Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 507: [It's not a new high or it's on the way to a new high]

After the market closed today, the atmosphere in the market is more lively than before.

You know, these days of plummeting, big A's investors are already numb, and almost no one is willing to take the initiative to mention things in the stock market.

Many of the deeply trapped Xiaosan simply broke the jar and smashed it, and they didn’t bother to read the trading software. The frequency of opening the trading software that was frequently opened at the beginning of the year has plummeted during this period.

Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding not to mention the bad things in the stock market.

But today the big Yang line has been pulled out, and more and more people are discussing it, but the investors are now scared by the big A. They are really afraid that it will not come and that he will mess up, or that it will not rise. I'm also afraid that it will rise indiscriminately. Most of the current investors have such a mentality.


One hour after the close in the afternoon.

Assistant Han Qiulin came to Lu Ming's office to report something: "The news I just received is an invitation. The leaders of the State Finance Committee invited to participate in the tenth special meeting on preventing and defusing financial risks."

Hearing this news, Lu Ming was surprised. Even after he put down his work, he turned to Han Qiulin, who was walking slowly towards him, and said, "Isn't this meeting held tomorrow? You tell me now that you are going to Beijing to attend. I can't even prepare the materials for this meeting, so what did you ask me to do? How about making soy sauce?"

Tomorrow will be the four meetings that all parties at home and abroad will pay attention to. There will be a lot of content to discuss. Among them, the tenth special meeting of the China Finance Committee is also on the agenda, and it is also a major meeting that all capitals are very concerned about. The level is very high, and the participating units include one party, the two sessions, the foreign exchange bureau, etc., and the host of the meeting is even more important.

Just from an intuitive point of view, today's Tiansheng Capital undoubtedly has a pivotal influence in the domestic financial field. Lu Ming, as the founder of the institution and the current actual head, is the same.

At the end, Lu Ming, who was thinking about this matter for a while, said, "It's just pigeons. I can't participate in this meeting, and Tiansheng Capital can't participate."

When Han Qiulin heard this, she couldn't help but said, "All the invitations over there have come down. It would not be good to push invitations of this level."

Obviously, the beauty assistant was reminding him that he had to have a degree in playing big names.

Lu Ming naturally heard what she wanted to express, smiled, got up from the desk, and came to the sofa in the lounge area and said in an orderly manner: "This matter has to be looked at separately, there must be an invitation, but you Can't come, know why? Tiansheng Capital has a pivotal influence on the financial market, and should participate in the seminar, why can't you go?"

Seeing Lu Ming stopped, Han Qiulin said subconsciously, "Why?"

After a while, Lu Ming said concisely: "Avoid suspicion."

Hearing these two words, Han Qiulin seemed to understand something, and Lu Ming added: "One more thing, if I go, what can I say at the meeting that is more reasonable? Even if the same words are said from others, there is no way question, but it doesn’t make sense or reason to say it from me.”

After all, if Lu Ming went there, if he proposed to reduce intervention in the financial market at the meeting, he explained that he had no selfish intentions, and he might be included in the basket of capital greed; Further tightening of the financial market is also unreasonable. No matter what, Lu Ming cannot change the fact that it is actually a big capital. The position of the world's richest man is almost unshakable.

And if people go and don't say anything, what are they called if they don't speak? That's outrageous!

Han Qiulin finally understood that the invitation from the other side was turned down, which seemed to be unnecessary, but it was a tacit silent dialogue. This unnecessary process was essential.

After thinking about it, Han Qiulin said: "Then why did you find a reason to push it?"

Lu Ming didn't think about it: "Let's talk about being sick or something."

Hearing this, Han Qiulin gave him a blank eye speechlessly on the spot, and couldn't help but complain, "Please, boss, can you stop being so perfunctory? What's wrong with your body at such a young age?"

Han Qiulin knew exactly how his body was.

Hearing this, Lu Ming also felt that this was the case, and immediately said calmly: "I'll leave this matter to you. In short, any reason will do, as long as it is reasonable and reasonable."

Han Qiulin: "Okay, I know."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "It's good to know, let's do it."


However, he said that after the unexpected rally on Friday, the following weekends and weekends became the focus of the capital market, because four meetings were held.

Anyone who can play Big A knows that they don’t focus on Z policies or the country’s strategies and plans, but simply look at the fundamental logic of companies or industries, and never try to grasp the pulse of the times.

Because this is the Z policy market, the reason why it is called the Z policy market is that the influence of a Z policy on the entire market is stronger than any so-called technical, financial and logical aspects, and even the crushing level, the Z policy is the most hard logic.

Money is king? That is based on the premise that the Z policy is not involved in it.


During the afternoon tea time on the weekend, Lu Ming was reading a few of the contents disclosed at the major meetings in the past few days. What he was browsing at the moment was the contents of the tenth special meeting held by the Finance Committee to prevent and defuse financial risks. It has now been disclosed to the outside world. Details are out.

"Implement a stable and neutral currency policy; enhance the vitality of micro-subjects; give full play to the pivotal function of the capital market." Lu Ming looked at the three major points disclosed at the meeting and said to himself, these are the key words of the content of the meeting, and then he fell silent. thinking.

The focus of this tenth thematic meeting is still the analysis of financial forms in the third quarter.

The meeting emphasized the need to give full play to the pivotal function of the capital market, which has a high degree of relevance to the capital market and has a great impact on market expectations.

In addition, during the four meetings, there was also a lot of heavy news. The Z strategies that supported the stock market one after another were all good news. As long as you are not a novice player in the stock market, you will see this week's news and factors. Knowing that hitting A will take off tomorrow is no suspense.

When the market is in the bottom range, the most fearful thing is not bad news, but no news. Without news, it tends to keep falling, and the market will lose liquidity and gradually dry up.

September is the best The liquidity has almost dried up, and there is even a polar shrinking volume of only 87 billion a day in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. When the "Tianshengshen Debt" was booming, the one-day trading volume could be Reaching this number shows how sluggish the trading atmosphere of the entire market was last month.

Just no news.

As long as there is news, even bad news is good news.

The actual situation now is that there is a series of good news from the most powerful Z policy side, which is undoubtedly a real good news. In fact, the sharp rise on Friday has shown that the market has reacted in advance.


With the passage of time, on Monday, October 22, the A-share market ushered in the first trading day after four major meetings.

At this moment, the big A has not opened, but the market has begun to attract attention. The FTSE A50 index futures have shown a straight upward trend at the opening, and the increase has rapidly expanded to +1.75%. The major stock exchange groups are already discussing the A50 surge. thing.

Everyone is discussing this upward momentum. Even if the big A dives after the opening of the market at 9:30, it will not turn green.

The straight-line rise of A50 also indicates a sign of continued recovery in the market.

At 9:25, the call auction of A shares ended. The main board Shanghai Index opened at 2,565.64 points, and the index showed a strong bullish pattern of gapping up +0.59%.

Those who bought the dips last Friday are very excited now, because they have the first-mover advantage, they can advance and retreat freely, the market can continue to rise, and they can hold to rise, and if they turn their heads down, they can run away.

The stock king that the market is very concerned about, that is, Tiansheng Holdings’ call auction result today is 38,246.37 yuan, which jumped up +1.79%.


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