Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 323: Opening the Tenth Secret Realm

The rivers of blood ran, bodies a thousand bodies falling every second, billions of explosions were heard on all sides. This was the scene of the battlefield, with each beast attack, several people were killed instantly.

Due to a large number of people clustered in the place, some spells and abilities hit other people besides creatures, this caused complaints in several groups. But no one had time to complain, they just keep attacking.

Liu Yang also suffered this kind of attack several times, while using the Divine Sense, he saw that there were several people in the place who were trying to harm him. A cold look came into his eyes at that moment, he would make these people suffer a high price for these actions. He pretended not to notice and kept running and attacking.

When the front group reached a thousand yards from the house, a great tremor began to arise, the miasm began to become much denser and more corrosive. Four craters opened to the ground and black smoke began to rise and spread through the place, where smoke was passing, strong corrosion occurred.

As many of them were on the ground they could fly, but they did not do it to spare Stamina, they were forced to fly. While those who had some kind of mount were forced to use. Those who had no way of flying could only run back, for they did not want to be killed by the black smoke.

Liu Yang did not want to fly, but since there was no other way, he had to do it. His goal was to save Stamina and MP, so later, even if he did not have to, Liu Yang had to hide his true status.

As he flew, Liu Yang felt several glares of envy, jealousy, and hatred. He knew that those looks were coming from the carriages and warships, the owners of these looked wanted Liu Yang dead because he became much stronger than them and also took the woman of their dreams.

Those who came from common funds were running desperately to try to save themselves from the attacks, but it was useless, a person who had levels below 500 and rank 5 were like ants in front of these creatures. A slaughter began to happen when the creatures jumped into the crowd of people.

Cries of distress and requests for help began to appear on all sides, but it was a pity that not everyone could be helped. Even if those who flew attacked with all their might, it would still take some time for the creatures to be killed, in that time, tens of thousands of people died.

Liu Yang used the Divine Sense to observe the battlefield, he saw almost all the places that were having fights. He was looking for some people on the spot.

As Liu Yang was no hero or anything, he did not aim to save everyone, for it was impossible to do so. There were billions of people in the place, it was not possible for him to save everyone.

After some time looking at the four battlefields, Liu Yang used the Space Distortion to get to the nearest places. On the spot, there were people crying for their companions who were on the ground without some parts of their bodies, although they were alive, it would not be long before they died.

Liu Yang suddenly appeared in front of this person and used healing and purification magic to remove the poison. Having helped the person, the companions bowed in thanks.

After that, Liu Yang went to other points around two battlefields to save more groups of people. There were those who were dying because of the poison, Liu Yang only had to use the Purification to force the venom out of the body while there were those who were almost dying from the bleeding.

Although they had pills and elixirs that might help, they were crippled by miasma and poison. Those who had healing magic could only suppress the poison, for they did not know how to expel, for they did not learn medical arts.

Liu Yang just waved his hand, the venom and the wounds were healed, but the body parts still needed to be put together again. Those who were saved by Liu Yang bowed and thanked them before leaving the place to recover.

These people whom Liu Yang saved were from the Floating Feather Sect and the Pendragon Clan. Liu Yang was helping the sect because of Xinyue, and the Pendragon clan was a promise he had made to Arthur Pendragon many years before.

The elders who accompanied the younger generation to the secret realm could not take care of everyone, so only the most prominent were helped while the rest had to use their own power to save themselves. This was true for all groups, as only the most prominent would be valued.

Liu Yang helped those who were sentenced to death, those who had chances to survive, he did not help because he did not have time for this. After saving those who needed to be saved, he returned to the Xiao clan group, to avoid suspicion, Liu Yang used various types of pills and elixirs to recover the HP, MP, and Stamina during the uses of the distortion.

Many groups realized what Liu Yang had done, they just laughed at this scene because he was wasting his energies to saving other people. While some laughed at this action, others found it commendable, as this showed that Liu Yang was a person they could trust if they were friends and companions.

Some groups started thinking about making friends with Liu Yang because a person like him was hard to find.

The images of the battlefield were being seen by all the Nine Worlds, as there were people recording and transmitting in real time. Many saw what Liu Yang had done, many were grateful, but there were also those who were laughing at these actions, as they found a waste of energy.

There were only four people in the Nine Worlds who knew the real reason behind these actions and two had a vague idea about it. The women inside the tower knew why, as Liu Yang had said, the two women who had a vague idea about it were the matriarch and Empress of the Song Clan.

They knew that Xillia Wolf had obtained an extremely rare and precious class scroll, the information on the parchment could only be seen by the human race, what was written in the parchment title was: Class Change Parchment.

But it was not written what class it was, this parchment was achieved as one of the rewards during their travels together, but she never sold or exposed it, only the four sisters knew about that parchment. Since they all already had classes, none of them were interested in that. The two women imagined that the parchment had a connection with Arthur Pendragon, as it was the only way for Liu Yang to help the Pendragon clan.

According to information about Liu Yang, he never contacted the Pendragon clan and there was no news of anyone helping the clan. The two women drew conclusions from this, but they did not know if it was true or not.

As Liu Yang and Xillia Wolf did not tell them about it, the two women did not ask about it. But they were curious to know the parchment class, even after so many years.


Sometime later, all creatures were killed, and the place was covered with fallen bodies, blood flowing like a river. The bloody battle finally ended, the elders advancing ahead began to sit cross-legged and rest, there was no exception.

Sometime later, when all recovered, the seven leaders who had the parts to make the key were walking toward the door. The leader of the Remnants was in front when he stopped, they all stopped.

Waving his hand, the mansion was destroyed and a gigantic door appeared. The door was a thousand feet high and a thousand feet wide, there were several gruesome carved drawings and a terrifying aura could be felt. At the base of the door was a small hole the size of a small stick.

The leader of the Remnants group asked the other rings, he began to put the rings in order inside the stick and then insert inside the hole. The key completely entered the hole, seconds later, a loud sound is heard, and the clouds began to turn black, strong winds blow and a hideous aura began to be felt.

The door began to open slowly, there was no light on the other side, the only thing that could be seen was eternal darkness. It took a few seconds until the door was fully opened, the only thing that could be seen was impenetrable darkness.

As everyone hesitated, the Remnants began to walk toward the door.

"If you want to join or not, it's up to you." When he finished speaking, the leader of the Remnants joined his group. Under the solemn gaze of the rest.

A few seconds after the group entered, others began to enter too, they did not want to lose to the Remnants.

Liu Yang was in the sky looking at this situation, he felt an extremely terrible and dangerous aura when the door was opened, he did not know what another person had felt or not. Liu Yang did not come along with the Xiao clan, he would wait to be the last to enter or the last.

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