Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 163: Seventh World

Inside the ship, it was possible to see people looting the ship, conflicts began to arise because of this, people began to kill and steal in an attempt to gain something before activating the life-saving items.

From the outside of the ship, it was possible to see thousands of lights coming out. On the other side, it was possible to see a huge meteor heading towards the ship. Secondly, the two are shocked.

Booooom !!!!!!!

A big explosion is heard, the ship was totally destroyed along with the meteor. What remained was only fragments of what was on the ship, those who could not escape before the impact, died immediately in the explosion.


The news of several traveling ships between the worlds being destroyed by the Nine Worlds spread like wildfire. This alarmed all powers, be it small or large, it was an omen that something big would happen.

The big clans have begun sending people to investigate the causes and who the people behind those acts are. Alliances were made to aid in investigations.

The Xiao clan sent word to the Song clan that the divine doctor and her apprentice were going to the Second Worlds when the ship they were on was destroyed. No one knows where they are, but one thing was certain, they're still alive.

These two clans were the ones who spent the most on these investigations, they also wanted to know the whereabouts of the divine doctor and her apprentice.


While the Nine Worlds were trying to find out who was responsible for destroying the traveling ships between the worlds.

A ball of light the size of a person was seen going toward one of the Nine Worlds. This world was sixty percent golden, thirty blue, and the other ten percent green.

The ball of light was going with an extremely fast speed, soon it entered the atmosphere, the place where it was falling was some continent that was totally golden. There was no blue or green cos, just golden.

Booom !!!!!!!!!!

The sphere of light fell like a small meteor on the ground, this caused an extremely large explosion, a huge crater was created on the spot.

Looking inside the crater, it was possible to see an ordinary-looking young man wearing ordinary clothes, but of high quality, he fainted. This young man was Liu Yang who escaped from the ship's explosion.

Before the meteor collided with the ship, Xillia Wolf used her space control powers to take Liu Yang out of the ship. Then she activated an item that protected Liu Yang as she directed where he was going to fall.

A light covers the body of Liu Yang and then disappeared, a few days later, he begins to slowly open his eyes. Despite the extreme pain he was feeling, he managed to stand up. Upon realizing that he was inside a sand hole, he tries to climb up.

Upon leaving the bunch, Liu Yang realizes that he was in an extremely large desert and that there were three suns in the sky. From the memories of Arthur Pendragon, he knew that this was the Seventh World, which was also known as the Burning Hell. He realized that it was Xillia Wolf who brought him to this world.

"Xillia, are you okay?" Liu Yang asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine. I only used more power than I imagined, even though I spent a few days and had a few drops of juice, it will still take me a few days to fully recover. "Upon learning that she was well, Liu Yang was relieved.

"Xillia, did you bring me to the Seventh World?"

"Yes, it was the world closest to where we were. I guess there's no need to talk about this world, right? "

"Yes, according to the memoirs of senior Arthur Pendragon, much of this world was formed by hot deserts, green areas or water were extremely rare, the supreme clans control these areas. And there was also something that existed only in the Seventh and Eighth World, which were the slaves, these are the only two worlds that had slaves. "After releasing the second layer of memory, Liu Yang learned a great deal of new information, he did not have time to organize this information yet.

"Yes, that's true. Rascal, if you want to form an elite group, here is a good place to find. Due to the sterile environment, lack of food and water, many need to use their bodies to the limits. If the Ninth World was called Bloody Hell because of the large amount of slaughter that existed, the Seventh World was where people died of hunger and thirst, because of this, only the adapter and strong would survive "

"Xillia, do you want me to buy some slaves and train them?"

"You can put it that way. With your personality, I believe you will not treat them badly like most cases"

"Alright, but let's leave this matter aside for now. Xillia, do you know if there are any towns or villages nearby? Or is this place only sand? "

"I do not know, even with my powers, I can not locate any kind of civilization. Only wild beasts that live in these areas, for now, you should just choose some side and walk. Walk until you find some kind of village or town. Rascal, you can go that way. "As she finished speaking, Xillia Wolf was quiet again.

Liu Yang could only sigh on this subject, he knew he had no other choice, he just accepted the fact that he would have to walk long enough to find someone else. He began to walk gradually, not fast nor slow, but steady.

When Xillia Wolf pointed a path to Liu Yang, it was the Dryad princess who had spoken the way, but since she did not want to talk to Liu Yang, she told Xillia Wolf.


As there was no difference between day and night, Liu Yang had to ask Xillia Wolf for help on this matter. When she said it was night, Liu Yang stopped running and began digging a hole in the sand, he used water magic to make the sand harden, so it was possible to create a small cave.

During the day, Liu Yang just walked or ran, and sometimes he encountered some wild beasts from the desert to the surprise of Liu Yang, these beasts were only level 100 and sometimes he found some level 130. However, as he ran, the level of the wild beasts began to decline gradually.

In the evening, he would organize the memoirs of Arthur Pendragon. Looking back on the memories, Liu Yang learned thousands of new things, he also learned deeper things about history, forge and among other things, there were also some special skills for the Magical Knights class.

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