Rebirth: The Great Designer

Vol 2 Chapter 644: Andrew

The next morning, after a hearty breakfast, Su Leqing took Werner's car to their office.

The ancient city of Weimar is not like the current international metropolis. There are high-rise buildings and steel jungles everywhere. Medieval-style buildings are preserved here. All buildings are full of history. Weimar MOA Architecture Office is located in In a building in the center of the small town, the floor is not high, only four floors, and Werner's office is on the fourth floor.

Following Werner to the fourth floor, the SOGO of MOA Architects came into view. Through the glass door, Su Leqing could see the busy employees inside.

Walking into the office, Su Leqing found that the interior decoration is very industrial, with red bricks, steel, and logs everywhere, which is very harmonious with the style of the ancient city of Weimar, and looks very modern. It is indeed the Weimar MOA Architecture Office. Su Leqing secretly praised in his heart.

"How is it? Su, you are also a famous interior designer in China. How do you think our office is decorated?" Werner asked confidently.

Su Leqing couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that Werner wanted to hear his compliments. After all, in Mr. Lyle's church and manor, their firm was defeated by Su Leqing, and he wanted to regain some face from here.

In this regard, Su Leqing is not stingy to boast: "The industrial style design is very good, it is very harmonious with the ancient city of Weimar visually, but it is very modern on the whole, the materials are simple, practical and environmentally friendly. I don't know where this design came from. The hand of which master architect?"

Hearing Su Leqing's words, Werner's smile became even stronger: "Haha, this place was designed by me, not a master architect."

"Oh? It turned out to be Uncle Werner, you are really amazing!" Su Leqing boasted in mock surprise.

At the same time, other designers in the firm also greeted Werner one after another, and then looked at Su Leqing strangely, wondering why Werner brought an Asian over here.

When he got to the middle of the office, Werner stopped and clapped his hands.

"Guys, there's good news to announce, everybody come to the conference room," Warner shouted.

"What good news? Could it be that the church won the bid? This shouldn't be good news!" said the bearded foreigner in the office.

"Could it be Werner, are you going to have afternoon tea?" Other architects joked.

"Hehe, as long as this order is completed, it will be fine even if it is afternoon tea for a week. Come to the meeting room quickly." Werner said with a smile.

Hearing this, the other architects in the firm were refreshed. When Werner said this, it meant that there was a big project. Thinking of this, the group quickly came to the meeting room to gather.

Su Leqing glanced at it. There were about six architects in the entire office, as well as some other clerks and a few interns. There were a total of twelve people. It looked more like a studio than a company.

However, most of the offices composed of architects or designers are expressed in the form of studios.

"Before announcing the good news, I will first introduce a person to everyone, Su Leqing, who is next to me. You can call him Su. Su is a Chinese student who is staying at my house at the headquarters. I think you should have heard of him. I will join our firm as an intern once, but don't underestimate him because he is an intern." Werner introduced Su Leqing.

"What? What's so great about him?" The bearded man who spoke earlier laughed.

Werner glanced at the bearded man, and said angrily: "Andrew, don't be convinced, do you remember the church 'Holy Light's Wish' that was designed by your ideas last time?"

"Of course, Andrew came up with that idea. After you said that, I remembered. Did that church win the bid?" Andrew patted his chest confidently.

When Werner was troubled by the design of the church, it was him, Andrew, who came up with the idea of ​​illuminating the church with light through the glass. In his opinion, such a good idea, plus the additions of other architects in the firm Using a tea mirror to reflect the golden light, in his opinion, such a church would definitely win the bid.

Werner nodded, glanced around, and said slowly: "This is exactly what I want to say, our plan did not win the bid!"

"Impossible, how could our design plan not win the bid?" Andrew couldn't help standing up and said, and the other architects in the conference room also looked at each other. In their opinion, the design plan of "Holy Light's Wish" was already very good. It's a good plan, especially with Andrew and their supplementary designs. For the church, it's like a miracle. How could any believers be able to refuse?

"Because there is a plan that is stronger than ours, and the designer of this plan is Su Leqing next to me." Werner said slowly, to be honest, even saying this now makes him feel a little unreal.

"Werner, are you kidding us! You just said that he was an international student from China. How could he have designed a better plan than ours?" Andrew laughed.

Werner shrugged, then turned on a computer at the back of the conference room, opened his own mailbox, and opened the email that Lyle had sent him earlier, "I know you won't believe it, so I put Su's plan as well. Bring it here, you can see for yourself!"

With that said, Werner turned on the projector, and then Su Leqing's design appeared on the projector.

This building is like a flying white cloth, rising and falling inside, and the surrounding glass curtain wall is decorated with crosses.

The whole building is extremely simple, and it looks more free and unrestrained. It abandons the luxury of traditional churches, and is more natural and concise.

Compared with traditional churches, it is simple and neat in appearance, more elegant in taste and thought.

There is a long and narrow path in the middle of the two calm let all believers concentrate on this path, which looks more mysterious and ritualistic, and the calmness of the pool water and the undulating waves of the building form a distinct There is an unparalleled sense of conflict in contrast, so that the existence of the church is more emphasized.

Around the church, grape and pomegranate gardens are planted respectively, making the church a lush oasis.

Inside the church, large and open assembly spaces are created within a simple rectangular plan. The highly polished floors reflect light internally, and the undulating white ceiling casts a series of shadows that dance within the volume as the light changes throughout the day.

"This building..."

When they saw the building designed by Su Leqing, all the architects present were shocked.

This modern-style building is full of novelty and innovation. It is not so much a modern building as it is a prototype of future architecture. At least they have never seen such a building, but from the drawings, such a building is very Reasonable.

It is hard for them to believe that such a building was actually made by a Chinese student, which is incredible!

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