Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 905: 【Comprehensive bearish view】

As of the close, the Shanghai index rose +3.13% to 3011.67 points, returning to the 3000-point integer again.

From February 3rd to the Dark Moment version 1.0, it took 13 trading days for the market to return to 3000 points. Even so, everyone felt that this wave of rebound was already very fierce.

On February 28, when it hit a new low of 2670 points, the darkest moment version 2.0, the market returned to 3000 points again, which was shortened to only three trading days, which can be called a brutal surge.

There is no doubt that the market returned to 3000 this time because of the big financial sector, especially the big financial brokerage sector. The securities sector has gone too far in the past three days. The sky is rising against the sky, and the main funds give people the feeling of infinite bullets.

The strength is outrageous, and the sudden launch of the securities sector can be said to have caught countless investors and investors in the market by surprise.

Everyone has not recovered yet. The market has risen to 3000 points, which echoes the fake news of the previous brother's diagnosis that the market collapsed and everyone has not recovered. The market has hit a new low of 2670 points.

This wave of plummeting and skyrocketing is really caught off guard. There are very few people who can accurately catch them, and they have made excessive profits in this complex and chaotic situation at this special time node.

But the vast majority of investors are blood loss.

There are countless people who have skyrocketed in the past three days, and they have all been squeezed short. Before they can react, the market has risen by 3,000 points. The stock king has come out of the daily limit today, which is another step away from the previous high of 153,781.97 yuan. to hit a record high.

However, the "pro son" Tianchi Technology on the Science and Technology Innovation Board failed to get out of the three-link board today, and finally closed up +11.59% at 471.49 yuan, with a total market value of 1.27 trillion yuan. Today, it released 40.4 billion yuan of energy, No limit, but also a big rise.

Although Tianchi Technology does not have a three-link board, but as the target of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the fluctuation rate of ±20%, the height of the three days is much higher than that of the stock king, and the cumulative increase in three days is +66.88%, while Tiansheng Holdings The cumulative increase of the three-link board is +33.10%. Regardless of the market value, the increase is only about half of that of Tianchi Technology.


In the evening, the U.S. stock market opened, and the three major North American stock indexes opened higher and moved higher.

Yesterday, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 50 basis points in an emergency. The announcement of the rate cut time was earlier than the time point expected by the market.

The Fed said that the fundamentals of the North American economy remain strong, but the global public health event poses evolving risks. The Fed will closely monitor economic development and its impact on the economic outlook, and take appropriate actions e) Support the economy.

Obviously, the rate cut at an abnormal time is the most direct proof of the concern and recognition of the economic downturn caused by the global public health event, and it also shows that the Federal Reserve believes that the spread of y-emotion in North America will have a huge and unavoidable impact on the economy and financial markets. Yes, the market realized that the signal released by the Federal Reserve's abnormal interest rate cut was stronger than expected, so panic rose again after a slight decline.

However, this evening, the commander-in-chief fired at the Federal Reserve again. Chuanchuan was not satisfied with the rate cut by the Federal Reserve and put pressure on it, saying that further easing was necessary, so the US stocks were hilarious again tonight.

Because whether it is Chuan Chuan's dissatisfaction and pressure, or the Fed's statement on rate cuts or Powell's speech, it indicates that the economy will be closely monitored and its impact on the economic outlook, and when verified, appropriate actions will be taken for specific situations to support the economy. .

That is to say, it can continue to drop and even make infinite qe!

Tonight, U.S. stocks rose and closed. The S&P 500 rose +4.22% to 3130.120 points, the Nasdaq rose +3.85% to 9018.090 points, and the Dow rose +4.53% to 27090.859 points.

However, Tiansheng qdie completely closed out his long positions tonight and was fully bearish on the market. The specific trader Qi Wei was working, and Lu Ming has been paying close attention to the matter between the bear and the big dog these two days.

At the beginning of this month, Shater and Mao Xiong organized an OPEC+ meeting to reduce production and stabilize oil prices, that is, OPEC countries represented by Shater and non-OPEC countries represented by Mao Xiong have a new round of crude oil production reduction after the outbreak. negotiation.

North America is very much looking forward to reaching a consensus on production reduction and raising the weak oil price, so that the shale oil and gas companies in North America will not explode. Mao Xiong can't wait to make up for it immediately and completely trample it to death. This wave of double-reed acting skills can be called full marks.

At present, almost no one would think that this conference, whose theme is to save the market, will eventually turn into a price war, and the collapse of oil prices will also be transmitted to the North American capital market to enter a new round of blood collapse and thus trigger the global capital market. Crashing everywhere.

Today is March 4th, and Lu Ming judged that some big bears have already heard the news. This wave of global market explosions, the power of the bears is not just Tiansheng Capital.

There are many other immortals inside, but Lu Ming doesn't care what the origins of these immortals are. As long as the market is empty this month, everyone is a buddy and a good brother.


The following day, Thursday, March 5.

Today, the A-share market, Shanghai and Shenzhen markets opened higher again, the Shanghai index opened up +0.81%, and the securities sector still opened higher.

In the past few days, teachers on the Internet have been bragging about brokerages every day. The market style has changed, and it is no longer the style of February. The high-level junk stocks that rose sharply in the early stage should be kept away.

The current sector hotspots have turned to big finance, cement, building materials, new infrastructure and other sectors.

Especially the big financial brokerages, the plate has produced three daily limit lines, making it impossible for anyone to see it.

The market opened at 9:30, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened higher and moved lower, and the securities sector began to decline.

The mentality of the retail investors who entered the bidding exploded in situ. If the main force was in front of them, they would definitely hack to death with a knife.

Buying and leaving, can only watch the loss of the account expand.

The broader market also stepped back. In the early trading, the big financial sector pulled back. Tiansheng Holdings, which also opened higher, stepped back to fill the gap and rebounded immediately. At the same time, the market also just filled the early trading gap, and it oscillated upwards.

After 11:00, the securities sector fluctuated again, and finally recovered the opening price. This made the investors who came in in the early trading gradually stabilized their explosive mentality and emotions. When they saw the lower shadow line of stepping back, they sighed helplessly. Just step on and buy again.

But then again, I really don’t dare to step on it, so I only want to open it today, and retail investors are pinched by the market.


At the opening in the afternoon, the securities sector rose directly, and the sector rose by more than 5 points. At the same time, the Shanghai index rose to +1.63% and reported 3060 points. The heavy volume broke through the recent high on Friday, February 21, and the next high was 3127 during the year. point of pressure.

However, today's small and medium-sized stocks are relatively weak, and the heavy volume is not obvious.

But at this time, the point of the market came to the super-level pressure trend line, which is a super-level pressure trend, and the market was a little immobile when it rushed here.

At this time, the players of the trend group firmly believed that the market could break through, because the brokerage sector had already reached the daily limit three times in a row, and the main bulls were outrageously strong. Now they are in a meeting again, and there must be big funds to know the news in advance. , it is very likely that the special national debt thing will come to fruition.

Besides America on the other side of the ocean has cut interest rates sharply. The world is in quantitative easing and even unlimited quantitative easing. The market has this expectation, and a breakthrough is a high probability event.

Once it breaks through, you can see around 3450 points, because this point range is the trend pressure of a heart. Players of this faction believe that the upward trend of the big a market is a breakthrough of pressure again and again, just like breaking through a game, breaking through a platform and then Adjust to the next platform, and the situation of rushing up in a straight line will not appear.

And they concluded that the pressure range around 3450 points is the upper pressure range, which is the confirmed high point of 3684 points in the 2016 meltdown and the high point of 3587 points in early 2018, a trend pressure confirmed by two points at these two points. The line is also a strong level of pressure, and so far, this line has touched the pressure line at the upper and lower range of 3450 points.



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