Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 204: Red Snake Tribe

The three suns illuminated the desert of golden sand, the extreme heat could be felt, a hot and sharp wind blew through this immense golden sea.

Somewhere in the Golden Desert, metal clashing with metal could be heard. As we approached the sound, it was possible to see two fighting groups, one group consisting of only women, while the other group was composed of men and women.

The group that had only women was small, there were only sixteen members, while the other group was several times larger, with a hundred members, there was a stout old man who was watching the battle from afar. But the battle would seem one-sided to the women's side, with each cut, there was a body lying on the ground.

The battle was being waged between the group of maids and slaves of Liu Yang and the Red Snake Tribe.

Almost a month passed after the first meeting between the two groups. The tribe group had dispatched pursuers to follow the women's group, after a few days, the pursuers were able to find the women's whereabouts.

The pursuers just watched the group from afar, they did not want to be detected. Women have not yet developed the instinct to detect hidden looks, so they did not notice the pursuers. But there was one thing they knew, that the group they met would send someone to follow them, but they did not know whether they were being followed or not.

After a month of traveling, the group returned again, but this time with a larger group and someone of high level. They introduced themselves as the Red Snake Tribe and wanted to speak to their master, but the women only replied that the young master was absent.

The answer surprised everyone in the group, they immediately thought of one thing: Their young master must have left them to die in that desert.

The group wanted to believe this thought, anything else was useless, because men want these women, no matter what the cost. They immediately took up their weapons and charged toward the women.

The women felt that this was going to happen and took their weapons out of the space rings, this scene surprised everyone, they would never have imagined that these women would have space rings, that made them feel envious and jealous of their wealth.

Even though they were influential within the tribe themselves, they had no space rings, but now, they saw mere slaves and maids having these rings, it was impossible not to feel jealousy and envy.

Only one person did not charge toward the carriage, he was a sturdy-looking old man, he was also surprised when he saw those space rings so that sixteen slaves had that kind of item, their young master must be someone extremely powerful and influential.

The old man wanted to act, but he immediately stopped, for a voice echoed in his mind. It frightened him for a moment before he could calm down. The person who spoke was Liu Yang.

He asked the old man not to join the battle, for if he does, he will have a rather miserable death.

The old man wanted to know the identity of the person who was speaking inside his mind, the answer was within his expectations. Liu Yang just said he was the young master of those women.

Liu Yang also asked for a favor in exchange for this offense, he wanted the old man to enter the battlefield after the fight was over so he could fight the women. The old man did not have to hold on, but he could not kill any of the women.

This sudden request surprised the old man, he understood immediately what was happening. The members of his tribe were being used as fodder to train those women.

This infuriated the old man, but before he could do anything, his body froze, and the space around him began to distort. Next, the old man was in the somewhere in the clouds.

Recovering the senses, the old man was startled by this scene, he immediately understood that his tribe had offended someone they should not. The old man came from a tribe a little larger than the Tribe of the Desert Hunters, he had more knowledge than some tribes.

The old man recognized the ability of Space Distortion, he knew that to use such skill, one must be an extremely powerful person who reached Level 500 and Rank 5. This was the abyss between someone strong and expert, only meeting those two requirements, one could be called a specialist.

Looking ahead, the old man sees a young man with a 20-23-year-old look looking at him while there was a smile on his face. Seeing the appearance of Liu Yang, the old man immediately agreed to his request, he did not care about those young men who were fighting.

The situation that the old man was was worse than imagined, for someone the age of Liu Yang to reach level 500, he must have come from some power that came from some super city because in the Seventh World it was rare to find someone with this kind of force.

The old man knew that if he did not take care of this matter correctly, his tribe might be doomed. They were just a branch of the Red Snake Tribe, even the main branch would think twice before offending someone who came from a large coastal city.

He knew that if the chief of the main branch knew about it, his entire branch could be sacrificed to extinguish the offense. If he sacrificed only a few dozen members he could put an end to this offense, the old man would not think twice about doing it.

Liu Yang just asked the old man to fight the women after they broke up with those young people. The old man could get heavy, but could not kill any of them, once the task is done, Liu Yang will pretend nothing has happened in that place. And the old man could return to his tribe.

The old man accepted the agreement willingly, he would just have to find some way to explain this to the chief of the tribe, about the death of all.

After the deal was made, Liu Yang just distorted the space again and took the old man to the floor. The two looked toward the battlefield and saw that the members of the tribe were dead, there were only a few others who were screaming for the old man's help. It was not long before all were killed.

After the deaths of the members of his tribe, the old man charged towards the battlefield to fight against the women.

Liu Yang did not care much about women, after seeing the statistics of the old man, he knew he could use the old as a test for women. The women had to face someone much stronger than them to realize that they should not be too confident after some victories.

Even though this test is quite painful for them, Liu Yang had to do it. It was necessary to know defeat for victory.

The women knew no one stronger than they during the way, all their adversaries were killed by them. So, they gained overconfidence, Liu Yang would break that little illusion of them so they will be more careful next time. And do not get overconfident again.

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