Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 809: 【Lao Yang's strategy】

After a long time, Lao Yang came back to his senses, and he suddenly slapped himself, which made his wife beside him stunned for a while.

Lao Yang suddenly turned his head to look at his wife and murmured, "It's not a dream..."

Ms. Zhang said angrily: "Fortunately, I didn't tell you when I was in the car. I was afraid that something would happen if you got excited."

During this time, Ms. Zhang has become much calmer. She opens it every day to see the closing price of Tianchi Technology. It is the daily limit again, and the threshold has long been raised.

But Lao Yang's threshold has not been activated.

Lao Yang was also so excited that he immediately hugged his wife and kissed him fiercely, and said excitedly, "This time I was detained, it's a lot of money, and if you don't die, you will have good luck. The ancients don't deceive me, hahaha!"

I never dreamed that after spending more than a month in the detention center, my worth had soared to 3.6 billion. A month before the accident, my worth was more than 300 million. After more than a month, it soared tenfold, and Lao Yang At first glance, the K-line form of Tianchi Technology is far from over, and I know that it will soar.

After the excitement, Lao Yang sat back in front of the computer again, then logged into the securities account and glanced at the information of the holding account. When he saw the average price of the holdings, he was shocked again: "What? The cost is 6.19 yuan?"

Lao Yang was stunned again. After a long time, he came back to his senses and looked at Ms. Zhang in a daze: "Wife... So you are the **** of stocks. You have bought the 6.19 iron plate firmly."

Since entering the market, Lao Yang has made so many stocks and has also bought many stocks at the bottom, but he has never copied such a bottom price.

Tianchi Technology is 6.19 yuan. There is no doubt that this is definitely the iron bottom of the iron bottom, and it is impossible to come down again. This is an unconventional sell-off.

Ms. Zhang said: "You want to buy it, and then I buy it. That day, I made a one-click daily limit to buy in lightning, and I bought it, and then it went from the down limit to the up limit... or my husband, you are amazing."

After a while, Lao Yang gradually digested the matter, and his excitement gradually calmed down.

After chatting with his wife for a while, Lao Yang began to lock himself in the study, and then conducted a comprehensive review and analysis.

He wants to find out what has happened in the market this month, especially what has happened to Tianchi Technology, how can it be so crazy.

After calming down, Lao Yang became more and more uneasy now, even a little panicked, because he didn't know what was going on, and he couldn't talk about the subsequent operation strategy. Should he sell or hold it?

From the current point of view, there is definitely nothing wrong with selling it, and it has already floated twenty times.

But Lao Yang didn't want to sell it for nothing, and he didn't want to make money in a confused way. He had to figure out what happened before he could formulate a reasonable strategy.

His wife didn't bother him, but went to cook a big meal for the cook. At present, this incident is a blessing in disguise. Although the sentence has not been lifted, as long as the probation period is passed smoothly, the three-year sentence will not be served. .

As time passed by, Lao Yang returned home and began to review the game, staying up late at night before going to bed at 4:30 in the morning.


The following day, Wednesday, September 11.

At nine o'clock this morning, Lao Yang, who had slept for about four hours, got up and was now sitting in front of the computer.

At this time, there are still ten minutes before the call for auction. Lao Yang is eating a nutritious breakfast, and his wife is also sitting next to him, and said curiously: "How much do you think Tianchi Technology can go up? What to sell?"

Lao Yang thought about it while eating and said: "No one knows how high this mood will rise now, when it is sold, it can only be seen for a day, and if the selling point does not appear, it will not hold, anyway, our cost price is negative. On the eighteenth floor, just sit firmly on the Diaoyutai."

After a moment's pause, Lao Yang added: "What the first brother said at the shareholders meeting was very reasonable, and it is also very suitable to apply to the current Tianchi Technology."

As for the "first brother" in Lao Yang's mouth, his wife Ms. Zhang also knows that it is Lu Ming, the richest man in the world, the founder and head of Tiansheng Capital. Knowing that Lu Ming is the idol in his husband's heart.

Lao Yang continued: "That is, the four stages of an industry life cycle that the first brother said, the track formation period, then push the valuation, then kill the valuation, and finally start to take the value."

His wife immediately said, "What stage is Tianchi in now?"

Lao Yang looked at the exaggerated K-line chart of Tianchi Technology's main rising wave and smiled: "Obviously it is in the stage of pushing the valuation. Yesterday, after a whole night of re-marketing, the market reported that the value was revalued. Now Tianchi Technology's The handicap is full of gods from all walks of life, institutions are running into the market, big and small hot money is emotionally relaying, big and small players chase the ups and downs, and rise in a frenzy."

After Lao Yang finished eating, he put the plate aside and wiped his mouth with a tissue, and said, "In such a valuation stage, the bubble will definitely increase, but I don't know how big this bubble will blow, so I can only Follow the simple 5-day line tactics, or evacuate at a high level."

Lao Yang, who paused for a while, continued: "What I have to do is to withdraw before the valuation cut comes, to avoid the risk of profit drawdown at this stage, the 20% rise and fall of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the valuation cut should be Faster and more terrifying, how terrifying the market is now, the more terrifying it is, when it reaches a low price and a suitable price, it will be opened again, and the more it falls, the more it will be bought.

Lao Yang, who has been restocking for a whole night, has already formulated a preliminary strategy before the market. When he went public, Lao Yang directly rushed in. At that time, the strategy was very simple, value investment, long-term holding, ignoring the ups and downs in the middle. Fluctuations, time period elongation will be low.

However, the situation has changed now. The short-term rush is too fierce. When the hype ebbs, there must be a demand for mean reversion.

It is reflected on the disk that after the hot money, short-term and hot money participating in this round of emotional speculation leave, the stock price will plummet in panic when the mood ebbs, and the valuation stage will come to an end.

Lao Yang has also adjusted his strategy. Simply put, he is selling high and attracting low. Following the hot money and short-term hot money in the market, he can earn the profit of the valuation, and he can also earn the premium brought by the inflation of the valuation bubble.

If you don’t leave after dozens of times, you are a fool, and you are not a major shareholder who holds more than 5% of the total share capital. It is difficult to leave if you are big.

In fact, major shareholders such as Wanxiang Group and Chaoyun Trust are very greedy when they see the skyrocketing rise of Tianchi, and they also want to sell it to make a big wave. You must know that some venture capital institutions at the bottom are all The cost has been recovered.

But the major shareholders had no choice. They placed the shares in the primary market, and they were all 5% major shareholders, and there was still a one-year restriction on the lifting of the ban.

Tianchi Technology is still at a new stage. Major shareholders can only watch, and they can only suffer from skyrocketing and falling. The latest batch of 300 million shares will have to wait until half a year later, that is, in January next year.

At 9:15, the A-share market entered the call auction period, Lao Yang was no longer chatting with his wife, and began to pay attention to the disk, and his wife also left the study and stopped disturbing him.



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