Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 388: 【High-profile shareholders meeting】

The annual general meeting of Tiansheng Capital will be held in Ningzhou on Saturday, May 5th. This time, it is expected that more than 4,500 shareholders of Tiansheng Holdings will rush to Ningzhou from the north and south of the Yangtze River to witness the contemporary legendary investors up close. style.

At that time, Lu Ming, the chairman and CEO of Tiansheng Capital, who is only 27 years old, will lead a group of board members and core senior management team to appear at the general meeting of shareholders to share with all the participants about the market and the group company. As well as views on the current economic situation, and answer questions from analysts, investors and people in the media.

The number of shareholders in this session is much higher than that in the previous session. In the past half month, the number of shareholders of Tiansheng Holdings has increased by 67% in a short period of time, but this is not the result of the large-scale entry of institutions. A lot of people bought it specially to participate in this shareholders meeting.

The cost of buying one lot of Tiansheng Holdings is not cheap. At the current stock price, it costs more than 3 million yuan to buy one lot. .

It can be said that the investors who can afford to buy one hand of Tiansheng Holdings are rich people, even retail investors are large investors, and they have basically achieved financial freedom.

The current stock price is unattainable for ordinary retail investors. In the future, I am afraid that ordinary small and medium-sized public funds will only be able to sigh and sigh. Small-scale funds only have tens of millions of plates, and buying 1 lot will exceed the fund's single share, accounting for 10%. The proportion of the provisions, it can not afford to buy.

The great success of the first session held last year also made Tiansheng Capital's annual shareholder meeting a major event in the domestic capital circle, with countless industry followers and growing influence.

The general meeting of shareholders will also be broadcast live, so even if you are not a shareholder of Tiansheng Capital, it does not mean that you cannot participate in it, but you cannot come to the scene of the general meeting of shareholders.

This is different from the shareholders meeting held by Berkshire Hathaway, another big coffee on the other side of the ocean. The shareholders meeting of Tiansheng Capital only has shareholders and some invited guests, and there will be no shareholders similar to Buffett. The convention travels to Omaha from all over the world in tens of thousands of people.

After all, Eastern and Western cultures are different.

At this shareholders' meeting, in addition to paying attention to the investment ideas conveyed by Lu Ming at the meeting and some major investments he plans to make in the future, it is also very relevant to Lu Ming's views on the current world economy, domestic economy, especially the North American market. It is a big event for the leader to implement a global ban on Tiansheng Capital.

In addition to these, there is another thing that the outside world is particularly concerned about, and that is how Tiansheng Capital currently has 1.8 trillion disposable liquid cash at its disposal. Can you tell us at the conference where you are going to invest?

According to the financial report data disclosed in the first quarter of this year, Tiansheng Capital's own cash flow + the cash flow of its LP institutions reached 1,831.5 billion yuan, or about 289.3 billion US dollars.

Coincidentally, the outside world has also discovered a very interesting problem. The current time node is not only Tiansheng Capital holding a super-large amount of cash, but also Berkshire Hathaway on the other side of the ocean. It is the sixth consecutive quarter. Cash on hand exceeds $100 billion.

Today, the two top investment giants in East and West are both holding huge cash flow at the same time, which will inevitably lead to market speculation, and also worry about how the global capital market will go in the second half of the year. At most, they are cautiously optimistic.

None of these super giants took action. Intuitively, they felt that there should be a sharp decline in the market outlook, and having cash flow in hand means that they have the initiative. If the market slumps, they can buy bargains to pick up floor price chips.

All in all, at this shareholders' meeting, shareholders, including the outside world, wanted to know if Lu Ming saw any investment opportunities.


Twenty minutes before the market opens on Friday, May 4th.

But he said that at this moment, Lao Yang took 8,000 brothers and other 25 people to continue to make Huafeng shares. Lao Yang looked at the time and said to all the staff: "Today is the last trading day of this week, and tomorrow I am going to participate in the day. Sheng Capital's shareholders meeting, so I will fly directly to Ningzhou after the market closes, does anyone want to go?"

As a diehard fan of Tiansheng Holdings, Lao Yang will definitely not be absent.

Six or seven people spoke and expressed their willingness to form a group to go together. People in the group are not under much pressure to buy first-hand Tiansheng Holdings.

Brother 8000 said at this time, "I won't go this time. I have some things to do."

Immediately greeted the big guy's ridicule.

Qunyou: "Mao Xian, you have something to do with a hammer, I don't know yet? Every day wine pool and meat forest."

Qunyou: "The eighth master understands life and will enjoy it, but then again, brother, pay attention to your body, anyway, give the eighth brother a leave or something, don't be too violent."

Brother 8000: "[embarrassment.jpg]"

Group friends: "Brothers know you very well, haha~~"

Group friends: "As expected of Brother 8000!"

While the big guys were chatting lightly, the time also came to 9:15 to start the call for bidding.

Huafeng shares are now a popular monster. In just half a month, this main wave of rising waves started from the bottom position of 17.5 yuan to yesterday's daily limit price hit 36.39 yuan, and has gone out of the cumulative increase of 107.94%.


On April 27, that is, last Friday, Huafeng Co., Ltd. walked out of the seventh consecutive daily limit and topped the one-word board. Under the command of Lao Yang, Brother 8000 put all the remaining positions of more than 40 million in the late session. A minute ago, a nuclear button smashed the order, and the other people in the group removed all the tickets just before the smash.

The ticket was smashed directly out of the sky, and the people inside were caught off guard and had no time to react. They immediately entered the final three-minute collective auction. The retail investors who held this ticket and followed the hot money were scared and did not recover, hurry up. Call for auctions to run away.

What Lao Yang did was to be caught off guard by the leeks who were playing the opponent's plate. He didn't give them too much time to think, so they quickly traded emotionally. In the subsequent call auction at the end of the session, more than 50 million were sold, and a large number of gambling dogs brought Blood chips.

After the funds of Brother 8000 come out, they can not only be used to undertake the capital rotation in the follow-up, but also on the Dragon Tiger list on the same day. Brother 8000 appeared to buy a seat, which caused the illusion that he had completely profited and was out of the game. .

This week, the market opened again on Wednesday after the May Day. After Shouyin, Huafeng's daily limit again had a posture of reversing the Yinxian line. Yesterday, the high opening and shrinking volume quickly pulled the board into one and two successfully reversed the Shouyin.

The reason why Lao Yang wants to make such a K-line form is to attract a large number of people who are obsessed with the so-called "Dragon Head Yin" tactics to relay. Huafeng is now recognized as a popular leader.

The stock price went up all the way and also changed is beating the drums to spread the flowers. Before, the market also classified this stock as a chip concept theme, but the chip concept has collapsed for three days in the past three trading days.

Now that the market has come to this point, I am too lazy to tangle with these, and I am too lazy to talk about concepts. The village chief doesn't care if he continues to be happy and he is done. Does the concept and subject matter matter?

As the stock price climbs, Lao Yang and the others have less impact on the market without increasing their capital, so they must guide and use the power of other funds in the market to get out of the high-profile market.

"Bidding for 10 million funds will open at the top of the one-line board." Lao Yang said neatly, and if the daily limit of the one-line board opened today, it means that the second entry and the third board were successful.

Lao Yang's doing this is still to further guide the market leeks to come in, because today's daily limit is very meaningful, many people will think "there must be five if there are three, and there must be seven if there are five". That's how the board came out.

Today, if the board is closed again, the leeks will be very excited, thinking that Shouyin will be beaten to a new high by a strong backstop. Wouldn’t it be the second wave of the board today? If there are three boards, there is a high probability of going out of five consecutive boards. After all, it has been verified before. In other words, if you enter Huafeng shares today, there are at least two profit expectations in the back. These all drive retail investors' funds to quickly hit the board and buy it!



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