Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 328: Secret Revealed - Part 1

While everyone was trying to figure out how to get in the center of the maze, let's go back several months back to the time after everyone was fighting the skeletons after they entered the secret realm.

As everyone entered the secret realm, a transmission began to take place outside the secret realm, several thousands of screens focused on the people who were struggling began to emerge. Those who failed to enter the secret realm spread this news.

All the clans and sects sent groups to transmit these scenes, even if they were not of their group, the images were still transmitted.

Many clans and sects saw their members die during the fight against the creatures inhabiting the miasma in front of Zac's house, these members were all elite of their clans and sect, each death was a great loss. There were those who were stealing the bodies of those who died, although they were dissatisfied with it, no one could do anything about it.

When they saw Liu Yang saving thousands of people on the battlefield, those of the same clan or sect were grateful for this, they would send some gifts to Liu Yang after he left the secret realm.

After they managed to completely defeat the creatures and enter the secret realm. Those who were watching were shocked when they saw that amount of bones, the size of the place was like the territory of several countries added.

The image of the people struggling and killing to pick up the items left by the bodies began to be passed on to the people outside. After some time, the Liu Yang image running while using the Space Distortion was also being transmitted.

Many saw him travel through various locations randomly before finding a skeleton of an extremely large animal, many realized that Liu Yang was using the Divine Sense to analyze the skeleton, realizing that it was safe, he entered the skeleton. After walking for some time, he saw a door, when it touched, the voice spoke again about the skeletons.

This scene left those who were watching, shocked, realizing that Liu Yang was lucky to be the first person to enter the next location of the secret realm. Many felt envious and jealous of Liu Yang for this luck, while their wives, the royal couple of the Song clan, the Xiao clan, and some members who were friendly with Xinyue in the Floating Feather Sect were happy about it.

While everyone was trying to fight the skeletons and at the same time look for a next entry. The image of Liu Yang appearing in the graveyard was shown on one of the screens, he went to several different places while looking at the tombs.

When he stopped in front of Zhong Ling's grave and stared with a thoughtful look. This scene shocked the people who were watching because many knew that Zhong Ling was the former patriarch of the Zhong clan who was killed by Zac's subordinates along with his clan. No one knew how the Zhong clan was related to Liu Yang.

But when a light came out of his body and turned into a beautiful young woman with greenish skin. All those who were watching were crazy because they realized what was happening.

Many knew that Zhong Ling was married to the Empress of the Dryad race and that the two had several children together. Many ancient clans began to take old pictures to compare the image of the empress with the image of Aisha. And the result surprised everyone, as she was very much like the empress, this showed that the young woman who was next to Liu Yang was the daughter of the empress and also a daughter of Zhong Ling. That would make her the princess of the Dryad race.

When they used vision skills, everyone saw that Aisha's level was 760 and rank 7, she was an extremely powerful person. This made them all shocked, Aisha was not only a member of an extinct breed, but she was also extremely powerful.

After Aisha bowed toward the grave, many saw a ball of light come out of the tombstone and took the form of a middle-aged man, many realized it was the soul of Zhong Ling. Since no one knew what they were talking about, everyone could only imagine what was happening from each other's facial expressions.

When Zhong Ling was about to disappear, many saw that another sphere of light had left Liu Yang's body and turned into a small baby with greenish skin. This scene shocked the Nine Worlds, as everyone understood that this baby was Liu Yang's daughter with Aisha.

Many influential clans began to think of a way to kidnap Aisha and her daughter, for they were not only beautiful but they would also be status symbols, for they were the only two people who were of the Dryads of the Nine Worlds, and the next would exist were the children who would be born from them. To have something rare as they would be invaluable in the minds of these clans.

The hot-blooded young men were almost exploding with jealousy and envy over this scene, for Liu Yang got yet another extremely powerful and rare woman, for there were only two women of that race.

But despite the greed, the older generation knew that this was not common, the Dryad race should be extinct after the great war against Zac. But how was it possible that one of them appeared suddenly, and moreover it was the daughter of the Empress? This question was in everyone's mind.

Many began to realize that Liu Yang could have high status within the Faction of the Explorers, as the faction spent ten drops of Fruit juice from the Reconstruction as a wedding dove for him and Fang Luoyang, and also in only twelve years Liu Yang left level 120 and arrived at 530, those facts were already shocking enough, but now, he also had the princess of the dryads as his wife, that was crazy on another level.

Many clans and sects were envious of the Xiao clan, Song clan, and the Floating Feather Sect. Because they had great relationships with Liu Yang, and that was also a great relationship with the Explorers' Faction.

The Xiao clan and the Floating Feather Sect would have many benefits with this relationship, Liu Yang was like a son-in-law to the Xiao clan as he was the husband of Fang Luoyang while Xinyue was one of the main sect disciples and was being well cared for, and she was also the wife of Liu Yang. These two groups already had a good relationship with him.

The Song clan, the relationship between the two was quite mysterious, no one knew for sure what kind of connection they had, but one thing was certain, there was some kind of relationship because if it did not exist, the Song clan would not be protecting Liu Yang along with the Xiao clan.

After thinking the pros and cons about offending or not Liu Yang, many super clans chose to keep watching, as they wanted to see if the Clan Song really would protect Liu Yang until the end, if this happens, no one would want to offend him. For the Song clan was called the imperial clan of the Nine Worlds for one reason: The clan was powerful enough to fight more than three supreme clans at the same time.

No one would want to offend this kind of colossus, especially because of someone from the younger generation who had a mysterious background and his wife. But the younger generation thought differently, they who were born into super clans always thought they deserved everything, for they were influential.

Because of this, they were unbridled and used their influence to suppress the least influential. Thousands of young masters were thinking that Liu Yang was not dignified enough to be Aisha's husband, even though he was from an extremely mysterious group. They wanted to take her to them self, for they were thinking that they were the only ones who deserved to have Aisha as their wife.

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