Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 419: Going to meet old friends

A month passed slowly, and the news about Liu Yang being at level 900 and rank 9, he is married to Xiao Xi and Song Hanying was still a hot topic in the Nine Worlds. Wherever you went, people were still talking about it.

In that time, Xinyue paid a visit to the Xiao clan, she joined the group of women in the activities, but before that, only the two did activities, because they needed some time alone first. That was because she had not yet become pregnant by him, Xinyue wanted to spend that time alone with Liu Yang to try to get pregnant.


Before Liu Yang return to the Xiao clan, Liu Yang had sent a shadow clone to various locations in the Nine Worlds, one of those locations was the Ninth World, he would see a person he had not seen for many years. The place where the shadow clone would go was the Silent City, he would go to the place called Beautiful Roses with Thorns, that was the name of the brothel where he met the beautiful and hot manager Hellen.

Although the two had only met once, the two watched a long movie together in a dark room while they were hugging each other. Liu Yang would never forget that day.

When he arrived back in the city, he realized that much had changed, the place seemed much more alive than before, as many knew that Liu Yang passed through this city when he was younger.

As Liu Yang's shadow clone was disguised, no one could find out about it. Arriving at the brothel, he was attended by a woman and asked her to take him to the manager Hellen.

The woman was frightened at first, but shortly afterward she received a message saying to take Liu Yang up. When Liu Yang arrived in front of the floor where Hellen was, he still remembered the sweet smell that existed before.

Entering the door, Liu Yang saw a hot, mature woman sitting on the couch while drinking tea. He just smiled and took off his black cloak, showing his common-looking face and sat next to her, even without looking at Liu Yang, she knew it was him.

The two did not have to say a word, only the body heat emitted by each one said everything. Hellen lay on Liu Yang's shoulder and closed her eyes as she remembered that day, it seemed like it was yesterday when Liu Yang came to ask for information and the two watched the images of the secret realm embraced.

After some time remembering the past, Hellen could not take it any longer, she whispered in Liu Yang's ears the following sentence: I want.

Their clothes were removed immediately, and they began to kiss frantically before going to the activities. The couple did activities all night, the next morning, Hellen woke up from her beautiful dream, staring at the mess in her living room, she flushed a little before realizing that the things that happened the night before were not a dream, it was all real.

The man she had been waiting for so many years finally came back to take her, even if she was not an official woman, Hellen still wanted to become his woman. In the next few weeks, Liu Yang fed her with his essence, even if he is a shadow clone and the effects of essence are only half the original, they were still good effects.

The couple did not leave the room since that day, Hellen asked a reliable woman to manage the brothel while she enjoyed Liu Yang day and night non-stop.

Originally, Hellen should have left the brothel's management and give someone else her managerial post, but after news of Liu Yang spread through the Nine Worlds, Hellen's bosses asked her to talk about him, since the two they knew each other.

Hellen talked about the day the two met and spent time together, she was embarrassed when she talked about Liu Yang taking advantage of her. Luckily, her boss is a woman.

The chief understood some things, and just smiled as if she was thinking of something. After a few days, her boss asked her to become Liu Yang's woman in fifty years, for if he still remembered her, that would be the estimated time. If Liu Yang did not return, Hellen would have to leave the management and go to another place, so, every day that passed, Hellen became more and more nervous.

Luckily, after a little more than twenty or thirty years, Liu Yang finally appeared and took her as his woman. Her boss had already received this news and would appear for a little chat soon.

Hellen's boss was a white-haired old woman, she asked Liu Yang to protect Hellen, for she was like a granddaughter to her, since she had raised her since she was a child. And also asked to kill some of her enemies who was hiding in the Silent City.

These enemies were waiting to attack the brothel several years ago, since the young master of the Mu clan, Mu Chen killed his own father and took the position of patriarch. His greatest desire was to possess Hellen's body, but it was never possible because she never left her room.

To kill Wu Chen, Liu Yang did not need to sweat, he only needed to wave his hand and he would die, because Wu Chen was only at level 300, he reached that level after receiving help from a group of evil people. In exchange for benefits, he sold part of his clan in exchange for power.

Liu Yang just waved his hand, and Wu Chen died, his body was destroyed while he slept, it was a silent death. The next day, news of the death of the Mu clan's patriarch having been murdered spread through the Silent City, although it did not have much of a commotion outside the city, for those living inside the city, it was a relief that Wu Chen died. that he did many bad things.

Hellen and her boss already knew that Liu Yang was very powerful after hearing the new news about him, but seeing in person was much more impressive than listening. Hellen's boss wanted to partner with Liu Yang, they would be his information collectors, while he would have to provide investment to them.

Liu Yang found this proposal interesting and accepted, having a personal team of spies and information collectors was a good thing for him. Liu Yang put Hellen and her boss as the leaders of this group.

After they had said goodbye, the boss returned to the headquarters while Liu Yang and Hellen had fun doing perverted things for a few months in a row in the room. Liu Yang asked Hellen to do various kinds of perverted things like using her hands, mouth, feet, back door and various positions when doing the activities.

Despite having a child on the counter, Liu Yang did not regret taking Hellen as his woman, because he had already entered her heart at that time and abandoning her after doing so would be something that Liu Yang would not do.

After having arrived in the city that had travel between the worlds, Liu Yang also sent a shadow clone to the First World, the shadow clone went to the Floating Feather Sect. Liu Yang would resolve the issue of Mo Qian and her sister.


While the shadow clone of Liu Yang was doing activities with Hellen inside the brothel, news about Liu Yang spread throughout the Nine Worlds. According to reliable sources, Liu Yang would be looking for young or adult women, they must be virgin and beautiful, even if they are not powerful to be his women. This news came from the branches of the Xiao and Song clans.

Liu Yang was actually looking for women, but not to be his wives. It was a pity that distorted news began to emerge because of it. Many thought he was a great pervert, but that did not stop many elders from choosing beautiful virgins from their own clans to be given to Liu Yang, even if they were not from the Xiao clan and the Song Clan.

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