Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 146: Hall of the Alliance

Somewhere on the continent, there was a black sand desert with a huge volcano rising to the heavens in the center of the desert, at the base of the volcano was a gigantic city built with Cold Iron, a material that cools by absorbing heat. The name of this city was Volcano City, this was one of the most famous cities in the forge branch of the Ninth Worlds.

In the city there were several arrays, in the center of the city there was the largest array of all, suddenly it shone and a huge group of people arises. Among them, it was possible to see a person with a 30-year-old appearance, his figure was as ordinary as any other person on the street.

After everyone arrived in the city, each one started to leave the array and head towards the city.

This person went from store to store to find forging materials for basic items. After a few hours of shopping, he goes to a type of hotel that only existed in this type of city. It was a hotel that had a private forge room, the more luxurious the hotel, the better the materials and equipment inside the room, that would be the case with those who provided items for their guests.

The person chose one of the cheap hotels in the city, that there was only one bed, bathroom, a small anvil, and a small forge oven.

Entering the room, the first thing the person did was lie in bed and stretch out.

"Rascal, what did you think of this town?" A female voice echoes in the person's mind.

"It's a good place, Xillia, how long do you think I can practice in this town?"

"We stayed in the City of the Blood Wall for almost three months, the time in that place is a bit different, one day was like noon. Doing some calculations, we have only a week and a few days before the Imperial Capital Grand Auction starts "

"I see, I think it's time enough to practice some things"

"Rascal, this time, do not even think I'm going to lend you my training room, the smell of your thing is still there"

"Let's leave this subject aside. As for the time, I think I will be able to master the basics of the forge in a week, this should give time until the auction "

"I will take care of my daughter now, do not disturb me if it is not important"

After leaving the City of the Blood Wall, Liu Yang went to the City of Volcano at the request of Xillia Wolf. In the middle of the way, she used her powers to change his face. Making it look older.

As Liu Yang wanted to learn things related to forging, she decided to give a small suggestion to him.

In the next few days, Liu Yang stayed inside the hotel room practicing his forge skill. He made not only weapons but also parts of armor and accessories. He had spent a lot of gold coins buying materials and recipes to forge the items.

Liu Yang chose a simple room for a reason, it was because if he could make an item with good quality and good effects using only ordinary materials, he also could do the same item using the top quality material. When he gets to that point, it would be when his base would be totally solid.

When using common items to forge equipment, the result would be common items, but there were chances of getting some strange effect. This was what Liu Yang wanted, he wanted all the common items he created had special effects, at least a special effect. This would prove that their basis for forging first-level items would be extremely solid and profound.

Liu Yang wanted to do this whenever he advanced level in forge skill, this would be to leave his solid foundation at each level of forge skill. Currently, his forge skill was at level 2, despite having the advanced level, Liu Yang found that his base was not solid enough, because of this, he continued to practice first level items.


A week later…

An array of transport shines and a large group of people appears, all marveling at the scene they were seeing. Festive embellishments strung through the streets and houses, wild animals flying, people flying, flying carriages, flying mystical items, many shouts of people on the streets, there was a great crowd of people coming and going.

Looking at this scene, Liu Yang was impressed, incredibly incredible, he remembered the fantasy films he had seen in his previous life. According to the words of Xillia Wolf, this was the largest city in the country, its size is equivalent to a medium-sized province in his previous world.

As he walked the streets, Liu Yang was amazed at the images he was seeing, the people around him were looking at him with a look of contempt, it was as if Liu Yang was some bumpkin from the countryside. And you've never seen a big city before.

Following Xillia Wolf's guidance, Liu Yang was heading toward the auction site, she also warned him to be careful of the streets, as there will always be some spoiled and arrogant idiot who likes to use large carriages that block the roads, if there are any problems, they will try to make you pass shame.

Liu Yang did not care about this kind of person, but he had things to do, so he followed the words of Xillia Wolf.

As the Imperial Capital was extremely large, the city had its own transportation array that helped people travel faster. But only ordinary people used it, those who had more influence used extravagant and luxurious carriages in an attempt to make others feel envious.

Liu Yang followed the instructions he had received and found one of the transportation array leading to the auction site.

The moment he appeared on the other side of the array, he was stunned by what he saw. The place looked like a huge commercial building, in the words of Xillia Wolf, this place was divided into two sections, the first was the building and the second was a huge open stadium, the sum of the two sites was equal to two tenths total area of the imperial capital.

The part of the entrance, which is the building, was where they were where general merchandise trade was, the other area was where the auction would be, it was the stadium at the back of the building. Liu Yang needed to go to the building to sell the items for the auction.

At the entrance there was a large plaque with golden letters written "Hall of the Alliance" and the entrance was fully filled, there was a small queue waiting to enter the building.

Liu Yang did not have to wait long until his turn came, he was surprised when he entered, the view was completely different from the Trading Hall that was in the City of the Blood Wall. In this Hall of the Alliance, the structure, decor, and the attendants were all top quality.

He knew that the person in charge of this auction was Fang Luoyang, but as he did not want to arouse suspicion, he did not send messages to her, he preferred to meet her while he was disguised as a middle-aged person.

To be able to meet her, Liu Yang would have to go to the highest floors of the building. The second floor was full of people, but not so much as in the first. The third floor was still full, the room was the same, in the fifth began to decrease the number of people.

Arriving at the sixth floor, Liu Yang saw that there were only a few dozen people, looking at the prices of items, he understood why the items sold on this floor was a few hundred thousand gold coins, this was a sum that people ordinary people could not afford it.

When Liu Yang tried to go to the eighth floor, he was stopped by the guards, parsing the robes of Liu Yang, the guards realized that he was just an ordinary person, this aroused contempt in his eyes.

Many looked at this scene and began to speak in private. They were finding this scene amusing, they wanted to see what would happen to Liu Yang.

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