deeds now are the economic vane and the barometer of the stock market. Buffett can look at people who are talking.

In terms of worth, the gap is even more extreme. Lu Ming's daily worth fluctuates on the order of tens of billions. As long as Tiansheng Holdings rises or falls by 1%, the market value will rise or fall by about 26 billion. The value corresponding to the proportion of shares accounted for has increased or decreased by more than 14 billion yuan, which is equivalent to the value of the two founders of Xiaohuangche. The current share price of Tiansheng Holdings has a daily amplitude of more than 1 percentage point.

This is where the gap between the two sides lies.

The recording of the program continued, the host said: "We found that you are involved in all major industries by observing the 150 constituent stocks of Tiansheng Shanghai 50 and Tiansheng Shenzhen 100 Index, but we found that there seems to be no one in the education industry. What is the reason why the company is in the list of 150 constituent stocks?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming's relaxed expression gradually became serious, and he said unsmilingly: "I often tell the staff of the investment research and analysis department in the company that Tiansheng Capital should never touch education, especially education. For industries related to basic education, if Tiansheng Capital has investment restricted areas, education is one of them.”

The host was quite surprised, and immediately said, "Why?"

Lu Ming said without hesitation: "I can say that I am the most representative figure on the capital side. I don't want to be humble, but what I just want to say is that there is one thing that capital must not enter, that is, education. It is the most important thing in the country, how can capital be arrogant? Therefore, I absolutely do not allow Tiansheng Capital to invest in any general basic education industry."

The host was surprised. He didn't expect Lu Ming to say so seriously.

Lu Ming took a sip of water, sat lazily with Erlang's legs crossed, and said eloquently: "In ancient times, many poor children at the bottom passed the imperial examination to achieve a class transition, and it was the only way, and now this is education. The promotion channel, this channel is absolutely absolutely impossible to use money to decide."

The host took advantage of the situation and asked, "What will be the consequences of using money to have the final say?"

Lu Ming answered without hesitation: "Once you have the final say with money, there will be a huge problem, you will find that the rich will get more and more and better educational resources. More and better educational resources means more money, and the poor at the bottom will become poorer on the basis of social welfare."

"Society will not change the promotion channel because of education. Our best way is to try to change the imperial examination system thousands of years ago, which is the core of sociology research. In addition, the development of class must be solidified in the end. , and the solidified class is definitely unstable, so no matter what, there must be a promotion channel, which is education."

"This is hope, right? If you don't even give hope, then you don't do anything. Even if you give hope to someone and then smash it, it's not something that people do. It's unforgivable. You can go to the street casually now. Pull up the individual, knowledge changes fate is not deeply rooted in people's hearts? So how can you let this have the final say with money? Right?"

The host couldn't help but nodded again and again. Lu Ming spread his hands and continued: "If education lets money have the final say, you will find out what will happen to the other poor people at the bottom who have no money? What will they do?"

At this time, the host said: "In the current hot online education, capital is entering in a big way. What do you think of this new thing?"

Lu Ming thought for a while and said, "Online education... What exactly does this thing provide? Some people say that it provides convenience and facilitates the distribution of educational resources. Yes, it's not wrong, but its biggest mistake is to make capital Talking with money, if you have money, you can see which teacher will take care of you? Right?"

Having said that, Lu Ming added: "This has become a huge problem, so it's not difficult to find out, it's still the same as the old way of putting old wine in a new bottle. In the past, it was three orders and five applications to prohibit teachers from teaching classes because I was afraid of such problems. What's the difference between these so-called online educations that are emerging now? Right? It's just an 'Internet +' ring to euphemistically call it informatization, modernization, convenience, and nonsense!"

Lu Ming set the tone and said: "My point of view is very clear. Education must never allow capital to use money to have the final say. This is bottom-line thinking. Education is the most important weapon of the country, and capital cannot be overstepped."

The host nodded and couldn't help laughing: "Is this the reason why your Science and People's Livelihood Fund does not participate in basic education investment?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming shook his head again and again: "No, no, no, it is impossible for the Foundation to rush to create everything at once. Education is an extremely important connotation of the people's livelihood and people's livelihood. Why does the name of the foundation include the word 'people's livelihood'? It may not care about basic education, but the foundation is not talking about making money from students, which is the essential difference between capital and capital.”

Lu Ming continued: "For example, online education is a product of the progress of the times. It cannot be denied that this new thing brings positive effects. The foundation will also invest a certain proportion of funds in this aspect, such as building a platform. Open courses, these courses are open to the whole network. Our foundation does not take the lead in making decisions on this platform. The foundation can contribute money and suggestions, but the right to make decisions must be handed over to the education committee. For example, the foundation pays for professional teachers to teach online. It's like saying that the money was paid for by our foundation for the students."

Lu Ming, who had his legs crossed, finally said: "This matter is simply because your motive is to make money? If so, it is an arrogance of the country's important equipment. You don't need to explain so much, it's as simple as that."


The recording time of the dialogue program took about half an hour. After the end, Lu Ming exchanged a few words with the people in the program team. Even if this matter was over, Lu Ming also took his special car to go home, just in time to return. Can catch lunch.

The program team also started editing and post-processing immediately, and it was broadcast on the Yangshi Finance Channel on time at 9:30 that night.

Good guy, this episode was broadcast that night. This weekend and weekends, the capital market has exploded again. Not only has the capital market exploded, but the popularity has risen to the point where the whole people participate in the discussion.

This episode of the show was topped by tens of thousands of netizens in the real-time hot search. At the same time, the little yellow car also appeared in the top ten of the hot search list. Netizens have finally caught up with the focus of the times.

Because this matter is both the hot spot and the focus of the times, the issue of education will always be the focus issue, and its attributes are there.

The shareholders who invested in Xiaohuangche woke up and saw the news on the weekend morning, everyone was stunned, and the whole person was not feeling well, and they cursed Lu Ming continuously in the early morning.

As far as the size of the little yellow car is concerned, how can it stand up to someone of your magnitude, Lu Ming, to sing so empty-handedly? The worst thing is that Lu Ming did reveal the company's most deadly loophole in one sentence.

Investors have thought about countless scenarios of thunderstorms, but they never dreamed that they would explode in such a way. Who would have thought that the black swan was released by an unrelated person like Lu Ming?

Oh, it's good now.

A person like Lu Ming, who has such a huge influence in the capital market, said this publicly, which can be regarded as the ultimate slander with reason and evidence. The little yellow car has to peel off even if it is not cold, and new investors will not be fooled. Users will definitely give up, resulting in no more deposits coming in, and the cash flow at both ends will be cut How to play this game? Can't play anymore!

Basically, it is certain that the speed of cooling will be accelerated.

Compared with Lu Ming who put a black swan in the little yellow car, he also released another bigger black swan. What really frys the capital market is the online education sector, and this size is not a small yellow car. Compared with the company, the power of this black swan is even more extraordinary.

All small and medium-sized investors who hold stocks related to the online education sector shivered. Over the weekend, the online education sector was full of panic.

It is no exaggeration to say that this sudden bad situation is really scary, and it is a super heavyweight like Lu Ming, and it is broadcast on Yangshi TV. All investors in the capital market think this file After the show, a question was raised almost unanimously: Is it because the above is going to rectify online education? Is this the signal before the storm is coming?

It is really impossible for capital to imagine it like this. This is the core reason for the panic that really frightened investors.

If there is no new reversal news this weekend, basically the online education sector will open tomorrow on Monday. There will definitely be no rhythm. There must be institutions fleeing, and retail investors will flee, resulting in more killings and more stampede fleeing, because the yamen's knife Once it's down, it's no joke.



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