Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 518: Farewell

Looking at the lake, Liu Yang marveled at the landscape he was seeing, the place was quiet and calm.

When the young woman's soul saw this familiar scenery, she was thrilled, for she never imagined she could see this crystal clear lake again. Liu Yang put the bottle on his neck so that the soul could see things around.

"Liu Yang, could you take me to the forest on the other side of this lake?" The voice of the soul echoed in Liu Yang's mind

"Fine." Liu Yang used spatial distortion and appeared in the forest across the lake. There were not many people in the place because the place was just to make camp to look at the stars in the sky.

"Liu Yang, walk a little further into the forest, there is where I was born and raised. But I do not know if there is anything yet since millions of years have passed. "The tone of the soul's voice seemed melancholy when she said it.

Liu Yang walked slowly through the forest, using the Divine Sense and the Eye of God, he could see everything around, things within a radius of fifty thousand kilometers were in his sight.

After walking a bit, Liu Yang stopped at a certain location, according to the information he received from the governor, millions of years ago, there was a small life in the place that was destroyed by an invasion of wild beasts. Liu Yang imagined that this would be where Jin Jia lived.

"Liu Yang, can you check to see if there's any graves nearby or anything?" Although she knew there would be nothing, Jin Jia even tried a little.

"I apologize, but there is nothing in the place. But that does not mean we can not build a memorable tomb. "When Liu Yang finished speaking, he cut a large stone and made a tombstone, he placed it under a large tree.

Liu Yang began to write the names of each of the villagers who died during the invasion of the wild beasts. When it ended, Jin Jia's soul came out of the bottle, its appearance was much clearer than before, it showed that the soul was already about to dispel.

The soul of Jin Jia prayed before speaking.

"Liu Yang, thank you for granting me my last wish, as I said before if there is a chance of rebirth again, I hope to become your wife. Even if our memories are erased, I hope I can remember you, the only otherworldly person I've met, even though our meeting was not one of the best, I was happy during those hours we spent together. " The soul was getting melancholy and unstable.

"Liu Yang, I hope you do not forget me ..." Before the voice could finish speaking, she began to disappear, but before that, the soul crashed into Liu Yang's cheek, it seemed Jin Jia gave a kiss on his cheek.

"Jin Jia, the otherworldly girl I met, I promise I will never forget you while I live" Liu Yang swore aloud, the soul shone for a moment before disappearing completely.

Two tears fell from Liu Yang's eyes after the farewell, he stood in the same place for some time before praying in front of the tomb. After that, Liu Yang used the spatial distortion and left the forest, he returned to the city to bid farewell to the governor before returning to the Xiao clan in the Second World.


The time went by slowly ...

After Liu Yang returned to the Xiao clan, he was welcomed by his women, children, in-laws, and maids. Everyone was worried about Liu Yang and asked if anything had happened to him, after many explanations, Liu Yang convinced them that everything was fine.

Liu Yang called his in-laws to talk, as the four already knew about the battle affairs, they just heard what Liu Yang had to say. After talking about some things, Liu Yang warned that the Remnants have not yet been defeated and that the Xiao clan, Song clan, and their allies should prepare for combat.

He also warned that he would not fight for the next few years because he was very tired, his in-laws understood that it would be unfair to let Liu Yang fight again, so they decided to train the members of their clans so they can fight in the final battle.

Finishing off talking to his in-laws, Liu Yang went to the courtyard of Xiao Xi because he was already missing his women and children. The first thing he did after arriving on the courtyard was to play with his children until dusk, he plays with his children and grandchildren.

When the night came, that was the time for the adults to have fun, after setting the time array, Liu Yang was pushed by the women, they asked him to stand still without moving while they did her services, that was the reward of Liu Yang because he worked hard.

The first group to do the activities were the group of official wives and concubines, then the brides and finally the maids. Because of the time together, the wives, concubines, and maids did not mind doing everything together.

But it was different for the brides, although they were together for some time, they never did activities with the wives' group, so the brides were embarrassed when they saw the scene where the wives kissed the maids, the maids using the tongue and hands to caress the intimate parts of each other. This was the first time these women experienced this kind of thing.

One thing they all agreed on, that was the secret of everyone's marriage, only Liu Yang and the women inside the room might know that this kind of thing happened when the large group did activities.


After that day, Liu Yang spent the next two years playing and teaching children and grandchildren about the values ​​of life and human dignity. For he did not want them to become arrogant young masters who were garbage.

Many of Liu Yang's eldest sons married some clan youngsters of little influence, it did not bother him, for the happiness of his children was more important. His three oldest daughters were already the age of getting married, but they preferred to keep playing rather than tidy up a family, for they still want to enjoy life.

As time went by, Xiao Xi's courtyard was getting full because of the number of people, so Liu Yang asked for a spot for the matriarch to build a home for him and his family.

The matriarch did not care about this, and accepted the request, as the territory of the Xiao clan was extremely large, there were many unused places in the territory. The matriarch gave Liu Yang enough territory to build a grand palace.

Building the house lasted a few months before being completed, Liu Yang personally built his home while using the building skills he learned from Lu Mei many years ago. Those skills that were standing on his skills page were finally used for the first time.

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