Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 451: Great Auction of the Universal Bank

After Liu Yang spoke, they all focused on the two old men who were sitting side by side. They had gray hair, but each had a powerful aura.

"Faction master Liu, we talked to our ancestors, and after much discussion, the two clans came to a consensus. We refused the offer that the faction master Liu offered us."The great clan elder Song called Liu Yang a faction master, for he was being treated as one of his statuses, and no longer as a young man of the younger generation. He thought it would be disrespectful to Liu Yang and address him as a young man, even though Liu Yang is the son-in-law of the Song Clan.

"I see ..." Liu Yang did not care that he had received this answer, he had already thought about the possibility of the two clans refusing. The two couples next to Liu Yang were also not surprised by this, as they knew that within the clan there was a great struggle for power and influence. And today, their groups were at a disadvantage.

"Faction master Liu, although we did not accept your proposal, that does not mean that we are not interested in the silver staff. The ancestors gave us permission to use the treasures of the clan to buy the silver staff." The elder of Song clan said he and the elder of the Xiao clan had the same answer.

"I see ... Since you are not accepting my proposal, I will exchange the silver cane for the group that can get an item or more items that can get my attention. Depending on the rarity of the item" Liu Yang's words did not surprise anyone, as they already imagined that this would happen.

"Faction Master Liu, we've come prepared for that. Look, this book contains every one of the items in our treasure room." Each old man took out a thick book made out of a strange material. When the young people at the tables next saw these books, many of them felt envious and jealous of Liu Yang, because he was seeing the book that many young people wanted to see but could not. This was the book of treasures.

Liu Yang started leafing through the book of the Song clan, then it was the book of the Xiao clan, and so on. The books of the Xiao clan and the Song clan, Liu Yang did not need to see these two books, as he had already seen all the treasures before when he made the exchange with the matriarch and the emperor. So he had already taken the things that interested him, and the rest were just things he wanted to take, but it was not necessary.

Several days for Liu Yang to flip through all the books, for the number of items these supreme clans and sects had was too large. The Clan Song had expectations in getting the treasure, as they had the widest variety of items compared to the other clans.

"Faction master Liu, what are the items that interested you the most?" The great clan elder asked.

"I am interested in these items" Liu Yang pointed to five books, two books belonged to two clans, and three books belonged to three sects. The group was surprised to see Liu Yang not interested in any items of the Xiao clan or the Song clan, while those who had the books chosen were happy because they had the greatest chance of getting the silver staff.

"Faction master Liu, is it possible that none of my clan items aroused your interest?" The great clan elder of the Song clan asked he was unhappy that Liu Yang had not chosen his book but did not know whether he was doing it on purpose or really the Song clan had nothing that interested him.

"Great elder of Song clan, in fact, there are some items that your clan has piqued my interest, but at the moment, my faction is doing other things, so we are needing other types of items that only the other clan have at the moment." Liu Yang said, his words aroused everyone's interest in the place, as they wanted to find out what kind of item the Explorers' Faction was looking for.

The books were opened and the marked pages were seen, everyone was amazed at the items that were chosen, as each of them was totally strange and was already inside the clan for millions of years. Some items had even longer than that.

Liu Yang chose the item that contained the soul fragments of Izlan's daughter, the remaining spheres of Aisha's book, and five other strange items that were of no use to people who did not know about their origin.

"Faction master Liu, these are the items your faction is looking for?" One of the elders asked.

"Yes, at the moment, we are looking for these items. I know that the price of all these items is greater than my silver staff, so besides the staff, I will also offer other things to match. You can ask your ancestors if they are willing to sell these items"

"Wait a minute." Several people pulled out a communication device and spoke a few words.


Sometime later…

"Faction master Liu, our ancestors cannot accept this agreement, for the items you have chosen exceed the value of your silver staff." One of the old men spoke.

"That's right, our ancestors said the same thing"


Many elders at the site said the same thing, that their ancestors were finding the item of Liu Yang was less valuable than the items he chose. Liu Yang already knew this would happen, so he already had a plan for it.

"I see, as the items I have chosen are far more precious than my silver staff. Only one thing I can do. Take"Liu Yang took out a piece of paper and showed it to everyone.

On the paper were the following words were written: Great Auction of the Universal Bank.

Looking at those words, everyone at the scene was shocked, for they never imagined that Liu Yang would do that. They immediately understood that Liu Yang already knew that this could happen, and he had already sent the silver cane to the Universal Bank since he was the banker's son-in-law.

"Faction master Liu, what does that mean? Did you try to sell us an item that was not even in your hands?" One of the elders asked with an unpleasant tone, he was annoyed at the fact that Liu Yang fooled them.

"The item may no longer be in my hands, but if I want, I can pick it up, since the auction has not yet been decided. Since your items are too expensive, I decided to put up for auction, my father-in-law just needs my confirmation. Or rather, I needed to, I already confirmed my decision with him. If you want the silver staff, you will have to go to the auction. This means it is fairer with everyone since everyone can give your bids." Liu Yang spoke in a fair way, but inside, he was just laughing. He knew the ancestors would try to do something of the kind to get some advantage out of him. But that would not be so easy.

"Faction master Liu, when does the auction start?" The elder of the Song clan asked he was happy with this situation because Liu Yang had not picked items in his book before. But now, due to greed and stingy ancestors, the Song clan could have the chance to get the silver staff.

"The auction will begin in a week, I hope everyone is prepared for the auction"

"Thanks for the information, faction master Liu. I'm saying goodbye."The great old man of the Song clan left with his companions, after which many others also began to leave and take away the companions who came together. The last to leave was the elders of the Xiao clan since they were already in their clan, they took a deep look at Liu Yang and his group before leaving.

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