As the hunters appeared, the live broadcast room on the Internet exploded instantly.

They didn't expect Ling Qiyue to come to participate in the variety show again.

This made Qiyue's fans rush into the live broadcast room like locusts.

Wen Ya's fans also came after hearing the news.

Of course, there are also fans of Yue Ming and Wu Ling.

Yue Ming looks fierce, but his expression and actions always make people easily lose their temper. His fans jokingly call him"iron man with tenderness"!

Wu Ling is called"Sister Wu Ling". As long as she speaks, it is guaranteed that it will not work.

The four people are also fully armed and ready to go. As they came in, several people seemed to have discussed countermeasures just now.

This building has five floors.

They directly gave up the search on the first floor and went straight to the second floor.

However, when they reached the second floor, Yue Ming, a 185cm burly man, directly guarded the stairs alone, while Ling Qiyue and the other two began to search separately.

Netizens on the Internet all knew where Naro and the other six were hiding. There was no one on the first and second floors.

Ling Qiyue, on the other hand, had her hair tied up in a high ponytail and quickly searched the area she was going to with shining eyes.

Wen Ya also searched carefully, and Wu Ling took a small air hammer and said"I saw you, come out quickly" every time she entered a room. It was obvious that her words never worked.

The three of them quickly searched the second floor and ran to the third floor.

On this floor, Jiang Siqi was in the rest room.

It was Wu Ling who happened to be searching for her.

Wu Ling came to the rest room and saw that the bed was intact and there was the scent of flowers.

She searched all the places nearby where people could hide but found nothing.

In the end, she sat down on the bed.

"I see you, come out quickly!"

【Damn it, Sister He Ling, where are you looking? There is someone under your butt! There really is someone!】

【Maybe she really saw it with her eyes!(„ಡωಡ„)!】

【Damn it, get out of here, you upstairs guy![○・`Д´・ ○]!】

【Lao Wang next door suddenly found a new hiding place!(„ಡωಡ„)】

【Ha ha...Go see Siqi, she was too scared to move! 】

The background of Jiang Siqi's live broadcast room was dim, but you could still see Jiang Siqi's eyes widened with fear, her hands covering her mouth and trembling, not daring to move.

Nailuo and the others each had a small selfie camera, which was convenient for netizens to see them.

Otherwise, how could they hide without a camera?

When Wu Ling smacked his lips and looked under his butt, he also laughed to himself.

"How could there be someone hiding under this bed!"

After saying that, Wu Ling shook her head and smiled and stood up.

It happened that she also heard the noise outside.

Wu Ling went out to see that it was Wen Ya, who asked her if she had found the prey.

Wu Ling looked back at the lounge inside and said firmly

"I've looked everywhere here, but couldn't find any little rabbits. These cunning rabbits are really good at hiding. When I find them, I'll give them a beating!"

【Sister He Ling, please go back and look for her again. Don’t you know that your words are not effective and they are the opposite of what you said?】

【Ha ha...Seeing how confident Sister He Ling was, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

Hearing the sound of her leaving, Jiang Siqi's heart, which had just jumped to her throat, finally calmed down.

【Haha, the baby was scared to death!】

【Miss Mu is so cute!】


Ling Qiyue saw that the two people had no gains, and her beautiful starry eyes became more fierce.

When the four of them arrived at the fourth floor, Yue Ming was still guarding the stairs, and there were three people hiding directly here.

Ling Qiyue was the first to go inside. After all, the little rabbits would get rewards for every half hour they survived, and there would be penalties if they were caught before half an hour.

And if they, the hunters, caught the little rabbits within half an hour, would also get extra rewards.

Ling Qiyue came to a room on the inside, which was obviously where documents were stored. There were several file shelves side by side inside.

Netizens on the Internet were all standing up again.

Ling Qiyue took a glance and she smiled.

【A smile in July is unpredictable!】

【Qiyue has discovered it, go for it!

Ling Qiyue did not look at the shelf with doors on the side, but slowly moved inwards, then stepped on a chair and looked upwards.

The rolled-up blanket on the shelf moved slightly.

"Hey, you are such a silly rabbit. You said you would hide, so you hid. Why did you leave the chair here? Even if the chair was kicked away, why did you move it if you said you were hiding?"

"As if you are afraid that others don't know you are hiding in there!"

After Ling Qiyue finished her comments, the person in the blanket trembled even more.

Ling Qiyue didn't want to waste any more time, so she lifted a corner of the blanket.

When she saw Dong Lin inside, Ling Qiyue looked at him kindly.

Dong Lin had the shadow of being scolded when he saw Ling Qiyue, although he was four years older than her.

Ling Qiyue didn't expect that the first one she caught would be Dong Lin.

As for who the little rabbits were, they, the hunters, had seen several people appear before, but the little rabbits went to hide later, and their video screen was cut off.

Dong Lin was patted by Ling Qiyue, and the voice of the cartoon fox sounded on the radio at the same time.

"Oh~ Dong Lin the little rabbit was caught OUT!"

Dong Lin's fans saw that it was Qiyue who caught him. Although they felt sorry for their brother for a few seconds, Qiyue was right. He had exposed too many flaws.

Dong Lin looked at Ling Qiyue who was still looking at him and didn't dare to go down for a while. He looked depressed and wanted her to pass so that he could come down.

"Do you know where Nai Xiaoluo is hiding?"

"If you know, tell me. If you dare to hide it~"

Ling Qiyue didn't finish her last words, and threatened fiercely.

Dong Lin:"......"

"I don't know!"

Dong Lin was threatened, but he still said he didn't know. After all, he really didn't know.

Ling Qiyue raised her little fist fiercely and gestured to Dong Lin several times.

"You tell me or not!"

【Be careful of the little milk fist warning!】

【I feel sorry for Dong Lin for some reason!】

【By the way, where did Nai Xiaoluo go?】

【My little brother is still young, but he knows how to tease people. If my sister knows this, she will beat him up! 】

Dong Lin is almost dead with grievance

""I really don't know!"

Seeing that Dong Lin didn't seem to be lying, Ling Qiyue snorted and jumped off the chair.

Watching Ling Qiyue leave, Dong Lin also let out a hard breath.

But before he could calm down, Ling Qiyue's fierce voice came again.

"If I find out that you lied to me, be careful that I will do the punishment myself later!"

Dong Lin's body trembled again after hearing this.

After Ling Qiyue came out, he soon heard running and shouting outside.

That was the person Wu Ling blew out with her words.

But that person directly avoided Wu Ling and ran out, and was not caught by her.

Wu Ling was chasing him with a small air hammer.

When Ling Qiyue heard the sound of someone running towards her, a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Dong Lin, who was about to come out, saw the sly smile and immediately stopped where he was, not daring to go out.

He also heard the noise outside, and began to mourn for the person who came.

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