Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 521: 【Moving into new headquarters】

Not long after Lin Qiang finished speaking, Wang Yue smiled and said, "Hey, Mr. Lin, I can understand Brother Lu's difficulties, and I agree with his current decision. If Tiansheng really came forward to reorganize the Anshi Group's board of directors, it would be even more unfavorable. It is not difficult, but it is difficult to do after the reorganization, after all, Tiansheng Capital is good at capital investment operation rather than operation management.”

Watching the two of them sing together, Lu Ming didn't find it funny. He put aside this red and white scene, but he understood. After all, Chaoyun Trust and Wanxiang Group are also major shareholders of Anshi Group. Large institutions are major shareholders holding more than 5% of the total share capital of Anshi.

They don't know the real situation of An's family. An's shares have fallen like this now, and they have not cashed out at the high point. Seeing that Fu Ying has retreated significantly, it is understandable to be anxious.

At this moment, Wang Yue turned his head to look at Lu Ming, and saw that he sighed helplessly and said, "However, what's going on in the An Group is really a headache, but anyway, Wanxiang must have advanced and retreated together with Tiansheng, there is no doubt about this, my brother."

The implication is that you, Tiansheng Capital, have to give a word anyway. Lu Ming can naturally hear the side meaning of the words. The two people must have greeted in private. Well, I guess I have to keep thinking about it.

It is worth mentioning that Anshi's shares under the name of Chaoyun Trust are operated and managed by Tiansheng Capital, but Anshi's shares held by Wanxiang Group are self-held, not an asset management investment project handed over to Tiansheng. Procedurally speaking, Wanxiang does not need the consent of Tiansheng Capital to trade these stocks, or it does not need to be notified.

After a while, Lu Ming looked at the two of them and smiled: "I know the affairs of the Anshi Group. I know the actual situation better than the two of them. The two of them are relieved that they can't get out of the second Zhongche."

Lu Ming silently added in his heart: That's all I can say, I can't tell you the real reason.

Hearing this, both of them couldn't help showing slightly surprised expressions. Seeing that Lu Ming didn't want to say more, he didn't ask. He couldn't ask for more useful information. If he really wanted to say, he didn't need to ask. I figured it out in my mind.

However, Lu Ming's remarks are also a statement, which still makes them both feel at ease, and it's good to know.

Even if we take a step back, Anshi Group is also a big brand in Ningzhou City. It is also a big taxpayer. It is impossible for Ningzhou to really let such a large company collapse. The city has not come forward. From another perspective It is said that the Anshi Group's problems should not be as serious as the outside world imagined.

Lu Ming definitely couldn't say what the An Group was really doing and what happened. If he said it, it would most likely lead to the failure of the whole plan. There is no airtight wall in the world. The best strategy is to prevent this wind from appearing.

By the time others know, it will be time for things to settle down.

The banquet was still going on. Lu Ming chatted with the two of them for a while, and soon chatted with the leaders of Ningzhou City who came to the banquet. Basically, it was some polite words, congratulations and the like.

The rapid revitalization of the new financial center is also a major event that Ningzhou has high hopes for. Today, more than 20 representatives of capital institutions came to the banquet, and they are basically important partners of Tiansheng Capital. These institutions can basically come today. It can be confirmed that all of them will come to Ningzhou New Financial Center to set up their own branches.

Although the number does not seem to be large, the minimum configuration is a large organization of tens of billions.

In addition, Tiansheng Capital will also draw a bridge and draw some cross-border capital institutions to settle in. Of course, speculative overseas institutions must be excluded. Only institutions that invest in serious business, especially investment entities Industry-based overseas capital institutions.

The profit of the real industry is indeed not as good as that of financial capital, but what is lacking in this era is not capital, but investment projects. Looking at the world, there is huge room for growth in the Greater China market. In fact, foreign capital wants to come in. Few come in.


The next Monday, Lu Ming came to work at the company's new headquarters in the new financial center.

There are three super high-rise buildings in the new financial center with a height of more than 400 meters. However, the independent building of the new headquarters of Tiansheng Capital is not the tallest building. In fact, it is only more than 270 meters, but the overall area of ​​the new headquarters is the largest in the entire new financial center. It is also undisputedly ranked C in the entire new financial planning area, with the best location and one of the landmark buildings here.

If nothing else, the striking "Tiansheng" word outside the new headquarters building is a landmark, but the gold content of these two words is an indisputable brand responsibility.

In the president's office, Lu Ming was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window with his arms folded and overlooking the entire city. He couldn't help but sigh, "In just a few years, the changes in Ningzhou have been turned upside down..."

In fact, there are many cities that look the same every year throughout the rapidly developing China.

However, Ningzhou is undoubtedly among the best, especially in the past three years. The development of Ningzhou in the past three years has been further accelerated, which echoes the accelerated rise of Tiansheng Capital, but it is certain that , almost all citizens of Ningzhou City recognize that the rapid development of this city in recent years is inseparable from the rise of Tiansheng Capital, which can be said to be recognized.

And with the passage of time, Tiansheng Capital's influence on the city is also increasing. After all, the tax revenue contributed by this company can afford the financial expenditure of the entire city. It is inconceivable. The first-tier cities have huge influence.

As new financial centers have been put into operation one after Many people think that this is a major sign that Ningzhou is moving forward from the current quasi-first-tier city to a new first-tier city. The attractiveness of this city is also increasing day by day. The growing net inflow of population is the best proof that many young people come to the city to seek opportunities.

If the city has no future, it is unlikely to attract more and more net inflows of foreigners.

Lu Ming stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window for a while, then returned to the desk and sat down. His eyes were also locked on a material report on the table. This was the work report from the Foundation sent by An Yirou.

Looking at the general list, this is the relevant material of the second-hand housing trading platform operated by the foundation. The initial operation is called outstanding results.

Lu Ming, who was reading the material, nodded in satisfaction.

The housing price gap in Ningzhou is a complete set of plans, and the institutions handled by the Science and People's Livelihood Foundation are only one of the measures. In fact, Ningzhou has three measures to regulate housing prices, which shows that it is really determined.

The first trick is that the agency under the foundation evaluates the price of second-hand houses, even if it is aimed at second-hand houses, but this trick directly controls the transaction of first-hand houses, because even if they buy second-hand houses, no one wants to get them. The house immediately depreciated in value.

The second measure is to strictly check the source of funds for the purchase of houses, cut off the funds for speculating on the house, and also cut off the funds for the acquisition.

The third trick is to increase the loan time for second-hand housing loans, thereby increasing the time cost of the house to change hands, and the house cannot be realized without changing hands.

After the three-pronged approach, housing prices in Ningzhou have shown a clear trend of cooling down. It must be known that this city is now maintaining a continuous net inflow of population, and the demand for housing is increasing day by day. In other cities, it has already risen to the sky.

The housing prices in Ningzhou were already on the verge of being unstoppable, but these three big moves were released, once again suppressing the housing prices in Ningzhou, which were just around the corner.


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