Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 391: [Brother 1 "bringing goods" will never cheat people]

Gold is a very special type of investment. It is a real hard currency. The whole world recognizes it, and the time point is in place, so it won't go anywhere. Therefore, Lu Ming dares to sing more publicly because of such a large asset class. , its trend may have an impact in the short term, but its fundamental logic will not be changed due to personal will.

Because the rise of gold is essentially the loss of debt and credit of various countries, this logic will not change, and the general trend of gold will not be reversed.

But again, I've said it again. Even for the sake of it, there are probably not many small and medium investors who are really willing to allocate gold assets.

Lu Ming sings more about gold now. Even if the gold TD finishes this converging triangle, there will still be a wave of flops that induce short-term technical breakdowns. The gold bull market is in full swing, followed by a low point that will not make a new low, and a high point that will continue to make new highs.

Moreover, the time for the gold variety to reach the current stage is about half a year from the start of the main rising wave market. This time period is not long, but it is not short, especially for some ordinary people who cannot stand it. Investors, the last dive to lure the empty position may be washed out and lead to death before dawn.

However, these are not considered by Lu Ming. The wealth code has already been given. How many people can rely on this gold bull market to take off depends on their personal destiny.

Meanwhile, the question-and-answer session at the general meeting continued.

The next questioner selected a minority shareholder who attended the meeting. It was none other than Lao Yang.

Lao Yang, who was selected again, was also very excited. This time he didn't have much hope. After taking the microphone, Lao Yang got up from his seat and looked at Lu Ming in the board seat area and said: " It is a great honor to have another opportunity to ask you a question at this grand shareholders meeting."

Lu Ming looked around and couldn't help but smile and said, "I remember you, I'm glad you can participate again."

Hearing this, Lao Yang was even more excited in his heart. He didn't expect that he left a deep impression in the hearts of idol giants. He was really pleasantly surprised.

Well, in fact, Lu Ming didn't have any impression of him at all, and it's impossible to think about it. It's very possible that an unknown retail shareholder raised a question at last year's shareholders meeting and left a memory.

You need to know that people forget a lot of memories every day, such as how many times a day they urinated and what time they went to the toilet. Such memories are "fragmented cached information" in the brain, and they are cleared up after a good night's sleep.

There is no doubt that Lao Yang asked this question at the shareholders' meeting last year. In Lu Ming's mind, it belongs to "fragmented cached information", which has been cleaned up long ago, but this time, I have an impression.

"I remember you" is just the information that Lu Ming quickly obtained from Lao Yangzhi's words just now that he was here at the last shareholders meeting and asked a question, so he said that as an EQ-style answer.

However, in Lao Yang's mind, it was another matter. Of course, he was excited by the feeling of being "turned over" by a giant.

After a while, Lao Yang picked up the phone, looked at the questions prepared on the memo, and began to ask: "Brother, we know that risk control is also very important in trading. Do you have any experience in this area to share?"

Hearing this, Lu Ming answered without hesitation: "Many tools are needed for risk control, but the choice of timing is more important than tools. In terms of tools, our investment preference is options, which are super good for risk control, and they are at the optimal level. It's time to get done."

Lu Ming added with a smile: "Of course there are some supplementary hedging methods, because there is a different rate difference between major asset classes, for example, bonds may be the first to react, and there is an impact of inflation expectations, and then the It’s gold, and of course the time difference between gold and stocks, these time differences can be used to do some enhancements.”

"As for other asset management, it depends on the type. For example, how big is your capital? Tens of millions or hundreds of millions or billions? How much risk is your tolerance? There are other factors, etc. These are different, The corresponding trading strategies are also completely different.”

Seeing that Lu Ming's answer was over, Lao Yang took advantage of this opportunity to quickly add: "You mentioned Tiansheng Capital's portfolio hedging strategy earlier, do you mainly use foreign hedging tools or domestic ones in the investment process? For investors, how should hedging risks and risk-returns be considered when choosing investment products in China? Do you have any hedging tools you can recommend?"

These problems are all the current Lao Yang is very eager to make progress. He is now worth more than 100 million yuan, and he has also begun to consider portfolio investment strategies for risk control. After all, Stud Tiansheng Holdings is very risky. When it was hundreds of millions, Lao Yang knew that defense was more important than offense, which did not conflict with his optimism about Tiansheng Holdings.

When the capital reaches hundreds of millions of dollars, as long as the car does not roll over, it must roll more and more. The return on investment of 1% for 100 million yuan is 1 million yuan, and most ordinary people may not be able to save 1 million yuan in ten years or more. , the real world is that once the primitive accumulation of capital is completed, the blind waves will not lose at all.

Because the rich get richer!

This is also the bottleneck that Lao Yang faces, so while he can get the opportunity to ask questions in person at the shareholders' meeting, why don't he have to ask the giant for advice?

Lu Ming smiled and asked back: "If you want tools, you have to have them in China. Domestic options are very expensive and there are few tools, but it can't be said that it can't be achieved at all, and it can be achieved partially."

"I don't know how big your capital is." Lu Ming didn't know how much Lao Yang was worth, but being able to afford Tiansheng Holdings showed that he was at least a middle-class with hundreds of millions of dollars, and immediately added: "But for ordinary retail investors As far as investors are concerned, he does not need to consider this kind of problem, he only needs to consider how to make money. Their perception of risk is completely different from that of institutions. Secondly, for retail investors, domestic tools are enough for them to play. ."

"For example, the variety of gold mentioned above, from the gold exchange, to gold TD, to gold spot and then to gold futures, is enough for them to play. The bigger problem here is that retail investors themselves understand this. Depending on how deep the knowledge is, if an ordinary investor can grasp a steady return, it is equivalent to hedging a part of the risk.”

Speaking of this, Lu Ming changed his words: "But don't think that gold has no risk, and gold does not have a so-called stable income. Looking at it alone, it is an investment product, and you are not planning to use gold as a strategy, frankly speaking , for most retail investors, say so, but you say they have that little money in their pockets..."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Ming's answer was interrupted for a moment by the uncontrollable laughter of the shareholders present at the meeting.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was frying.

"I feel offended..."

"The problem is that you still can't refute... [laughs and tears]"

"Don't scold, don't scold!"

"Good-natured duck..."

"[Smiley face]"

At the shareholders' meeting, Lu Ming also smiled and continued: "...You're right, isn't it a joke that you let him do the hedging for so little money? Why bother? You might as well tell him a suitable one. It may be more realistic to play at the time of intervention, and then play according to your own tolerance.”


Lao Yang sat down again with satisfaction. The host of the shareholders meeting was planning to hand over the time to the next questioner. He had already taken up a lot of time for questioning, and the time was limited. Fortunately, there was no further questioning, so he felt relieved.

This was followed by a question from an institutional analyst, and the question-and-answer session is still going on.

Lu Ming and his group of board members and core executives answered a total of 35 questions at the shareholders' involved all aspects, including domestic and foreign ones, and the whole meeting lasted from 2:00 p.m. It didn't end until seven o'clock in the evening.

Half an hour later is the banquet.

At the same time, after today's shareholders meeting, many investors and big Vs began to discuss and analyze gold as an investment product online.

Some investors who didn't pay attention to this news were also stunned for a while. Suddenly, all kinds of gold-singing varieties appeared on the weekend. I didn't know that something happened in the Middle East. Many big Vs began to recommend some gold concepts. 's stock.

I went to find out, it turned out that it was the first brother who clearly ordered the "wealth code" today and sang more gold varieties at the conference.

By the end of the weekend, the news was further fermented, and more and more people were singing about gold. Many investors added several gold-concept stocks that had been listed in Big A to their choice, and the bullish sentiment also became more and more as the time got closer to the opening of Monday. high.

In today's world, it is rumored that this brother "bringing goods" will never fool people. Some retail investors who hold gold-related varieties are undoubtedly having a good weekend, and they will be sure to eat big meat next Monday!



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