Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 486: 【Angry Huijing Group】

It is quite appropriate to hand over this second-hand housing trading platform to the Science and People's Livelihood Fund, because this institution itself is non-profit, it seeks people's livelihood and people's livelihood, and the founder has a large pattern, and the most important thing is that it is very rich. .

To put it bluntly, not participating in the distribution of interests and not directly linking with interests objectively guarantees sufficient neutrality principles, making the institution more fair as a third-party platform and not favoring one party.

It is worth mentioning that this second-hand housing transaction supervision platform is indeed very unfriendly to people who sell houses. If the people who buy the house are not bad money, it is fine, but if the people who buy the house have to add a high leverage ratio and debt, it is another matter. One thing.

Because debt and leverage must be unsustainable, if the threshold is exceeded without control, the result will be a collapse of debt, followed by thunder.

This second-hand housing trading platform not only has a great impact on homeowners and real estate speculators, but also has a great impact on the bank's loan business. Once launched, the bank's performance will definitely be affected, no doubt.

It is not ruled out that some banks will engage in rude operations, but this is not something that Lu Ming has to consider, nor is it a matter of the Science and People's Livelihood Fund.

As long as they are involved in a show, as long as they are investigated, there are basically few who can withstand the investigation.

Since the Science and People's Livelihood Fund has taken over this job, the platform has been built to connect with the database of the Housing Administration Bureau, and the next step is to do the price guidance work that it should do to ensure that there are no moths in this link.

The rest are transactions between buyers and sellers, as well as financial institutions such as banks that involve funds in the intermediate links. The foundation will definitely not interfere, nor does it have the time to interfere, and even the fund pool precipitation in the intermediate links is not involved.

For the foundation, the most important job is to do a good job of managing the person in charge of the trading platform and his team not to be corrupted by sugar-coated cannonballs, so that the price guide is not eroded.

After all, once the trading platform starts running, there will definitely be a temptation for those with vested interests to transfer benefits to the platform management team to seek to manipulate the price guide.

For the person who sells the house, it really doesn't matter if he comes to this platform to publish information about the real estate, because the platform really does not need it. There is the bottom-level database of all the property owners here, which is in the hands of the house owner. The information in the red house book is richer than that of any intermediary company now, because it is connected to the database of the Housing Authority.

Even people who buy a house can come to this platform for information verification, which saves the need to go to the Housing Authority for verification.

This platform is not for sellers, but banks and buyers, and sellers really have little relationship.

For example, if a bank wants to make a mortgage for a buyer, it must refer to the official guide price of the platform, and the part exceeding the guide price cannot be mortgaged.

What the buyer has to do is to come to this platform to refer to the reasonable price of the house he values, so as to avoid being trapped due to poor information. The buyer finds that the price offered by the landlord or other intermediary companies is much higher than that of the buyer. The official guide price of this platform, this is not only to tell the buyer that he has been cheated, but also to tell the buyer that the part of the house he wants to buy that is higher than the guide price cannot be mortgaged.

The buyer can either talk to the seller and lower the unreasonable price. If the seller is willing to lower the price and is willing to sell at the guide price, then there is no problem. This is a willing price between the buyer and the seller.

If the seller is unwilling to sell at the guide price, but the buyer has the money and is willing to change hands at a high premium, that's fine, and this is also a willing price between buyers and sellers.

And if the seller is unwilling to sell at the guide price, and the buyer is unwilling to take the offer at a high price or wants to take the offer but the bank doesn’t give him a mortgage loan, he can’t afford it. The final result is that the sale is yellow, but it also curbs financial leverage and debt risks. further magnification.

Ningzhou is now booming, and more and more young people are pouring into the city. It is no exaggeration to say that even though the current housing prices in Ningzhou are relatively good compared to other cities, more than 95% It is still impossible for the general public to buy a house in full.

The launch of this second-hand housing transaction supervision platform is of great significance, and it will definitely have a huge cooling effect on the future of the Ningzhou property market, which can greatly curb the explosion of houses.

After accumulating experience in Ningzhou City's pilot test, it can be promoted to the whole country at that time.


At the same time, Huijing Group headquarters.

At this moment, Wei Jianping, the group's boss, is calling the company's top management for a meeting. In the conference room, only a core executive said: "According to the reliable information we have obtained, the Ningzhou municipal government will launch a second-hand housing transaction supervision platform. The operator of this platform was handed over to the Science and People's Livelihood Fund."

Obviously, Huijing Group's news is quite well-informed.

Wei Jianping said succinctly: "What impact does this trading platform have on the property market?"

The executive said solemnly: "The key to how much influence depends on the strength and determination of the relevant departments, but handing this over to Lu Ming's foundation shows that the city is determined to implement it. The rent is not speculated, and the desire to increase the property market in Ningzhou is suppressed to death. I am very determined. The city finance has Tiansheng Capital’s huge tax revenue, and it is also very confident, so this matter should not be underestimated.”

Who in the circle doesn't know Lu Ming's attitude towards the property market? All the vested interests in this industry don't like him. In fact, many people hope that Lu Ming will participate in the property market. It's okay to take a piece of the pie or even eat a lot of money.

People who don't know about this may be very happy that he really wants to come to the real estate field to get a share of the pie, but if they know the mechanism of this trading platform, then they want him to die immediately.

At this time, another executive present at the meeting handed a document to Wei Jianping and said: "This trading platform will launch an official price guide, and the database is the most abundant and bottom-level data resource given by the Housing Authority. It can be said that with the emergence of this platform, all real estate agency companies and real estate developers used to be isolated islands of information, but now they are all connected, and there will be no fish that slip through the net."

"In the past, buyers and sellers of houses were opaque due to dislocation of information. What the intermediaries earned was the premium given by the poor information. Now it is almost transparent. Anyone can check the official guide price. The guide price must be removed from the bubbles and false highs. It means that the official guide price must be lower than the market price, and the buyer must use the guide price as the reference anchor, but this is not the point, the point is that some banks that exceed the guide price will not give mortgages, which is a big killer."

The previous executive also said: "Once this second-hand housing trading platform is launched, not only the property market in Ningzhou will shake, but also the property market across the country will be affected."

Everyone in the meeting nodded silently in agreement. These people who play house games in China are all smart. When Ningzhou does this, they will immediately deduce and speculate on the above intentions, and they will guess that Ningzhou is hanging here. Will this wind turn into a hurricane across the country?

Now it is Ningzhou, will it be promoted to the whole country in a few years? If the wind direction changes, who would dare to keep going up? Who will take over the top? That's not a matter of going up, the second half is a matter of playing the fast game.

Wei Jianping scolded immediately: "This guy named Lu is really not a thing, why don't you speculate on his stocks well? If you have to mess up the water of the property market, he is a genius, and Tiansheng Capital can easily support it. Can Ningzhou’s finances be able to support the finances of major cities across the country? In the end, the house is the one that drives the GDP? A series of industries such as steel, cement, chemicals, machinery, home improvement, home appliances, etc. around the house are not allowed to eat? What will these industries eat when the house is knocked down? What is the GDP driven by?”

In fact, Wei Jianping is also talking nonsense with his eyes also knows in his heart that this is a **** problem. The industries he mentioned are all industrial chains in the broad sense of real estate, and the profits that can be shared are really There are very few. If nothing else, it is said that there are few migrant workers who build houses who can afford a house. It is true that banks are full, and it is true that real estate developers are empty-headed.

At this time, the boss was so angry that everyone had to keep silent.

Wei Jianping was actually unhappy with Lu Ming for a long time. The living space of Huijing Group in Ningzhou City was constantly squeezed, and a series of blows from Tiansheng Capital and Anshi Group were indispensable. It gave Huijing a major blow.

It's not surprising to have such a big resentment towards Lu Ming.

When his anger was almost gone, Wei Jianping calmed down and said, "The water in the house is very deep, and he may not be able to hold it when Lu Ming mixes in. The so-called guide price, the key point is the bank, and the house is knocked down to real estate. Businesses collapse, and a large number of banks have to be dragged into the water, which in turn triggers systemic financial risks, which is not allowed above.”

Everyone nodded silently.

Wei Jianping went on to say: "He Lu Ming didn't want to be a contemporary Fan Li, let him do it, this platform has been launched, people who don't have a house must be happy, but those who have a house should not be bombarded?"

One of the executives at the meeting couldn't help looking at Wei Jianping: "President, what do you mean?"

Wei Jianping gave a thoughtful smile: "Assign the distribution according to the trouble, the law is not to blame the public, we will take a multi-pronged approach, and then I will see how Lu Ming ends up!"

The executives who were present understood on the spot, one word: trouble!

The president's meaning is very straightforward. When the time comes, he will secretly bring a wave of rhythms and let a group of people with houses besiege the headquarters of the Science and People's Livelihood Fund every day, and they will make trouble for you there!


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