Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 388: A Small Problem

Cocoon of the Primordial Beast of the Wood Element (Necessary to Hatch) - A cocoon that belongs to a primordial beast that has dominated the Nine Worlds in ancient times.

Liu Yang was shocked when he saw the information of the cocoon, he never imagined that something like that would appear, he thought it would be some fighting challenge as in the previous times.

The cocoon was the size of a small house, and it was pulsing along with the loud sound of a heartbeat.

Tum ... !!! Tum ... !!! Tum ... !!!

Seconds after Liu Yang appeared in the coliseum, a hoarse old voice began to echo through the coliseum.

"Congratulations on arriving on this floor, the Coliseum of Combat - Number Three. In order to win this challenge, the challenger must wait for the cocoon to break and your opponent appear"

After the voice ended, Liu Yang stared at the cocoon as he thought he did not have to just wait, because the cocoon had been in place for millions of years and did not break. Liu Yang began to think that the situation of the cocoon was the same as the inhabitants because they did not grow, so the cocoon also would not break.

Using the Eye of God and looking closely at the cocoon, Liu Yang could find nothing but the basics. After spending some time thinking, he had a little idea.

Liu Yang thought that this cocoon could be like the eggs of magical creatures, so he would need to use his blood to break the cocoon. As Liu Yang had no choice but to wait, trying this was better than nothing.

Making a small cut on his wrist, Liu Yang threw some blood into the cocoon, to his expectations, the blood was absorbed and strange designs began to appear in the cocoon. This showed that Liu Yang's thoughts were correct.

So Liu Yang cut off both wrists and started throwing blood for the cocoon to absorb, but there was no system notification or something, the only thing that was happening was that the designs around the cocoon were starting to get sharper and stranger.

Because people in this world did not die or something, and always recovered extremely quickly due to the strange effects of this world, Liu Yang did not mind letting his blood fall into the cocoon for dozens of years in a row.

A hundred years passed and Liu Yang was still throwing blood in the cocoon, but now it was possible to hear the heartbeat coming out of the cocoon become much stronger and the drawings began to take shape. As no one grew old in these thousand worlds, Liu Yang's three children still had the appearance of a child.

A few more years later ...

Crack !!!!! Crack !!!!! Crack !!!!! Crack !!!!!

The cocoon began to crack after the drawings were complete, Liu Yang did not know what the designs meant, so he did not care.

Crack !!!!! Crack !!!!! Crack !!!!! Crack !!!!!

After a few seconds cracking the cocoon finally broke, a strong light appeared. Liu Yang had to cover his eyes with his hands because of the strong light, when he opened his eyes again, the scene he saw left him startled.

A small baby, Liu Yang saw a small baby lying on the floor crying. Her skin was as clear as day, and she looked like a normal-sized baby, but she already had some hair on her head.

Looking at that little child, Liu Yang used the Eye of God to see her information.

The Baby of the Primordial Beast of the Wood Element - Final Form, the baby's stats were all in 10 and had no skills.

Liu Yang was shocked when he saw the child's statistics, he never imagined he would see someone born with 10 points in all statistics, this was extremely insane.

When he held the child, Liu Yang saw that her eyes were two shiny gems, the child stopped crying when she saw Liu Yang looking at her. The two of them stared at each other for a while before the child began to cry again.

Liu Yang realized that the child was hungry, he found it strange, because no one should feel hungry in this world. Not knowing what to do, Liu Yang just took a few things out of his space ring to see if the child was interested in eating.

After taking several rare and precious elixirs, the child did not want to drink any, this scene shocked Liu Yang, he did not know what to do to calm the child. But before he went crazy, Liu Yang thought of something, he was not sure whether it would work or not.

When Liu Yang took out a bottle with a few drops of juice from the Fruit of Reconstruction, the child was as happy as if she had seen the most delicious thing in the world. Liu Yang could only sigh about it because he realized that to make the child grow up he would have a great loss.

Liu Yang was afraid the child would have a problem if she drank a whole drop, but seeing the anticipation in her eyes and remembering that in this world no one could die. He gave a drop to the child to drink.

After swallowing the drop of juice, the child suddenly becomes sleepy. A few seconds later, a voice echoed in Liu Yang's mind.

"Congratulations on winning the challenge as a reward, the Baby of the Primordial Beast of the Wood Element will belong to you." After the voice ended, Liu Yang received confirmation that he received the baby.

Liu Yang finally realized the purpose of this challenge, this time there would be no battle in the coliseum, but a kind of adoption. But for this to happen, Liu Yang would have to have a drop of juice without it, he could never have completed that challenge and would be stuck forever in this world.

Sometime later, the women and children of Liu Yang were looking at the little baby in Liu Yang's arms with curious eyes.

"Rascal, is that it?" Xillia Wolf asked.

"I do not know, you saw that too, right? It seems the challenge this time was to break the cocoon and receive this little baby "

The four women had serious faces as they thought about it, for they never imagined that there would be a beast's egg in that place. The three children had other thoughts, as their mind was pure, they were curious to know about the child who was in their father's arms.

"Dad, is this baby who?" Asked one of the children.

"My little ones, she's your little sister, you need to take good care of her, okay?"

"Waaaaa!!" The three children did not know about many things in the world, so their thoughts were very pure and innocent. When they heard they had a younger sister, they were very happy about it.

After Liu Yang does activities with the three women, stay intimate with Little Silver and play with the three children. It was time for them to come back, but a small problem happened.

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