Rebecca was startled. She hurried forward and pressed Davina's violent struggle.

The uncontrollable force made Davina's body constantly distort and arch up, and her stomach bulged. She seemed to want to vomit something. Her mouth was bulging, and Rebecca was thrown away by the invisible force every minute.

The situation of the earthquake is getting worse and worse.

Klaus shook and grabbed a support. Then, he flashed back to the bedroom. He hugged the little guy. Then, his other hand clasped Bai Lu's waist. His eyebrows were wrinkled, and his instinctive protective posture came out, "Damn, what's the matter? Why is it so noisy?"

Bailu was also white and locked in Klaus's arms. She consciously comforted and patted the little guy's back. Her tail stood up and was full of danger signals.

Rebecca held her body trembling with one hand and tried to get close to Davina. She was spitting more and more... Spitting out dirt with stains, damn, many, many. All of a sudden, the snow-white sheets were disgusting and dirty dirt.

She still vomited all the way. Davina's face changed color. Rebecca was very worried. She seemed to vomit everything in her body.

As the earthquake grew stronger and stronger, Davina vomited blood from her eyes, and her mind began to be completely out of her control, as if she had become a clay doll.

Stiff and terrible!

Klaus's eyes looked upstairs in the direction of Davina's room. As soon as he made a gesture, a man in black appeared. He squatted down and wondered coldly, "master, it's Davina. The power leaked out. Davina was completely out of control."

Davina is completely out of control!

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