Klaus's attention returned to Elijah's brother and sister. They looked at each other skillfully and had full tacit understanding. They turned and went to the study. Klaus turned his chair and asked Elijah with a complex look, "where did you find it?"

Elijah looked very quiet and serious. There was a surprise in the low stressed voice. Klaus knew how to use the ring. He could give full play to the function of the ring. "This ring was found in a werewolf. I think you must want to see them."

Rebecca took it directly and despised it as much as she wanted. Klaus was not too lucky. "It was these werewolves you ordered to kill, so I asked him a few words, and the handsome man told us a very good legend. It is said that their leader had a child with a powerful witch a long time ago, Who do you think this child is?... "

Klaus's face did not change much, but the Qi field around him began to cool down. Of course, he knew that his mother engraved this fact on him countless times.

Elijah nodded quietly at him. They all knew the truth, even if it was so cruel, "... The child was a boy. Later, he changed and became a creature that their clan had never seen - half werewolf and half vampire."

Klaus knew who they were talking about. He was the funny kid, the monster from small to large.

Elijah sat opposite him. He knew that Klaus accepted the ring because of his mother. Since Bailu put on the ring, it showed that they still had hope. His tone became friendly and reached out to hold his brother's hands. "Klaus, believe me, we really want to compensate you. We found the rest of your family and the blood of your biological father, We saved him from the vampires you assigned to kill him. "

Klaus didn't respond. Rebecca hummed coldly. Elijah grabbed their hands and put their palms together, showing a pious attitude. Elijah saw the bottom of Klaus's eyes and said sincerely and truly, "my brother, for a long time, you value your ambition more than your family. Now, I beg you... Go home!"

Klaus's hand pulled out directly. Rebecca felt a little disgusted and didn't shake her hand too sharply. The brother and sister had an amazing tacit understanding and asked in one voice, "what family?"

Klaus could not hide his pride and smile. He looked at Elijah, pointed his finger and determined his sphere of influence, "our home? This sad alternative house? Although you suspected that I wanted to obstruct me, I still took back our real home. Do you see I recaptured the whole city. "

New Orleans, his city, his home, Klaus showed off his achievements.

Rebecca, dressed in Bailu's clothes and smelling like the little wolf girl, smiled at her brother, "isn't it? When your child's mother is still your prisoner and her only heart is how to save her family, do you still boast about your victory? Do you want to publicize your achievements? "

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